
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · TV
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 3


In meanwhile, at the same time as Richard was flying for the Tower of Joy. Elia with the kids arrived at the Trant Island Ravenry. There already waited Ellyn.

Ellyn knew that her son once again did something monumentally stupid when she saw Velka land with Princess and her children. She pinched her nose and exhaled a suffering sign

"Princess, welcome to our house"

"Thank you, Lady Ellyn, we are grateful for your help."

"We can talk later, let me show you your room for now"

Ellyn led Princess and her children to one of the guest rooms in the Castle, showing her how facilities work Elia was amazed and her Children especially enjoyed new things.

She expected to be placed in a small stone room, she was an unexpected visitor as far as she knew, but instead, she was led to the room decorated with wood, it had nice and detailed engravings. On the far side, instead of a stone wall was a big window, instead of glass tho, the window was covered by lianes and between them a transparent sheet of plant matter, this was in fact a modified version of Westeros Stringy Spanish moss. The leaves were modified to be thinner so to let more light in and lianes served to get enough water for them to survive above water. They also had millions of small air bubbles to help with isolation.

The whole room had a cozy feeling, everything was made from wood but it didn't mean that it lacked color. Different types of wood and greenery that were present everywhere meant that it was pleasant to look at.

Elia loved the shower the most, it can be used for a fast clean up and according to Lady Ellyn every house even smallfolk had one already. They didn't even need servants so bring water they just needed to heat up the reservoir and she could enjoy hot water every day.

Ellyn then let Elia rest for the night. She had to deal with house matters, the maester was getting increasingly more irritating with his moaning about Richards decision of no contact with Stormlands. He tried a few times to send a message anyway but only got bloody fingers from crows as a reward.

The next day Ellyn took Elia, Aegon, and Rhaenys for the tour of the Keep and its immediate surroundings. Elia got scare of her life when they left the keep and started walking on the outskirts of the forest. The forest looked magical, full of greenery with sun rays all over the place, that's when she noticed one tree was different, it had a face! She thought that maybe they pray to the Old Gods here so she walked up to it to see more detail.

That's when the ree moved! The roots split into two legs and the Treant started to move deeper into the forest. Elia screamed and run from it when she found Ellyn showing her children the sea of flowers that grew on the clearing not far from the keep.

"Monster! Run" Elia cried for her children to get to safety.

Instead of run Lady Ellyn just laughed

"What did you see princes? Giant bear or Moving trees?"

That left Elia dumb folded, Ellyn didn't act like it was anything strange with having a giant tree walking over the forest, and what was that about a giant bear?

"I saw a tree with a face, I thought it was like those in the North that I heard about so I wanted to see it closer when I walked to it tho it started moving, and then it left deeper into the forest, what are they?" Elia explained.

"Yes, they like their peace no surprise he left when you showed up. They are Treants, the creation of my son. They protect nature on this island and are generally peaceful, they will not hurt you if you do not hurt them.

But when the slavers last time arrived with 10 ships full of men Richard called them to battle. That was a sight to behold, all of the nature of the Trant Island was furious. Every animal that was capable of fight headed for the beach and with the help of Treants they managed to get everyone. Ah good times, those slavers scum deserved worse" Ellyn signed wishfully.

Ellia was now than ever grateful that Lord Trant took her under his protection, if he has such control over nature nothing will be able to hurt them as long as they stay on the island.

"I wonder when will Lord returns"

"In a few months, he told me when he left that he will be out for a couple of months but I guess it will be longer now that he didn't leave with you to go home. I just hope he will not get himself into trouble, my son can be awfully impulsive and sure of himself. He acts as if the world was his playground and nothing could hurt him sometimes"

"Do not worry Lady Ellyn, I saw him protect us from the Mountain and dozens of soldiers when he rescued us, when he changed he was faster than they could react he will be fine."

Ellyn smiled at the Dornish Princess in thanks and they continued the tour.


A few weeks later another Crow landed in Ravenry, this one carrying Lyanna with her son. Again Ellyn was waiting for her to land.

"Welcome to the house Trant, I am Ellyn Trant and who may you be?"

"Lyanna Stark, your son offered us sanctuary Lady Ellyn." Lyanna was nervous, Richard's mother looked a lot more serious than him. He would often joke and rarely used Titles until someone reminds him they exist.

She didn't want to offend Ellyn

"Nice to meet you Lyanna, and who is this?"

"My son Jon Stark"

"Well cmon I will show you to your room then you can tell us how what my son has done this time."

On the way to the room, they come across Elia. Lyanna saw that Elia recognized her and tensed, this could go horribly bad for her.

"So you are the second stop he was talking about, don't worry Lyanna I don't hold any grudge for you. My late husband was Bastard and skilled manipulator you never had a chance."

Lyanna relaxed a little, she wanted to argue that she did in fact had a chance but she knew it wasn't true. How else would she be in this situation? "Thank you princess"

"Now let's get you a room, you must be exhausted we will let you rest until tomorrow and you will then tell us what my son had done this time" Lady Ellyn declared.


Back with Richard. He and Arthur managed to fly all the way to Starfall, flying over the keep, they landed before the entrance. The arrival of 2 giant crows greatly alarmed all the guards of the keep. Most of them are already running all over yelling about giant birds.

Richard, still in his massive crow form decided to have a bit of fun and did not transform back. Arthur Dayne was greatly exasperated by his new friend. He could have let them down a little further from the keep to not cause panic, but noo he had to land in the middle of the courtyard right where all the guards are sparring.

He approached the guards that have their weapons pointed at a dragon-sized crow, what good it will do to them he didn't know.

"Richard, please transform back. They will get a hearth-attack" Arthur said

The crow puffed his chest out and then let a loud cry. Arthur saw a few of the guys piss themself. Then Richard transformed with a perfectly innocent face and started whistling like nothing happened, completely ignoring all the weapons pointed at him.

Arthur pinched his nose and let long-suffering sight at his friend's antics. He appreciated the help he gave them in the tower, without his herbs Lady Lyanna would have died in childbirth and they would be probably dead by the hand of Ned Stark and his man but sometimes, Sometimes Arthur wished he could just strangle Richard.

"Stand down man! He is a friend"

"Ser Dayne, what was that?"

"That my friend was childish antics of young Sorcerer" "Druid" Richard corrected. He didn't want to be known as Sorcerer, they were in Essos and used blood, he was druid goddammit. Arthur corrected himself "Druid"

"Can you please inform my sister that I've come?

"Right away Ser Dayne."

A little while later a young beautiful, tall maiden come from the keep. She had long dark hair tumbled around her shoulders with haunting violet eyes. Richards's brain froze he kept starring until he uttered the first thing he could. "You are beautiful, marry me?"

Arthur had to stifle a laugh at his friend, from the time he knew him nothing could throw him off, he always joked and was generally jovial, and now Richard the Druid of Westeros was speechless.

Ashara looked him up and down with violet eyes.

"Eh, maybe" and with that Arthur loses his fight trying to hold his laughter and let out a full belly-laugh. That woke Richard from the stupor finally.

"Lady Ashara, it is my genuine pleasure to get to know you. My name is Lord Richard Trant, please just call me Richard." The green-eyed man introduced himself while Arthur was trying to get hold of his laugh.

Ashara gets a good look at the stranger that introduced himself as Richard. By the way her brother is laughing they must have been good friends. He is a tall handsome man, with long black hair with a green tint that ended by his shoulders, but the most striking feature that Ashara noticed were his eyes. Just like hers, deep haunting but instead of violet, they were green. She could have lost herself in those eyes if it wasn't for her brother waking her up from daydreaming.

"Sister, it's good to see you again." Arthur proclaimed when he finally got a handle of himself. He noticed the look that Ashara got when she looked at his friend. Maybe they could get together. Having a powerful sorcerer, no, a Druid at their side will be good for the House.

"Arthur" Ashara exclaimed with a smile, she hugged him "I feared that something happened to you."

"It would if it wasn't for my friend here, Ned Stark and his man were coming for his sister. I don't think we would survive that encounter, good thing this man showed up!"

Ashara was surprised by her brother's words, she knew how good he was with a sword so to hear him say something like this was unexpected.

"Than I must thank you, Richard."

"Not a problem Lady Ashara" Just Ashara please" "Ashara then, someone had to talk some sense into their heads. I swear all of the king's guard were dropped on the head after birth."

Arthur bristled with indignation and Ashara let giggle out

Looking at her brother she let out

"Sometimes I thought so too"

"Now if you had enough making fun of your brother, we should get inside there is a lot to talk about."


"So he just showed up and saved everyone? What a hero" Ashara let out a giggle. They sat at the table tasting some wine, some more than others.

By the time they drank the second bottle Richard told his story, of how he saved Elia and her children, which Ashara was thankful for, to a deal he made with Stark.

"Now that you know what happened, we came to ask you if you want to join Elia and children on my Island?" Richard finally offered.

"Hmm, I don't know. What if you try to seduce poor me."

"Sister!" Exclaimed scandalized Arthur, his sister had little too much wine.

"I can promise you Ashara that I will try my damnest to seduce you!" Boasted Richard.

"Richard!" Now for the change exasperated at his friend's forwardness.

"What Arthur? Your sister is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I will be damned if I let someone else have her without trying my hardest!" Challenged Richard.

"Now boys settle down, so when are going to go?" Ashara asked.

"If you are coming with us then first thing in the morning"

"Then it's decided. I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow." Ashara left the room.

"So you want my sister huh?" Asked Arthur nonchalantly

Richard looked him in the eye

"Most. Beautiful. Woman. I've. Ever. Seen. and those eyes, you can get lost in them. Damn straight I want her"

"If you hurt her I will try to kill you, understood?"

"On my life!"


I'm sorry if I didn't get characters right, I can't remember what should they behave like so I kinda winged it.

Next chapter, Richard is finally home. New experiments and if I get the muse, some romance.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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