
being sad is an option

Today is Friday, and I don't feel like going anywhere, normally me and my family always go to different places to have fun, today is just a sad day for me, my dad is not here with us and so.

I don't feel like going anywhere apart from home.

Today I just want to take a quick nap, because school was hectic today, my math teacher gave us a difficult assignment.

Its not that am scared or can't solve it, but my books are finished, and I don't want to disturb my mom; so she won't stress are self. She has been working nonstop for the past 3month cuz she is trying to gather money for me and my twin sister Daniella, yea am a twin and although we are twin, we are much different.

Daniella, love the outdoors and love having friends, she's kind of brown in complexion, and very beautiful, she can make many mouth drop down, if she wants to.

But growing from a Christian home we have been told that don't dress seductive so you won't attract, animal in human body who can't control themselves.

One of the cause of all this uncontrollable urges and thinking, is really from what we see. and what we hear, we must learn to control our thoughts, watching of porn, reading of magazine full of naked people can be really be disturbing, but the world now allows it.

One can just have access to it that quickly, you can just be scrolling in Facebook or other social media platforms and boom, you we see a naked picture, either from a random person or from a celebrity who suppose to be a role model.

What is life turning into, we not feel safe again,if you turn here wickedness, if you turn the other side, sorrow and weeping.

Why won't one get sad all the time, I feel like just giving up, but there is a voice saying don't that I can do anything if I put my mind into it.

The voice always cheer me up like a good cheerleader.

So being sad is an option not everyday will be for rejoicing, cuz this life is not ice cream and chocolate, this life is just the survival of the fittest