
DXD: Dark Sanctum

First of all, if you have come after seeing the novel cover, then I suggest you to head to Volume 2 since the cover will be updated as the volume changes. Also don't worry since volume 2 is different from 1. Second, this will not be a single story but different stories divided into volumes which each containing it's own story or fanfic. Since these stories are not that long, I decided to write them in volumes as a collection. I am also working on a long DXD novel, but till then, support me with these and other novels on my profile VOLUME 1: Black Sanctuary An old flame ignites as a familiar person from the past appears in front of Akeno in a time of need. The feelings for the man reappear but come with love and conflict. The man himself doesn't help it. VOLUME 2: Awakening A hunter who has battled against many devils will soon to become one of them, a hunter named Rayne must become a devil in order to seek revenge on the one who killed his family, siding with Rias and his group he is force to side with his enemy in order to get stronger. He must unleash his power but needs Rias and the others help to do so. Volume 3: Will be updated when Volume 2 ends...

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Flame of the Sanctum - 2

With Kokabiel locked to his position by the shadows, Gaius dashed forwards and allow Vritra on his back to pull them towards Kokabiel like he was retracting his tongues. On approach, Gaius reared his hands back and the fires grew and fluttered about erratically.

[Blazing Black Nova]

He thrusted his palms into Kokabiel's chest setting him ablaze in a blinding black light causing him to scream out in pain as the black flames burnt through his body, unforgivingly destroying every little piece of his body. The dragon allowed itself to disappear from Gaius' back leaving him feel slightly fatigued and in thought as Kokabiel's ash dropped to the ground before silently scattering in the flowing wind.

As he walked back to the devil's that just watched him fight, which were joined by another set of devils who were originally holding up the barrier. These devils stared at the man with wide-eyes at the fact that he so easily overwhelmed Kokabiel, putting the fact that he was a Fallen angel himself to the side. That though, couldn't be said for the single human girl who still held onto Durandal. She looked at Gaius with an angry expression but it was also a conflicted one.

"You! You lied to me."

Gaius looked at the girl and looked to be a little confused before looking her over. He then seemed to have a revelation showing that he did indeed know the girl.

"Xenovia … I'm sure you can understand. The church would never of allowed me in if they knew I was a Fallen Angel."

"Did you come here because you felt slightly responsible?"

"Slightly, I feel like I could have stopped Kokabiel from taking Excalibur Rapidly but that wasn't my true reason for coming here. I came here to make sure the Gremory and Sitri heiress were not killed for Fallen Angel purposes and to make sure my friend wasn't hurt for my own reasons."

The Gremory heiress, Rias Gremory and the Sitri heiress, Sona Sitri looked at Gaius suspiciously to which only Sona braved up enough to ask.

"The Fallen Angel purposes are?"

"Otou-san doesn't want to go to war, he enjoys his peaceful life researching Sacred Gears and chasing tail while forcing me to be his wingman."

"Your father?"

"To answer that, i'll fully introduce myself. My name is Gaius Atem Nebiriau and the next Fallen Angel Governor. I'm a half breed, Half Human and Half Fallen. My father is Azazel the current Fallen Angel Governor."

Gaius answered with a smile and a bow as everyone bar Akeno stared with their mouths agape, although Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri should have really known from his 12 wings and golden fringe. They are clear, distinct features of Azazel. Gaius then stood back up with a smirk, he knew full well that he was technically their enemy despite saving them from their deaths.

Pulling his sleeve up slightly, a Rolex appeared around his wrist showing the current time to Gaius and unfortunately, making him sigh. Gaius took out his phone, dialled a number and waited approximately five seconds before the call finally connected and an annoyed voice comes through.

"Gaius, what do you want? You know the time."

Gaius sighed at the voice of the man on the other hand, a voice which they all heard.

"You know Otou-san, did you ever start to wonder why I call you only at this time? Maybe i'm unhappy with the fact that you go around the world having sex with whichever woman you lay your eye on."

The words from the Gaius' mouth would seem pretty serious from anyone else but not him, he said it while not caring. If you understand a poker face then you could tell Gaius was doing this for fun. This was something that Gaius's father Azazel knew all too well.

"Stop ruining my groove, kiddo. Did ya complete it or not?"

"That I did Otou-san, although his ashes are now scattered in the wind."

"Well, I guess that's ok. Come back whenever."

An audible click comes through the speaker on the phone as the call disconnect. Gaius pocketed his phone and looked around the area to see it full of holes along with the school building that was looking slightly damaged. Breathing a short sigh, he brushed his hair through once with his left hand while still wearing a completely stoic expression.

The devils and Xenovia just looked at Gaius, they were all trying to figure him out perfectly as they couldn't take his words for granted, everyone bar Akeno. Xenovia though was the most troubled, she had recently learnt that the Biblical God was no longer alive and the 'Prison Exorcist', one of the top three Exorcists was actually the son of Azazel, the Fallen Angel Governor. Her world was shaken, multiple times. Rias Gremory was troubled, she wanted to thank him for his help but she also wanted to question him. Akeno hadn't told Rias about Gaius before, Rias did not know about the two Half-Fallen Angel's relationship. To her, it was a dilemma that she needed to get a grasp on as the King of her peerage and as her Queen's best friend.

That relationship of their's was an intimate one, if two young children could even have an intimate relationship that is. Akeno's past never really came up in conversation with the Gremory heiress. It was something that Akeno had placed behind her completely, although she held worry towards Gaius. She didn't know how he had taken it all, she felt angry and upset with herself that she completely forgot about him under those circumstances. As her boyfriend, he was one of the only people who could seriously help her through being so close but she blanked him, she never had the slightest thought of him. Why? Why didn't she think of him?

Gaius could feel the tension in the air because of this. His presence was a strange, unanticipated one. He was both welcome and unwelcome. The tension was bad, it made the atmosphere awful and made him feel out of place. It made him feel unwanted, the fact that Akeno was silent wasn't helping him at all. That act could only further his thoughts in that she didn't care for him and there was only one way for him to go. He had to leave and he had to leave now.

Without uttering a word, his whole body was covered in shadows that were created out of nothing. The shadows raged upwards into the sky before showering down back onto him crashing down to the floor teleporting his whole body away leaving the devils and Xenovia confused and annoyed. He hadn't answered all that they wanted but neither had they asked all that they wanted. His disappearance was warranted but not wanted.