
DxD: Cuhullin Astaroth, The Bastard Of Three Bloodlines

Cuhullin Astaroth is a Living Paradox, because for all that The Drvils Faction need him, they for the most part can't overlook the fact that in his veins flows, Divine, Human, and Satanic Blood. From his Father, he is of Pure-Blood Devil Variety. Yet his mother, the Bastard Daughter of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub and a Human descended from Celtic Mythological Hero and Demi-God Cú Chulainn. Because of his Human Side, Cuhullin, has a Sacred Gear, a Longinus. Cuhullin, nicknamed Cal, is seen as a Thrice born Bastard. The Celtic and Gaelic God's fear his Power, The Old Devils despise his Human Blood as much as they value his Power, and the Young Devils fear his Divine Blood and Longinus.... Cal, personally couldn't give a shit, He's got three goals in life. Seize a Seat at the Table, Fuck as many Women as Devilishly Possible, and Make his Peerage the Strongest of the Underworld.

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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Feeling Kingly

So here's how it is, Trip got canceled cause the sister-in-law got COVID, But There's a DxD Story type I've been wanting to take a Crack at for a While. I have an Astaroth Story published an Unpublished Belial Story, but I really want to take a Crack at writing a Bael Story.

I've been binge reading the Fanfiction.Net Author HolyKnightsofTheRoundTable's Bael Stories repeatedly. And maybe TheRagFromTheCrag's, but uh I wanna do things my way so This'll be a Long-Term Project. I'll work this story in the Short-Term but this new Story? Ain't gonna be no polls unless I can't make up my own mind, and The OC's Peerage will be posted up front in an auxiliary chapter.

Also I'm doing another Long-Term Project, it's a Pokémon Story, but for now I'll be keeping the Pokémon Cards close to my chest. The thing is though that The Pokémon Story has gonna likely be my most climatic work simply because unlike certain other Writers, I'm looking at Two people here who I won't name out of respect for their work, it ain't gonna be fuck em hard in battle and even harder in bed. It'll be a core three girls with the occasional side piece or more.

Anyways back to my Bael Story, Unlike with Cuhullin this will be with an actual build up rather than balls first into Canon.

See you beautiful bastards soon.