
Chapter 7

The Great War.

The war is between three factions: Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels. Azazel, who had fallen from Heaven himself, led the Fallen Angels. The Biblical God was in charge of the Angels who were in Heaven. Lucifer was in charge of the Devil kind.

The war dragged on for a significant time, creating chains of hatred. The war did nothing but bring about pain and sorrow.

Families wept at the loss of their loved ones; children were left without parents; parents buried their children, and many people who had fallen in love were forced to live their lives apart because of the tragedy.

Moreover, half of the Devil Noble Clans of the 72 Pillars became extinct during the conflict, and the war also claimed the lives of countless legions of demons who served under the command of the 72 High-Class Devil Families.

Because of the amount of blood that has been shed during the battle, it would be impossible to count the actual number of victims that have occurred.

But in the end, the war came to an end. when the Biblical God, four of the original Satan, and many higher-ups on the side of the Fallen Angels all died simultaneously.

Azazel believed there had been more than enough bloodshed and decided to end the conflict with the Underworld and Heaven.

After that, he withdrew his forces and submitted to Grigori. Due to the passing of their father, the Archangel Michael, also known as the great seraph of Heaven, and the other Angels returned to Heaven and mourned there.

The devils, too, withdrew to the underworld, where they wept for the lives of those they had lost there. Consequently, there is a so-called "peace" between angels, fallen angels, and devils for the time being.

The Devil, Angels, and Fallen Angels all had important relationships with one another, but at least there was harmony among the three groups. Even just one skirmish between the warring factions could set the stage for another fight.

However, at this time, the Underworld is experiencing war within its ranks.

Some demons believed that this was the perfect time to assault Heaven and Grigori while they were in a vulnerable state. This faction was known as the Old Satan Faction, and those who headed them were the direct heirs of the Original Maou.

Rizevim Livan Lucifer, Son of the Original Lucifer and the father of Samuel Lucifer, had the support of Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and the other three of Lucifer's surviving six houses, which were Lucifuge, Nebiros, and the Fleurety Household.

The Abbadon Household is also a member of the Old Satan Faction.

However, this "belief" of restarting the war isn't accepted by everyone, especially the Great King Bael, because war has already claimed many of his kind, including his father Lucifer, and he couldn't tolerate the death of his kin for some foolish idea of world domination.

This led to the creation of another group under the nose of descendants of the original Maou, who voted for peace, and called themselves the "Stygian Council," a group of devils promoting Despite this, it is clear that they are gradually rising against the old Maou in the name of freedom and peace.

This has led to the formation of a sub-group within the "Stygian Council" known as the "Anti-Satan Faction," which is supported by many of the remaining 72 pillars, including Gremory, Sitri, Astaroth, and Phenex. However, the Bael Clan was the most influential house to back the Anti-Satan Faction.

The Bael clan is well recognized and famed for its "Power of Destruction" as a result of its position as the highest-ranking clan of the 72 pillars.

And with that, the beginning of The Devil's Civil War had arrived.

The two divided two groups resulted in countless betrayals and senseless deaths, further eroding trust and harmony among the devils, particularly between the two divisions. Things have already reached a level just under a brutal war and slaughter to take place, and it's only going to get worse from here.

The births of clan heirs and heiresses are a closely guarded secret, and only the most influential members of the clan are privy to this information. Because if it came out that there was going to be an heir or heiresses, the opposing side would try to kill the child or interfere with the birthing process in some way.

Some people believe that the Civil War was much more devastating than the Great War. It is one thing to battle your ultimate enemy, but it is something entirely different to fight your own.

Samuel Lucifer, who had just arrived after completing his training, was stunned to see such dramatic changes. Given that he is a Lucifer, he is undoubtedly a member of the Old-Satan side by default. Given that there is a possibility that civil war will break out at any moment, Samuel is already off to a bad start; but, does he give a fuck about these two groups?

No, he is not interested in either one of them because neither one is providing him with any benefit.

Therefore, at best, he would participate in this idiotic revolt for freedom as an observer, and the participants are a bunch of spoiled brats.

Who wouldn't be interested in watching this foolish fight between two equally smart fools who think they're lions but are competing in a race for donkeys?

As the saying goes, "old habits die hard."

As if a donkey could never be anything but a donkey, even if it tries to pass itself off as a lion.

Samuel didn't know who would win in the end; all he knew was that he was going to enjoy his little break to the fullest, and he was looking forward to it much. The future will reveal who was victorious and who was defeated.

And for now, all he had to do was play along.


"You seem distracted, Lord Samuel."

Samuel's train of thinking was derailed as he became aware of a soft female voice coming from behind him. As he turned his head, his gaze fell upon her stunning features, which were hidden behind an expressionless mask, most likely as a result of the emotional restraints she had been trained to maintain.

He did not respond to her but continued to look at her in a nonchalant manner, which made her feel uneasy but she refrained from speaking up about it.

'A woman who would follow me for the rest of my life. Should I kill her? She has no use for me. Nah! That would be a waste, but the thought of a woman following me everywhere I go disturbs me. Hmph! Perhaps I should give her a chance.'

'At the very least, she appears to be powerful enough to not be a bother.' Samuel reminisced, his cyan eyes devoid of remorse.

Samuel's attitude may be summed up in a few words: he believes that the greatest way to progress oneself is to employ any methods available to do so. It is a form of consequential egoism as a philosophical approach.

According to this type of thought, individuals ought to act in an egotistical manner and accept any social system that makes it possible for them to amass the maximum power. In addition to this, it is possible to connect this concept with act egoism, personal ethical egoism, and social Darwinism.

"From this point forward, you may address me as Samuel." His voice was simple and precise, and the tone of his voice was neither dominating nor suppressed. It was a simple command, but it required an absolution to be performed once it had been carried out.

Grayfia gave a hesitant little shudder but yet nodded her head. It appeared as if her body had decided to react on its own.

"That is not acceptable, My Lord. As your servant, I should follow a behaviour protocol to the best of my ability." She said this with a solemn attitude, trying to regain her confidence. Her mask of indifference was already broken at this point as a hint of anger seeped out from her very being.

Hoh? Is this what they mean by pent-up anger?

Samuel mused to himself, with an air of light amusement and a curious expression on his face, that the worth of Grayfia had already significantly increased. It was quite refreshing to see someone like Grayfia, even though he detected neither hatred nor fear coming from her direction toward him.

The majority of the individuals he encountered were either too afraid of him or drowned in their hatred for him. When was the last time that anybody was angry with him?

Grayfia was enraged on the inside. Who was she? She was the Lucifuge clan's genius, even more, powerful than the preceding Satan's. A generational genius like her was reduced to aiding an unknown Lucifer that she had no idea existed, and to make matters worse, she is now eternally bound to him.

To summarize, a brilliant devil like herself, a Satan-class powerhouse that has surpassed all previous Satans except Lucifer, is now chained to a devil who appeared out of nowhere. She has been downgraded from heir to the Lucifuge house to the status of a maid to a person a dozen times weaker than her.

On the other hand, Samuel could easily predict her thoughts with his [Emotion Detect]—a power he acquired from Lucifer's blood. Samuel could understand her dilemma and hesitation. After all, who wants to serve some random weakling you had no idea existed?

He smirked even wider at his power; he had always kept his true power secret, even from his father, who could only detect a fraction of it due to their shared blood. If Samuel had to spell, he was a monster that even he feared.

He did not attempt to conceal his power out of concern that it might be discovered by others. It turned out to be quite the reverse. Most people couldn't handle his power, especially given his unusual aura. Simply being in its presence could drive individuals completely insane. [Essence of Blank] pushed him to the point where he questioned whether he was still a devil.

Samuel locked his eyes with her crimson ones. He could practically feel hatred, disgust and reluctance overflowing from them.

'She is a feisty one.'

Despite being amused, Samuel made up his mind. He began to release the subconscious repression of his power while closing his eyes, and soon a horrifying amount of demonic aura began to leak from his body. It halted precisely where it did until it slightly exceeded Grafiya's demonic power.

Despite the fact that this small flex was enough to bring the woman to her knees, she was already gasping for air and staring at Samuel as if she were staring at a monster.

Even though Grayfiya clenched her teeth and tried to use her demonic force to defend herself, her cheek gradually began to become pale. It appeared as though her demonic power was stubbornly refusing her.

The earth beneath her split as a result of the overwhelming power used against her; at this point, even her face was pressed to the ground. Her efforts were in vain. All she could do was helplessly stare at the man's face who made her bend without so much as lifting a finger.

"Grayfia Lucifuge, It makes no difference to me who you are or who were you. I am only interested in who you will become. What I will give you is not a command or an order, but rather an opportunity to get to know yourself and me. What the rest of the underworld may refer to you, whether talented or brilliant, is of no concern to me. I couldn't give a damn fuck either way. This is nothing more than a juvenile drama that I shall enjoy. However, the question that needs to be answered is, Are you willing to appreciate it along with me?"