

WARNING : Includes self harming,Alot of dark and depressed stuff like sucide. If triggering then please don't read and if you do then please do vote and comment. Will be updated when I need to let some emotions out. Thought I was healing, thought I was finally getting it right,till I realized I was only just at the surface cause now it feels like am drowning,it's choking and I can't breathe .....and am scared I'll never be able to fix me.

Sophie_Davies_ · Book&Literature
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Sometimes I want someone to notice my hurt

Someone to notice my open cuts

Sometimes I want someone to just hug me

Someone who won't leave me

Sometimes I want someone to talk to

Someone who tells me I'll be fine

I wish such someone could be mine

but I guess nobody has my time

Sometimes I don't want to be alone

Sometimes I wish I was okay

Sometimes I wish I wasn't sick

Sometimes I feel too weak

Broken, cause I was too meek

Sometimes I wish I had a friend

Maybe then I won't always pretend

Cause I'll have someone to depend

I smile but on the inside am so broken

No one knows cause I've never spoken

My mirror misses my smile

Cause it's been hard to that for a while

Sometimes I wish it wasn't hard to sleep

But I stay awake cause i silently weep

The torments I keep

They hunt me as the pain runs deep

Happiness I wish i had

Cause am too young to be sad

Sometimes I wish I had someone to call

Every single time I fall

I need someone to talk to

Checking my contacts

But no names appear on my phone

Then am remember am all alone

But sometimes I wish I wasn't on my own

Am breaking, just wish someone had known

Or maybe I just wished I had shown