
Dude Love

The love of his undead life died five years ago. And for five year's he's been waiting of her return. After five years of waiting , he sees the impossible. She stands in the doors of Fangasia.She's returned to him. He wanted to hold her, his friend, his lover, his wife. She only stares at him and says, "Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She doesn't remember him. He dies Once again. Will she remember?

Franklin237 · Others
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 : Funny Lover

I licked my way from her lips to her ear and I whispered, "Mine." I wanted to tell her over and over again that she belongs to me.

"Yours," she said as I nibbled at her ear.

Still holding her face in my hands and looking into her eyes, I said to her, "When we do this, we are one. There is no going back. We may be starting a new bond but this one is the definitive one. You will forever belong to me. Are you sure that you want to do this? I want to be sure that this is truly what you want."

"Yes. I've never wanted anything more. I want you," she said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

She never lost rhythm as right her continued to pleasure me. She lifted herself up and began to rub the head of my hardness over her already swollen nub. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "How does it feel?"

I pulled her head to me and began kissing her as my hands caressed her breasts; they fit perfectly. Her nipples seemed to get harder as my fingertips brushed across them. I had no choice but to kiss them. They were begging to be loved. Every whimper that I could make escape my southern bell's throat, I relished.

Sookie leaned her head forward as she moaned my name. Her forehead rested against mine and she slowly started to come down on my shaft. My lover put the head of my hardness inside of her. She moved as slowly as she possibly could. She only worked the head in and out of herself; teasing me, torturing me. I threw my head back in complete ecstasy. I gripped her hips in order to drive my hardness inside of her but she stopped moving.

"Don't move Eric. Let me make love to you."

I growled in annoyance. What does she expect of me? I am a vampire!

I take control!

I am the one that is always in control!

No woman has ever...

I did as she asked. She put her hands on my shoulders as her knees rested on either side of me. She only moved up and down on the head of my cock. It felt so good. What felt like hours of torture, was finally over. She finally put all of me inside her. She kissed down my chest and licked my nipples. She looked up at me as I watched her flicking her tongue over my nipple. She then did the unexpected. She bit. That made me thrust deeper inside of her.

She sat up instantly and gasped. She leaned back with her hands resting on my knees as she thrusted her breasts forward. She began swirling her hips as she made love to me. My eyes were soon rolling so far back into my head that I couldn't focus on anything but what she was doing to me.

Sookie then leaned forward with her hands on my shoulders; moving up and down, never losing rhythm. She used one of my lines on me, "Look at me lover." I looked into her sultry blue eyes. "No one will take you from me. You are my husband."

"I'm yours." I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her with such force that I could taste the blood from her lips. "I can't take it any longer Sookie."

Sitting straight up, she said, "Take what Eric?"

Without saying a word and I was as deep inside of her as I could go. She was matching me thrust for thrust. I'd never felt anything so good in all of my existence. I pounded into her over and over again. Her body was glistening with sweat. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she moved back and forth as she fucked me. She was going faster and I knew that it was time.

"Now Eric; bite me," she moaned. I licked her neck and bit. I could feel her wetness contracting around me as she rode out her orgasm. Her sweet blood was flowing through me once again. It coated every inch of my mouth; as thick as nectar but sweeter.

"Fuck me baby."

I fucked her just like she wanted. She had orgasm after orgasm. I could feel myself about to cum as I went deeper into her. "Do it Sookie," I said into her ear. I needed to feel her blunt teeth biting into my neck. I was yearning for it. I craved it.

There was a time when she felt that her dull teeth would have hurt me and she didn't want to hurt me but tonight, there was no stopping her. She didn't give her dull teeth a second thought. She bit into me and latched on. She sucked for all that she was worth. She sucked harder as I exploded inside of her and she came with me once again. With my blood dripping from the sides of her mouth and her head thrown back, Sookie let me guide her up and down on my hardness. Over and over, my name replayed on her lips.

As her orgasm subsided, she milked the rest of the juices from my cock as she slowly moved back and forth.

Panting and sweating, she laid her head on my shoulder and said, "Perfect, absolutely perfect." She moved on my hardness until she could move no longer. I could feel her heart pounding against my chest. Her sweaty body smelled sweet. I pulled her closer to me.

"I love you Eric," she said. "I was so nervous when I got to Fangtasia. I wanted to make sure that I was making the right decisions ... and I was. This is good. This is right."

I stroked her hair as I held her. "I'm glad that you came back."

She placed her small hand on the side of my face and said again, "I love you." She then started to giggle.

"What is so funny lover?"

"I'm happy."