
DxD: Cuhullin Astaroth, The Bastard Of Three Bloodlines

Cuhullin Astaroth is a Living Paradox, because for all that The Drvils Faction need him, they for the most part can't overlook the fact that in his veins flows, Divine, Human, and Satanic Blood. From his Father, he is of Pure-Blood Devil Variety. Yet his mother, the Bastard Daughter of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub and a Human descended from Celtic Mythological Hero and Demi-God Cú Chulainn. Because of his Human Side, Cuhullin, has a Sacred Gear, a Longinus. Cuhullin, nicknamed Cal, is seen as a Thrice born Bastard. The Celtic and Gaelic God's fear his Power, The Old Devils despise his Human Blood as much as they value his Power, and the Young Devils fear his Divine Blood and Longinus.... Cal, personally couldn't give a shit, He's got three goals in life. Seize a Seat at the Table, Fuck as many Women as Devilishly Possible, and Make his Peerage the Strongest of the Underworld.

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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4: Queen Found, Pawns Chosen, and Stage Set Part 1+ Pawn Poll at the End

(Cuhullin Astaroth's Estate, Greater Astaroth-Beelzebub Clan Territories, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


(Cuhullin Astaroth POV)


The addition of Ravel Phenex to his Peerage had three effects. Number one being her Military Tactics and Strstrgic Planning Skills having immense value to his Peerage's future combats. Number two was the status gain, A Phenex in his Peerage raised it's profile. And Number three was the fact that in addition to Her impressive Magic Library, Ravel specialized in Runic Wards, a rare thing.

Very few Devils specialized in Runic Wards let alone dabbled in. The fact Ravel did carried a certain weight to it.

But The time had come to Recruit a Queen....The only Question was on exactly who....

''Master, you better come and see this.'' Siegfried said.

Getting up he approached Siegfried and immediately began cursing.

''What the fuck do they want?''


(POV Change: Katerea Leviathan)


Five Minutes after sending out her message, The landscape changed and shifted dramatically. Youjutsu and Runic Wards. Followed by a complex web of Devil Magic Fairy Magic, Norse Magic, and Black, White, qnd Red Magic layered on top of it.

Two Magic Circles appeared, that of the Phenex Family and that of her assigned target.

''Katerea Leviathan. I'd say it was a pleasure to meet the most beautiful Leviathan Descendant, but I'd be lying. What does the Old Satan Faction want from me this time? I Kneel to no one unless it's in bed.'' Says Cuhullin as he eyes her ample bust appreciatively.

''I'm tired of War, tired of running. It just get's so tedious and boring at times. I want a new challenge. Could you offer it to me?'' Asks Katerea.

Wordlessly, Cuhullin reached into his pockets, and withdraw a Single Evil Piece....his Queen. He holds it up between them, studying it and her wordlessly, but his brows scrunched as if having an internal debate of some kind mentally.

Slowly the Queen Piece begins to thrum with a sickly, Ichor like Green Energy, before it settles and a bright Golden Energy begins to infuse itself with the Evil Piece. Even from a distance Katerea can detect the increasing Magical Power of the Queen Piece.

When it dissipates, The Piece floors over to her directly.

''Place six percent of your Demonic Power into the Piece, and nine percent of your Sea Serpent of the End into it.''

Plucking the Piece from the air, Katerea moans eroticly as a rush of pure power rockets from her fingers to her Breasts and her Vagina. She can feel any different energies in it. Beelzebub, Phenex, Nekoshou, Holy, Celtic Divinity, and Astaroth. The dosage of Astaroth, Divine, and Beelzebub particularly excites her. Quickly Katerea recovers, before she blushes furiously at the bemused expression of Cuhullin.

Struggling to maintain a straight face, Katerea infuses her power directly into it as instructed. The Evil Piece shines before she places it on her ample chest. The rush of Power is equal parts Euphoric and Orgasmic. She feels her Extrasensory Perceptions expand and her Six Senses expand and broaden. Is this the Power of a Hybrid?

''You are now my Queen, and are protected from prosecution by the Anti-Satan Faction. That said if you wish to live free, relatively speaking, you will obey.'' There's something in his tone that Katerea finds attractive.


(POV Change: Cuhullin Astaroth)


(Time-skip: Two Days Later)


The reaction to Katerea Leviathan becoming his Queen was immediate. Many Houses wanted to hold her accountable for the Old Satan Factions years of War and Fear mongering as well as their acts of terrorism.

Luckily for them The Grand Marquis and Great Archduke Faction's supported him however, and Katerea was quickly granted a Full Pardon signed by the Current Satan's.

Now that Katerea had joined him, he had Four Servants, Two Pawns, a Knight and a Queen. He had feelers out searching for Connla, Georg, and Jeanne. Those three were important potential Servants. But what he really needed was Georg. With Katerea as his Queen that left him the possibility of Reincarnating Georg potentially as a Bishop or a Rook if he lacked a Sufficiently Powerful Bishop Piece.

He just needed one more Servant before he was feeling comfortable making a play for the Heir of Astaroth Title and he had yet to secure enough Support. But perhaps there was a way to force Diadora to put his title on the line....


(Outskirts of Seventh Circle of Hell)


Stood at the Outskirts of the Seventh Circle of Hell, Cuhullin bleed his Divine-Demonic Power across the border awaiting a response.

It wasn't long before the Fallen Angel of Perversion and Curiosity appeared.

''Greetings Azazel, I am Cuhullin Astaroth. I am here to Bargain....


(POV Change: Azazel)


It wasn't often something outside of a woman or Sacred Gear caught his attention but that Divine-Demonic Aura was a clear invitation.

Now Beelzebub's Son stood before him hoping to bargain.

''What does the Prince of Flies want with little old me?'' Azazel asks with mock humility.

''Asia Argento. I need her to prevent the War getting restarted.'' At his words, Azazel immediately gets absolutely serious.


''Diadora Astaroth.'' He replies before passing over video evidence of his Cousins Crimes.

It doesn't take Azazel very long to close the Video In disgust.

''She's yours.'' Says Azazel.

''I also want the Fallen Angel Raynare. But that's a secondary priority. Asia is the one I need to force Diadora into a Corner willingly.'' Says Cuhullin and Azazel considers before sending a Message to Shemhazai....


(POV Change: Cuhullin Astaroth)


Stood before him was Asia Argento and Raynare. Both could prove advantageous in the fight but for now only one was truly necessary to his immediate plans...And that was Asia....


Okay folks Remember that for this Poll I need Four Votes a reader. Now alternatively you can vote less provided you add Brackets with the number of pieces you feel is necessary to compensate the missing numbers. Now then, Ravel is A Pawn, and Katerea a Queen. Asia is going to become a Pawn as well because I'm saving a Bishop Piece for someone else. Anyone who hasn't voted on any poll yet your votes here won't be counted until you do. Of course the Queen Poll needs no more votes, but that should be rather obvious.

Anyways, he we go folks:



Le Fay Pendragon

Bova Tannin





Elmenhide Karnstein



An Abaddon Clan OC

Irina Shidou

Lint Selzen


That's everyone but here's the new confirmed Harem Members:

Asia Argento

Ravel Phenex

Katerea Leviathan.


As Peerage znd Story progresses and grows so to will this Harem List...

Until next time!