
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · TV
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 4

Richard looked him in the eye

"Most. Beautiful. Woman. I've. Ever. Seen. and those eyes, you can get lost in them. Damn straight I want her"

"If you hurt her I will try to kill you, understood?"

"On my life!"


The morning after, Richard met with Arthur and Ashara. They headed to the courtyard where he called in the crow.

Ashara seeing for the first time majestic birt exclaimed


"They are beauties, I will show you the rest of the flock when we get to Trant Island"

She gave him a grateful nod.

"There is only one of them, how will we both get there? Don't tell me I have to take a horse."

"Nah, Ashara will just have to mount me," Richard said with a cheeky smirk

"What's that have to do with getting there?" Asks Ashara, completely ignoring double meaning.

"You will see, please step back," Richard told them.

Ashara now intrigued stepped back and before her eyes, Richard transformed into a giant Crow, easily able to carry her on his back.

Richard not being able to talk in Crow form nodded with his head to get on.

"Cmon sister, I will help you up." said resigned Arthur.


Back in Trant Island, few weeks passed since Lyanna came to the island. She was surprised just like Elia about all the magic things that were common in Trant Island. She quickly got used to living there, even if she still missed her home. Her Relationship with Elia developed surprisingly into a tentative friendship. They had a few things in common like they were both in deadly situations because of the same man, they both loved their children, both were survivors.

Aegon and Rhanys shortly after Lyanna's arrival declared Jon their little brother. They took care of them when grown-ups were doing grown-up things, in other words, they drank alcohol and gossiped. Thankfully Ser Gerold and Ser Oswell arrived few weeks after Lyanna and are able to stand guard. Not that there was any danger to children, the Island was the safest place on the planet but to take care they do not hurt themself, basically from Kingsguard, they downgraded to babysitters.

Richards mother, Lady Ellyn, or just Ellyn as she asked them to call her often accompanied them for this girl-talk sessions when she wasn't dealing with papers. They both often heard her complain about her son and how much work he left her to do, which got both of them laughing.

Ellyn often told them stories of trouble-maker, that is what Ellyn is calling her son, younger years. How she caught him trying to fly and crash every time after figuring out how to transform to Crow. They were both amazed by the abilities and how he used them, for example, they were still stumped by the fact that hold didn't use a chamber pot, instead, they had toilets. Such little conveniences could be found everywhere, it would be hard to get back to a normal castle.

They had such girl-talk right now in the gardens when a crow landed on Ellyn's shoulder and nodded its head.

"My son is coming home, finally"


Arriving at the ravenry Arthur helped Ashara down and Richard transformed. Waiting for them were Lyanna Elia and Ellyn.

Ashara immediately set out to hug her dear friend,

"I'm so happy to see you," Said Ashara.

While old friends were talking Richard greet his mother.

"Hello mom, how were you been? Everything ok?"

She ignores questions and hugs him too, giving a kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you too mom, let's get to the castle I will tell you everything"

Walking inside he spotted maester.

"Welcome back my Lord, how was your journey?"

"Productive. Listen I need you to go and write a letter to Oberyn Martell, don't mention anything about our guests only that it is important that he comes here as soon as possible. Present me then letter for approval."

"Yes, right away my Lord"

"Thank you"


After Richard told his mother every single detail about his trip, seriously he is almost 19 + memories of his previous life and she still treats him like a child, when he mentioned it all he got was:

"No matter how old you get, for me, you will still be my little trouble-maker"

How can he fight that? Mother logic is unbreakable.

After everything settled down Richard was finally able to get back to his projects. He was working on recreating a tobacco plant, modified to not be harmful to humans and with added a little bit of cannabis effect, not enough to cloud the mind or get addicting but enough to relax after the day of hard work. He also needed to eliminate the smell or change it to something different. In his previous life, he liked to smoke once in the while but the smell that lasted after that was not pleasant.

With the help of CM(Computer Mind), he was able to come with seeds that would work just like that. Now he needed someone to take care of them, he wanted one full plantation only for this, He would then sell it to smallfolk or to the traders from Dorne, he knew for a fact something like this would Oberyn definitely appreciate and he would be good advertising for a lot of Lords and Ladies.

He called for a couple of farmers, in fact, it's the same couple he met when he was young, and their farm started all of the food production on Island. After he explained what he wanted from them and they agreed to seed this plant he turned needed to find people to roll the cigars, they would produce two variants.

64mm thick for Man and 20mm for woman, he let the announcement that he is looking for skilled hands and soon he had a workforce.

Richard also planed to sell accessories, like Cigar Rings, ashtrays, etc...

For that, he hired Trant Island version of blacksmith, since they didn't work with metal but with a special wood they could be renamed to Woodsmith, and let them take care of it with blueprints that he gave them.

Now he just had to wait for his work to yield fruit.


Here you have it, the last chapter for today. Short one just to test waters so to speak let me know if I should return to the 2k version.

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