
Dude Love

The love of his undead life died five years ago. And for five year's he's been waiting of her return. After five years of waiting , he sees the impossible. She stands in the doors of Fangasia.She's returned to him. He wanted to hold her, his friend, his lover, his wife. She only stares at him and says, "Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She doesn't remember him. He dies Once again. Will she remember?

Franklin237 · Others
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24 Chs

Chapter 21 : Redhead

For her sake, she needed to be careful. Little did she know but I would enjoy causing her excruciating pain if she disrespected Sookie.

"Do you know who that girl is?"

"Maybe but I'll tell you what I do know. I know that she isn't with you. I would never leave you alone. She didn't even make sure that you were well fed before she left you here all alone. I know that she didn't let you fuck her either. That bitch …"

Before I could stop it, my temper took over.

In a flash, I was standing in front of the nasty woman with my hand wrapped neatly around her bony throat. She never saw me coming because that dumb smile is still on her face.

"That bitch that you speak ill of is my wife. You will not disrespect her." I stared in her deeply in her eyes. I suddenly changed my mind. "There is something that you can do for me. You can die."

I squeezed her throat a little bit at a time as she clawed at my hand. The smile was finally gone. I could feel her pulse beating faster and faster against the palm of my hand. Her fighting brought my vampire instincts out in full force. I squeezed just a little bit harder.

"Give me one reason why I should not kill you."

She squeezed her eyes closed as she shook her head from side to side; gasping for what little air that was available to her. I couldn't have that. I squeezed tighter.

Pam was instantly beside me with her hand on my arm. "Master, release her. The humans are watching."

"So," I said. It was the only word that came to mind. I looked at Pam as if she was just another vampire. I turned my attentions back to my prey. The redhead was gasping and clawing for her last breaths. I was reveling in her discomfort and pain. I looked deeply into the vermin's eyes. I could see the life slowly ebbing away.

"She insulted my wife. Why should I let her go?"

"Because of your wife," Pam said softly. "What would she say if she saw this?"

Thalia, Maxwell Lee, and Indira stood watch. I could see that they agreed with Pam. I then dropped the blood bag onto the floor. She curled into the fetal position with her hands around her bruised neck; crying. Making sure that she did not touch it, Pam used her foot to kick the woman onto her back. She stooped down to the level of the vermin to glamor the rightful assault from its mind but I stopped her.

"Don't glamor her. I want her to remember what has happened to her. I want them all to remember. Look at me vermin."

She squeezed her eyes closed.

"Look at me now," I said in my most ominous voice.

Slowly she did. "If you ever disrespect my wife again, I will kill you. If I ever see your face again, I will kill you. If you return to Fangtasia, you will never leave. You believe me, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Get her the fuck out of here."

Once the show was over, the humans returned to their night of drinking and dancing as if nothing had happened.

'He should have killed her.'

'I have never seen a vampire kill someone before. I thought that I was going to get to see it tonight. That would be something to write home about.'

They wanted to see her die. I looked at them all with contempt; fucking humans. They're just as bad as the faeries; just not as dangerous. I could no longer stand to be in their presence. Each of them sickened me. With that said and done, I went into my office.

I laid back on the couch and take out my cell phone. I contemplated calling her. It's only 11:30. She could possibly be awake. She was one for an early bedtime but things have changed. She is no longer married to a vampire. Sookie is no longer a waitress at Merlotte's. She has to be an early riser now. Would she think that I am being selfish if I call her this late? I guess I am selfish. I have to talk to her. There was no way that I could wait until Friday to speak to her. It had been five years and I can't wait any longer.

Her phone rang once, twice, three times … just as I was about to hang up, I heard a breathless, "Hello?"

I sat up instantly. Why was she out of breath? Was she in danger?

"Sookie, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. May I ask who is calling?"

Doing my best not to sound insulted, I said, "Eric. I only ask because you sound as if you're out of breath."

"I had to run downstairs to get my phone. I had just gotten out of the tub. Couldn't wait 'til Friday, huh?" she asked.

"I could not."

"I'm glad that you couldn't." I could hear that she was happy to hear from me. "Just before I answered, I had decided on a plan. Do you want to know what it was?"

"Tell me, my dearest."

"I was going to play hard to get but it didn't work out ... my dearest." Quickly, she added, "I wvfas thinking about you."

"You said that so fast, I almost did not catch it."

"Ha, ha," she said. "You heard me. So, have you decided on what we're doing Friday night?"

"Anything that you want to do; that's what we'll do. I just want to spend some time with you."

As I laid back on the couch while talking to Sookie, I remembered how she wanted me to court her. She used to always say that she didn't know how I felt because I never called her or visited her. I told her that because I had taken care of her, she should have known how I felt. After she moved in with me, I understood what she wanted.