
DXD: A Nexus Devil (DXD x Multi-Crossover)

He was just an ordinary orphan. At least he thought he was. That was until some group claiming to be the Hero Faction tried to recruit him for being the inheritor of a lost bloodline. (A DXD/HP/Marvel/Multicross story) Self Insert.

FiveStarTomato · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Magical Girl

Knock, knock, knock.

After leading Jake through the Sitri Mansion, Sona finally brought him to Serafall's room. After knocking however no one answered. Sona knocked on the door once more, annoyed that her sister wasn't answering.

"Is she even in there?" Jake asked. He didn't see any lights on through the cracks in the door frame. In fact, this whole section of the manor had all of its lights not on and gave off an abandoned vibe. Jake also hadn't seen any maids wandering the large halls in a while. He wondered if Serafall just didn't want anyone bothering her and had them all leave this section alone.

"Yes, she is," Sona said before she pulled her foot back and kicked the door in annoyance.


Jake thought that kick was a bit unnecessary, but he was also surprised at how much force she used in it. There was an extremely loud bang as her foot made contact with the door. Jake estimated her kick had the same amount of power as a Bombarda! This girl was surprisingly powerful. He guessed that the door must be magically enforced as well otherwise it should have been blasted off its hinges.

"Go away, Mom, I'm busy!" Jake recognized Serafall's voice calling out from behind the door.

"It's not Mom! It's Sona, and there's someone here to see you-" Sona got out before the door was slammed open by Serafall!

"So-tan! Did you come to cheer up your magical big sister and play dress-up as magical girls together!? I'm so glad-" Serafall's voice cut out when she saw who was standing there next to her precious sister…


Jake had leapt back just in time to avoid getting smacked by rapidly opening door, and then he took in Serafall's appearance. She was dressed completely in a sparkly pink magical girl outfit. Frills were everywhere, and her hair was styled into anime-styled twin tails. She had definitely taken on a new look since the last time Jake had seen her! He thought she still looked beautiful with her new look, but it was a pretty big change.

"Jake!" Serafall said tearfully at seeing him again. He was back! She had missed him so much!

"Sera..." Jake trailed off, looking at her up and down.


"What the fuck are you wearing?" Jake asked bluntly.


"Hahahaha-hahaha!" The two of them looked to the side and saw Sona absolutely losing it over what Jake just asked! "I've been wondering the same thing my whole life!" Sona exclaimed in joy. Finally, someone else was brave enough to ask her sister that question!

Jake and Serafall were sitting opposite each other in her room. "Are all devil girls' rooms this messy?" Jake asked her. He looked around, and it seemed that she and Rias apparently had a lot in common. Except whereas Rias had anime merchandise of all kinds scattered throughout her room, Serafall's room seemed to exclusively have magical girl memorabilia.

"It's not that bad!" She pouted cutely. Jake disagreed, but he chose not to vocalize it. He didn't think it was quite as bad as Rias's pigsty, but it wasn't a whole lot better either.

Serafall stared at Jake sitting across from her. She squirmed in her seat for a moment before she leapt up. "I can't take it anymore," she said as she hurried over to Jake and glomped him tightly in a hug. "I missed you so much!" She exclaimed.

"I missed you too, Sera..." Jake replied, hugging her back. He hadn't really been able to spend any real time with her since the Yule Ball, and to him, that was a month ago, and to her, that was over 20 years ago! Jake decided that they needed to go out and celebrate their reunion!

"I've been in stuffy devil rooms all day," he said. "Why don't we get out of here and catch up?" He said to her as he stood up, dragging her with him.

Serafall nodded happily to that idea. "I know just the place we can go," she said happily with ACTUAL STARS appearing in her eyes…like an anime character would have. Jake figured she was using illusion magic to somehow accomplish that.

"Let's go," Serafall said, and with a burst of her power, a teleportation circle appeared underneath the two of them, and they vanished from her room!

"Welcome to Akihabara!" Serafall exclaimed, and when Jake's eyes cleared up, they were standing in front of a crowd of what looked like Japanese people who were all cheering for them like they'd just popped up out of thin air…which they had.

"Wait, Sera," Jake said, startled. "Did you just teleport us into the middle of Japan, and all these humans just saw us appear out of nowhere!?" Meanwhile, the onlookers continued to clap and cheer for them.

"Oh, relax, Jake," she said jokingly as she waved to all the people applauding them. "Thank you all!"

She turned back to speak with him, "This is Akihabara. People cosplay as magical girls all the time here and put on performances. I could literally start casting actual spells in front of all these humans, and they would just think it's special effects. Here, watch!" Sera waved her hand over Jake's outfit, and the entire thing immediately changed from black and red to solid blue! Much to Jake's shock, instead of freaking out, all the onlookers just continued to clap in awe over the intricate special effects.

"That was really cool."

"I love surprise magical shows!"

"Me too!"

Jake thought to himself that sometimes ignorance truly was bliss as he just waved back to the onlookers with a smile…

A bit later, the small crowd of onlookers saw that Jake and Serafall weren't putting on any more performances and dispersed. Jake's outfit also changed back to normal once Serafall's small color spell wore off. "So, Jake," Serafall asked, "it's your first time ever in Japan, right? Is there anything you want to do?"

Jake had to think about that for a second. They were basically in the heart of the weeb lab right there. He definitely couldn't leave without getting the full experience. Plus, it would be funny to rub it into Rias's face that he got to come out here while she was stuck at the boring manor. His new stepmom had put her foot down and forbidden Rias to leave the manor over the summer because of the constant harassment from Riser.

"I've got it!" Jake snapped his fingers with a grin at the thought. "Let's go to a maid cafe!" He exclaimed to Serafall.

"Oooooooh, excellent choice, Jake!" She said excitedly with a giggle. "And if you're talking about maid cafes, I know the perfect one just a few blocks away. Follow me!" Serafall darted down the crowded backstreets, and Jake took off waving through the crowds of cosplaying pedestrians to follow her.

"Welcome to Magical Girl Mil-tan's Maid Cafe, Master and Mistress! Oh, Mistress, I love your outfit! Are you two together? Would you like to try our magical love-dovey-couple special?" The girl wearing what Jake would have to argue was a magical girl maid hybrid cosplay uniform said from behind the counter. He looked around, and all the waitress girls walking around were wearing the same.

"Thank you so much, I love all of yours too," Serafall responded. "And yes, and also absolutely, to answer both your questions!" She said excitedly.

"Fantastic!" The waitress said. "Follow me."

She led Jake and Serafall over to a booth. Jake snickered as they sat down. "You took us to a magical girl maid cafe," he said jokingly.

Serafall just blushed. "You might think it's silly, but..." she looked down sadly. "It was really hard when you left, Jake. I felt like I had lost badly against fate, you know... I'm not strong enough to defy it. I felt useless, and I kind of went into a depression for a few years after you disappeared," she admitted to him. "It was only the birth of Sona and me discovering the amazingness of magical girls that eventually pulled me out of it!"

Jake felt bad about that. Had he not entered that tournament in the first place, none of that would have happened. But he also knew that if he hadn't entered the tournament, then his name would have never been in the newspaper, and he never would have met Serafall or Sirzechs and found his family either.

He took Serafall's hand and looked at her with a sincere smile. "Don't worry, Sera, it's going to be okay." He spoke a bit louder, "What's in the past is in the past, and we're here together again now! Both of us will just get stronger together, so that one day we'll be able to laugh in the face of fate together!" He declared that last part with enthusiasm.


Suddenly, Jake noticed something strange. All the noise in the cafe had stopped. He looked around, and all the waitresses and customers were staring at him and Serafall in awe…

"Wow, that speech was absolutely amazing," a guy dressed as Link cheered.

"We'll be able to laugh in the face of fate together. What a great line!" Another guy said. "Is that from a game or a light novel!?" He asked as he completely misunderstood the situation and thought Jake was roleplaying something...

"That guy is so hot in those Western aristocratic clothes," a girl with glasses cosplaying as a character Jake didn't recognize said to another girl across from her loudly enough that everyone could hear. When she noticed the stares she got for that, she didn't even care. She just turned and gave Jake a large smile that promised... things.

Serafall stood up and took a bow in front of everyone. "Thank you, everyone, thank you. Isn't he such a talented actor?" She laughed at the situation before sitting back down across from Jake. She was clearly amused by the situation he had just put them in. "Thank you, too, Jake," she said to him. "I'll have you know that speech was super corny, but it did make me feel better!" She laughed at the end.

Jake just blushed a little at that. They were only in Akihabara for a short time so far, and yet it seemed like that atmosphere was rubbing off on him and making him go and recite shounen speeches in front of crowds...

"Sorry for the wait," their waitress arrived at their table carrying the largest omelet Jake had ever seen in his life. "Here's your lovey-dovey couple's omelet!"


She plopped the giant plate right down between them. Jake and Serafall decided to table the heavy conversation and started digging in… The giant omelet was pretty good.

Jake and Serafall left the cafe, with Serafall latching onto his arm. "This spur-of-the-moment date has been great so far, Jake! I still can't believe you're finally back!" she exclaimed. "I'm also glad I got to go on one with you before that slut, Fleur..." she trailed off vindictively.

Jake didn't really think Fleur could be considered much of a "slut," considering she waited 20 years to go on a date with him, but he chose not to say anything. The rules of dating were clear: don't mention other girls when you're out with one. At least, that was his self-imposed rule he came up with just now.

They spent the next hour or so touring the various shops of Akihabara. Serafall bought quite a lot more magical girl paraphernalia that she just kept chucking into her magical inventory. She even did that in front of onlookers, and they once more just clapped as they watched on, thinking she was a street magician...

As the pair were coming out of another figurine shop, two cute cosplaying girls stepped in front of them.

"Hi there," a cute brown-haired girl spoke, pretty much exclusively to Jake, as she ignored Serafall, who was glaring at her for interrupting her date. "We finally caught up to you!"

"See, Isane..." the second girl, wearing glasses, spoke up. "I told you my hotty senses were tingling, and I could find the guy again!" She exclaimed. It took Jake a moment, but he finally recognized her as the girl from the cafe who'd openly called him hot in front of everyone with no shame...

Jake scratched his cheek. "It's nice to meet you two... I guess?" He trailed off with a question as he heard Serafall let out a jealous huff next to him.

"Kick these two hussies to the curb already, Jake, and let's get back to our date," she whispered in his ear cutely. Somebody was clearly jealous... "Hold on," she spoke suddenly again. "Don't kick them away yet... I need to get a better look at one of them." She immediately changed her tone and said cryptically. Jake glanced at her and saw Serafall's eyes slightly glowing as she looked at the first girl intensely… observing her for something. Jake just shrugged before he turned back to the two cosplay girls.

"Hi there, my name is Isane Hyoudou, and this is my best friend, Aika Kiryuu!" The first girl exclaimed. Aika was just giving him an intense stare...

"Was there something you needed?" Jake asked the less strange girl.

"Oh!" She said with a blush. "We just wanted to talk to you, you know. Maybe we could even do something together?" She said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Jake thought this girl was pretty bold, asking him out when he was literally on an obvious date right in front of her.

"Isane," Aika spoke to her friend to get her attention. Isane turned away from Jake for a second before Aika leaned in and whispered into her ear. Both of their faces immediately turned even brighter red a second later…

Jake was very confused, and he wasn't sure he wanted to even know what they were whispering about. He hoped Serafall was done with whatever she was doing by now. He glanced next to him, and no, unfortunately, she was still intensely analyzing the girl with 'her magic eyes or whatever.'

"So, what's your name, hot stuff?" Aika spoke to him in a voice that she probably thought was sultry but honestly just came off as creepy.

"I'm Jake Gremory." As soon as he said it, he regretted it. Why did he give the weird girls his real name!?

Surprisingly, they both perked up over his name. "Oh, Gremory!" Isane said. "I should have recognized your red hair, but I thought it could have been a cosplay wig. Are you Rias-senpai's family?"

These girls knew Rias? That was disturbing... "Yeah, I'm her brother," Jake responded.

"That's awesome! What a small world we live in. We go to her school! She's a year above us," Isane explained.

"We should go on a date," Aika bluntly blurted out of nowhere as she gave him a wide grin. "You can ditch that hussy next to you, and you and I can go somewhere nice and quiet." Jake just stared at her as she said that completely with a straight face. He thought she was lucky Serafall was currently zoned out otherwise she might be a popsicle right now.

Aika's friend didn't seem to like that impromptu confession of hers either from the pout Isane had on her face. Jake thought maybe she was the rational one of the pair…

"Hey, Aika, I was the one who talked to him first. So he's obviously going to go with me!" …No, she was apparently just as weird as the other one.

"He's going with me!"

"No, he's going to go out with me!"

"He's mine!"

Jake really hoped Serafall finished doing whatever it was she was doing soon...

The two girls had been going at it for a few minutes now. They had also once again attracted a crowd of otaku onlookers cheering at two cosplay girls fighting in the streets.

"Jake." Sera whispered to him subtly from the side trying to get his attention. He initially wanted her to hurry up, but that was before these two girls broke out into a catfight. Now he found himself cheering along with a crowd of onlookers as they pushed and pulled at each other over him!

"What is it?" Jake whispered back to her, slightly distracted by the hilarious catfight happening over him. Damn, these girls were thirsty…

Sera continued whispering to him, "Jake, the girl on the right, the cute one without the glasses. She has an un-awakened sacred gear. What's more, it's one that I've seen multiple times over the centuries." Now she had his attention. It must have also been a pretty cool sacred gear to elicit that kind of reaction from her.

"Okay," Jake said to Serafall, "what is it? Is it one of those Longinuses? Also, what's up with my luck? Those were supposed to be legendary rare sacred gears with only twelve of them in existence, and yet I just can't help but keep running into them for some reason..." Sera nodded as they continued to watch the two girls fight over Jake.

"He's mine, you slut!" Isane gave Aika a shove.

"No, he's not! I called dibs first, you trollop!" Aika responded with a yank on Isane's hair! Jake laughed at that as he wondered what word in Japanese was translated automatically by his devil magic to "trollop."

Serafall explained to Jake that this Isane Hyoudou girl was supposedly this generation's Red Dragon Empress.

Jake turned to Serafall and gave her a serious look. "Sera, I want you to know something important," he said to her with a completely serious tone.

She gulped at his change in demeanor. "Yes, Jake, what is it?" He wasn't usually this intense. Did he know some other important information about this girl that she wasn't privy to?

His serious face broke as he laughed. "I have absolutely no idea what a Red Dragon Empress even is!" He declared while laughing at the pout she had on her face when she realized he was messing with her.

Serafall just sighed in exasperation as she explained to Jake that it was apparently a really powerful sacred gear that could double the user's powers every ten seconds. "You should recruit her into your peerage, Jake," she told him. She wanted him to be safe and have a strong team behind him!

The two girls' catfight came to an end when they were talking.

"Fine then we'll share him!" Isane declared to the disappointment of the crowd wanting them to continue.

"I'm okay with that!" Aikai replied happily.

Jake just looked at the girl, Isane, who had finished arguing with her supposed best friend, as they had apparently come to some kind of agreement to share him or whatever. Was he absolutely interested in a potential threesome? Hell yes. Was he going to partake? Hell no. Crazy girls can be fun, he'd heard, but personally, he thought these two were too crazy for him to handle right now if he was being perfectly honest with himself. Isane had said she attends the same school as Rias. Jake figured he'd introduce the girl to her instead and have Rias recruit her. This girl was absolutely going to be a Lust Devil, and Rias already had experience handling Akeno, so he figured she'd do a better job handling her anyway…

-End Chapter-

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How'd you like it!? If you want to read ahead you can at p.a.t.r.e.o.n / FiveStarTomato. Thank you, regardless, for following my story to this point!

I would like to give a special thank you to my current Hero Team Patron(s): Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William — Also another thank you to all my other patrons!