

WARNING : Includes self harming,Alot of dark and depressed stuff like sucide. If triggering then please don't read and if you do then please do vote and comment. Will be updated when I need to let some emotions out. Thought I was healing, thought I was finally getting it right,till I realized I was only just at the surface cause now it feels like am drowning,it's choking and I can't breathe .....and am scared I'll never be able to fix me.

Sophie_Davies_ · Book&Literature
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19 Chs


I thought I was healing

But now am back to this feeling

The pain isn't thrilling

It's like,in my heart,a whole it's drilling

Wanted to heal for my family's sake

But I can't help stop the ache

I really tried

I really want to be free

But I guess,this sad girl will forever be me

The sad girl, nobody gets to see

Why is it so hard

Why can't I just not be sad

Why do I feel trapped

Am drowning

It's feels like my hands are tied behind my back

So I can't free from my chains

It feels like my eyes are wrapped with a scarf

So I don't see the light

It feels like my mouth is covered with tape

So I can't speak

So help I wouldn't seek

It feels like my legs are glued to the ground

I can't,no matter how hard I turn around

Am losing my strength

Can't fight for long

If I die, please sing me a song

Swollen eyes

From the tears I cried to be free

Rusty throat

From the shouts for help

Bruised body with scars

From the beatings from life,love and depression


cause I have scars I can't mention

So I stay frozen

I accept this pain I've choosen

Feeling like am in a cage

Left there to rot

Cause am always in one spot

Trapped with my thought

Now my life feels dark

The pain really left a mark

Am drowning

Every time I try to escape

The waters rise

So i pay the price

I drown,it isn't nice

I've tried to run

But it finds me

I tried to scream

But I lost my voice

So what now

I can't run

I can't hide

I give up the pride

Depression,let's have a ride

I can't be saved from those nights I died

If I say there's a way out,I lied

Cause I searched,I tried

But was alone in the dark so I cried

I hate myself again once the tears have dried

I often wonder

If the pain could take me under

I guess what's lost can't always be found

Till it's six under the ground

Atleast I would hear no sound

Atleast,the voices will stop

The day I drop