
DXD: As a OC Primordial

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

Even with my divinity as a support, Uranus proved to be a hard place for my clone to thrive. The clone had to use the little sun power it could absorb so far away from the sun to heat its freezing body.

The divinity helped my clone to gradually adapt to the harsh environment. Little by little my clone got closer to connecting to the planet's core.

Meanwhile, Medusa gave me a throne, which was quite cool. She also confessed to me. So I took her as my first wife. Seeing that she was too weak to satisfy my burning libido, she made it her mission to form a harem for me. She got me a second wife, which was Medea.[Author note: When thinking of Medea's appearance, it's basically fate Medea.]

Meanwhile, the technology advanced rapidly among the moon humans. By the beginning of the Middle Ages on Earth, the technological level had already reached modern earth development.

Three powerful clans were born among the moon humans. The Medea clan was centered around Medea, which are her descendants.

The Trojan clan was formed from the descendants of Hector, who took the wealth their numerous branches accumulated around their ruling on earth, with my help.

The Argead clan, which were the descendants of Alexander the Great, took a lot of wealth and some dragons with them.

For obvious reasons, the Trojan and Argead clans had bad relationships, while both had a neutral relationship with the Medea clan.

The Argead focuses on the alchemy business. The Trojan clan worked most in the military. The Medea clan focuses on magic research and industry, holding influence over the Magic Academy.

Argead and the Trojans know that an actual war among them would not be tolerated so they have more of a rival relationship.

Our research departments had reached satisfactory results in projects in collaboration with Asgard and the Dwarfs.

The moon humans population had grown exponentially, showing that they were as fertile as humans. This made me hope that I could take hold of Uranus as soon as possible, because the moon humans shared territory on the moon with several other pantheons, so they would need new land, as I did not even consider trying to take land from other gods through force. The land pieces in the moon from several pantheons also fastened the moon humans development, as they made trade with other pantheons much easier.

Their ancestral capital had changed a lot since its founding. From simple brick houses to beautiful skyscrapers.

The roads are wide, with a good water flow, and trees enriching the urban vision. The city combined a system of above-ground and underground bullet trains, moved by sun energy.

In the central district, one may find, the Magic Academy and the Science Academy, which were two buildings connected by a bridge. Both academies were buildings, that prioritized efficiency in the use of space, so rather than a large campus with small buildings, they were each composed of a single building with one hundred floors.

The last floors of the academies were not occupied yet, but they were built in advance, predicting future expansions. The academies use complex security systems that mix up magic and technology.

In the center district, one may find the city school and high school, as well as a large auction house, my manor, and each minister. Besides there was the building of the Hunters Association an organization as powerful as the clans. With the moon becoming habitable and the presence of several pantheons, the moon develops its fauna with several unique magical animals appearing. The hunters focus on hunting these animals both for resources and to keep the cities safe from their invasion.

Around the central district stood a district where each of the three great clans lived.

What is interesting about the clans is that the mix of humans with my bloodline and moon humans created stronger moon humans with unique bloodlines.

The Trojan bloodline gave them a special physique stronger than the average moon humans. The Medea bloodline gave them the ability to use magic with imagination, like the devils.

The Argead bloodline gave them the ability to intuitively identify alchemy ingredients and to produce a special alchemy flame. I guessed the last one was due to their ancestors using alchemy to improve themselves.

A group of a hundred fallen angels led by Kokabiel used their collective three points of coefficient of intelligence to decide to attack the moon human city and try to steal, their research, maybe to give to their leader Azazel. They were nearly annihilated by the magic missile defense system, but I asked Prometheus to not destroy them like that, I had another plan in mind.

"I heard that there were strong people here. You seem strong fight me." The battle junkie fallen, Kokabiel said.

I controlled the wind to imprison all fallen angels. I took the agriculture tool I received from an immortal and used it to cut all the fallen wings, except two. I used the wind to pull them and gave them two pairs of wings as research material for the magic and science academy. I gave each of the fallen still with wings to an academy, so they could easily comprehend the fallen anatomy.

I took the feathers of the remaining wings. I was happy that I could finally put an idea I had long ago to use. I made several pillows with feathers.  They were the highest quality pillows in existence, having them was enough to take a nap.

The academies quickly lost interest in the fallen. Their anatomy was boring, simply a human with space to fit their wings. It was the time to require a ransom from Azazel.

[Author question: Should I include the E x E gods in the plot?




People on earth still saw the dead earth from before my arrival, due to the moon gods and goddess of several pantheons using magic to camouflage the moon's true appearance previously to no intervention to avoid people from questioning myths and their faith to weaken, after the act to not expose the supernatural.