
Dude Love

The love of his undead life died five years ago. And for five year's he's been waiting of her return. After five years of waiting , he sees the impossible. She stands in the doors of Fangasia.She's returned to him. He wanted to hold her, his friend, his lover, his wife. She only stares at him and says, "Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She doesn't remember him. He dies Once again. Will she remember?

Franklin237 · Others
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 : Northman

She licked her lips.

Oh, those lips and that tongue. I wanted to feel her tongue touch the tips of my fangs. Her face is as beautiful as it's always been. But what captivates me are those eyes.

The very first time I met her, those eyes could see right through me. They are the eyes that I have always yearned for.

At last, I'm whole again.aa

She turned her attentions back to Maxwell; mad as hell. She was the Sookie that I met here so long ago when she was with Bill.

She was about to light into him once more but there was no use. There was no need to argue.

"Let her in," I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you," she said as pleasantly and as demurely as she always had when she met someone new.

Her anger vanished and she smiled at Maxwell Lee. She handed him the cover charge and gave him a triumphant smile.

He stepped out of her way so that she could walk back into my life. I couldn't believe what I was seeing; what I was feeling. She is home. My dear, sweet Sookie is home.

"I do apologize," Maxwell said to her as she began to walk inside. He took a step towards her. He looked as if he wanted to hug his old friend.

He looked as if he wanted to tell her how much he missed her but he said nothing. Just like the rest of us, he said nothing.

"So do I; for raising my voice. I was wrong." She touched his arm and gave him a genuine smile.

For a second a hint of something ran across her face but just as quickly as it was there, it was gone. "I had a bad day and should not have taken it out on you."

He only nodded. His eyes followed her as she walked in. He had always had a soft spot in his heart for her. I could see that it was still there.

She walked past me and she brushed against my arm. Electricity flowed through me because of that one touch. She looked up at me and caught my gaze.

She felt it too.

She had to have felt it.

"Excuse me." She turned from me as she went to sit at the bar.

She didn't feel it.

She didn't remember me.

It didn't matter. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Just as I suspected, she didn't fawn over me as the others usually do. It was as if I am just any other vampire.

That was what made me want her; her fight, strength of mind, bravery, and her compassion.

I want her. I've always wanted her.

Smoothing down the back of her dress, she gracefully sat at the bar and waited for her turn to be served.

She spoke to everyone and anyone that looked her way; be it human or vampire. She has always made vampires feel as if they are no different than humans.

That's what drew most of us to her. Take these two vampires tonight; for example.

A couple of vampires had the audacity to approach her. Telling her how lovely she is, asking if they can sit with her if only for a little while, asking her if they could buy her a drink.

They would have loved to be given the opportunity to be in her presence this evening.

They told her that she was the most beautiful creature that they've seen all night. It is true but she will not be theirs.

Only loud enough for them to hear me, threateningly I said, "She is mine."

The vampires looked my way and they acknowledged my words. They heard the warning and the promise in my voice; the promise of death if they so much as brush against her.

They bowed to her and then to me ever so slightly and walked away. She looked at them confused and shrugged her shoulders. She turned back to the bar and waited.

She shouldn't have to wait. If he does not wait on her...!

Immanuel finally made his way over to take her order. I wondered if she would recognize him or if he would recognize her.

He had to cut her hair for her when it was burned during an attack on Merlotte's. If she remembered him then she would have to remember me.

"What will you have, beautiful?" Immanuel said with a wink. It didn't matter if he winked at her. He wasn't interested in Sookie.

He is more interested in the guy sitting at the other end of the bar. He is promised another day.

Gin and tonic, I thought to myself. She'll have a gin and tonic.

"Gin and tonic," she said.

"Had a long day?" he asked her.

"You wouldn't believe my day," she said.

I want to hear about your day. I want to share your day with you. I want to hold you as you straddle me and lean your head against my shoulder. We don't have to make love.

Please, just let me hold you. I want to feel your heart beating against my chest as I hold you. I want to hear your sweet southern voice speaking softly in my ear.

I want to hear you laugh when I tell you the funny stories of the sad, desperate, and nameless fangbangers that come in here night after night after night.

I want to hear about the people that you've met and the thoughts that you've heard today. I want to make you feel better.

I want to hear your jokes; even the ones that are not funny. I promise that I will laugh this time. Please, share your day with me.

She took a sip and sighed.

How I wish to be that glass.

She held her glass up to Immanuel and said, "I needed this. Thank you." After one last sip, she introduced herself to the bartender.

"By the way, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She offered the bartender her hand.

She's Sookie Northman. She's my wife.

"Immanuel," he said, "Just plain old Immanuel."

"Good to meet you just plain old Immanuel."