
During the Dark Ages

If the world had ended with powerful undeads around every corner, what would you do? Would hide from the world and slowly die or would you fight for your life and happiness If you were given the power to fight for your survival at the risk of your own humanity, what would you do? Would you fear that power or would you grasp it with both hands and fight until your last breath. [Author here! If you are enjoying this book then feel free to vote for it using power stones! This will allow me to post more chapters a day. Starting today I will post one bonus chapter a day for every ten power stone. Please Enjoy.]

shadowlord4318 · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Chapter 53 Trouble(7)

Sensing my holy energy the Greater Imps turned around and tried to stop me by firing fire slashes at me but it was already too late. I didn't want to use this trait because it drained my energy fast. Something like that wouldn't have been much of a problem if I was in heaven or inside a [Holy Territory] but in a world full demonic energy like this one I wouldn't be able to regenerate my energy fast enough and I would be vulnerable to the corruption of demonic energy. In a situation like that the best case scenario is that I die and worst case....I become a fallen one.

Shaking such thoughts out of my head, I launched my assault at my opponents. I flew towards the female first and swung my sword down on her and she blocked with her long sword. Her feet sunk into ground from the force and I could see her flesh burning and black smoke rise into the air as my holy flames burnt her. A fire arrow came flying my way and I held out my hand towards it and a jet of flames destroyed the arrow. The other Greater imp, who also used a long sword, attacked me from behind but I swiftly flew back into the air. I created a massive fireball in my hand and fired it towards the two Greater imps causing a mini explosion. Another arrow came flying at me and I flew towards the archer and attacked with my sword but he blocked using his bow. He opened his mouth and a stream of fire escaped his mouth and I quickly escaped before it could do further damage.


I sensed demonic energy coming towards me and I turned around and destroyed a fire slash with my sword. Surprisingly, the two Greater imps from before were still alive although there current state was terrible. Their skin was charred black and the male Greater imp even lost an arm and was lying on the ground but alive all the same. Another fire slash was fired by the female and I flew towards her but an arrow came flying my way forcing me to stop. Annoyed I fired a fireball at the archer and continued flying towards the female. I swung my sword on her and she managed to block but was went flying into a nearby building. I flew after her and ignited my flame with Heavenly flames and swung my sword at her but this time she wasn't able to block.

[You have slain a level 4 Greater Imp.]

[Your body cannot absorb demonic energy. No exp was gained.]

With one dead only two remained and I quickly flew towards the archer. He fired arrows at me as I flew towards him but I either dodged or destroyed them. I wasted no time with the archer and wrapped my blade in Heavenly flames and swung it down. The archer managed to block with his bow but the intense flames around my blade burned the Demon. The intense flames caused the demon to scream as it's flesh burned and black smoke rose from it's body. The demon soon lost it's strength in it's arms and my swordbit into his neck killing him. I quickly deactivated [Wrath of Heaven] to save the little holy energy I had left and I immediately felt the accumulated exhaustion but I toughed it out turned around towards the last Greater imp.

'Don't tell me that, Colin lost.' I thought as I saw a person carrying an axe walking this way. When the person became visible, I couldn't help but sigh in relief and I've never been happier to see the little Demon than I am now. Instead of heading towards the incapacitated Greater imp I walked towards my priests.


Colin POV

I reached where the others were and they were doing better than I thought. Using [Aura Vision], I knew none of them were dead just a bit weakened and that two of the Greater imps were dead with the last ones aura being faint most likely meaning he was incapacitated or on the verge of death. I could see Synthia heading towards the little priest so I decided to head there with my new weapon. My sword was destroyed during the fight with Grox so I took his axe and even though I wasn't any good with , beggars can't be choosers.

I ran towards where Claire and the others were and managed to get there before Synthia. I swung the axe at the first imp I saw and cleaved it in half. The others noticed my presence and I just nodded in there direction and started slaughtering the imps that encircled the priests. Synthia soon arrived as well and joined in the slaughter.