
Dude Love

The love of his undead life died five years ago. And for five year's he's been waiting of her return. After five years of waiting , he sees the impossible. She stands in the doors of Fangasia.She's returned to him. He wanted to hold her, his friend, his lover, his wife. She only stares at him and says, "Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She doesn't remember him. He dies Once again. Will she remember?

Franklin237 · Others
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24 Chs

Chapter 15 : Northman

She shrugged it off as she continued. "I do know that I didn't get to talk to Gran before I went to bed. I regret that. When I woke up that morning, grandpa was in the living room crying.

He told me that Gran had suffered a heart attack in the night. I remember crying but I don't remember going to her funeral. I was so out of it ..."

Her Gran was murdered by Rene Lenier. I have to contact Niall. The last time I spoke to him was just before Sookie's funeral. I deserve answers.

"What about your parents?"

"They died in a car wreck when Jason and I were younger."

Well at least that stayed true to form.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

What about the faeries that attacked her? What about the maenad? What about Bill and Quinn? She doesn't seem to remember about Freyda or Felipe. It's almost as if it's all been wiped away.

"I appreciate that." She took her hand from me in order to get her keys from her purse. "I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you," she said when she looked up at me.

We stood there staring at each other in an awkward silence. I was smiling down at her as if I was a school boy.

I love that this is how she makes me feel. I love it! I had to captivate her with my great lady claiming skills. I need to make her see that she belongs with me.

"I enjoyed your company as well."

WHAT! I couldn't think of anything better than that? Shit; she was going to think that I was weak.

"Good night," she said; still staring at me.

She opened her car door to leave and I almost screamed STOP. Instead I said, "When can I see you again?"

"Really; you want to see me again?" She looked almost surprised. "You want to see me?"

"Yes. I'd love to see you again."

"I'm off Friday. We can see each other Friday."

"Good," I said. I held the door open for her and watched her as she got in. Once she'd buckled herself in, I closed the door and leaned into the car. I kissed her softly on the cheek.

She put her hand to her cheek and whispered something that I cannot quite hear. "What did you say?"

"Sweet; I said that was sweet," she blushed. She cranked her car.

"Sookie," I said.

She looked up at me with expectant eyes.

"If I am to take you out on a date, I need your number."

She opened the dashboard and retrieved a pen. She looked for a slip of paper but couldn't find one.

"Your hand?" she asked. Silently I offered it to her. She began to write her number on the back of my hand and her name underneath it.

"This is my cell. I wrote my name so that you would not get me confused with your fangbangers."

"Never; they can't compare to you."

"You are a charmer. Goodnight." she said as she put the pen back in the dashboard. My lover began to drive away.

"Good night," I said as I watched her. It ached to watch her leave. I couldn't let her go just yet.

"Hello?" I could hear the smile in her voice. The little car stopped as the end of the parking lot.

"I had to be sure that you didn't give me a fake number."

I got to hear her laugh once more before she left. "Really?" she asked.

"Plus, I wanted to make sure that you had my number." She looked into her rearview mirror at me and laughed. "Call me if you need me."

"Good night, Eric." She put her hand out of the window and waved good-bye. I watch as my wife left Fangtasia.

Without needing to look, I knew that my vampires were with me. We were all looking in the direction of the fading car.

"This is not possible. She died five years ago tonight; after the …," said Indira.

"Don't say it," Pam growled at the younger vampire. Indira cowered and acknowledged her superior's command.

I know. She died in my arms.

"She hasn't changed," Thalia said.

Her personality has changed somewhat and her life is not what it used to be.

"How can we remember her and she does not remember either one of us?" asked Maxwell Lee.

I don't know.

Pam said what we're all thinking. "I have to wonder what other vampires know that she's alive."

Fangs dropped from all around.

While I was driving home, I thought of how brazen I was tonight. I, Sookie Stackhouse, got into an argument with a vampire bouncer and I flirted with a vampire; a very handsome vampire as a matter of fact AND we have a date on Friday night. What are the chances?

Who would have thought that I would just walk up to a vampire and start up a conversation? Who would have thought that I would go to a vampire bar ... alone? I couldn't wait to get to work tomorrow.

I can't believe I did that! What I really can't believe is how taken I am with Eric Northman.

When I walked past him to go into the bar, I brushed against his arm and electricity flowed through me.

I wonder if he felt it too. I know that I have never felt anything like that before. It felt like sparks were flowing from him to me. It felt amazing.

I wonder if he …. Why should I care if a complete stranger noticed me accidentally brushing against him? Why would I even think that he felt a spark because I brushed against his arm? Why should I care? I am Sookie Stackhouse. I shouldn't care about that; not in the least.

But I do.

When I sat down at the bar to order my drink, I noticed that all of the vampires were staring at me.

I was afraid that they were going to kick me out. Come to think of it, they were staring at me like that when I tried to get them to let me in; even Eric.