

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes. That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered. I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough. Whom i thought love me equally. I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air. The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits to the two aspiring lovers. I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart? I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him. I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need her anymore.

BlytheZoyle14 · Teen
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38 Chs

Drown #16

"Doc, room 103 you are needed there!" The nurse was panting as she called for my presence. And i acted fast because i know who's patient is in room 103

That patient is no other than Lara.

"Where's Doc?" i asked him about Eoghan.

"Operating room, Doc. "

I nodded. He's busy.

Eoghan has two specialization. Pedia and surgery.

When i arrived, the kid is already coughing too much blood.

I checked the time. My brows knotted when i saw it's 4:30. She should not be like this if she took her medicine on time...

Wait, what?.

"Did you gave her medicine?" When i asked that, i saw how his eyes grew big.

I pursed my lip. They forgot.

Fucking irresponsible. 

"Move! give her medication!" My loud voice echoed in the four corners of the room. .

My attention is on the kid again, i did my best to calm her. Slowly i massage her chest and i let her lean on me but because she's still coughing  and my robe got coated with blood red.

She held my hand as if holding onto me will help her ease the pain.

Minutes later the drug arrived i did what i had to do and i told the nurse to take care of her and clean her body. 

Also, i told them to change her hose, it got messy because of her movement a while ago.

I waited for her and checked Lara's pulse and heartbeat after treating what needs to be treated and it's too slow. Then i remembered what Eoghan said days ago.

I shook my head.

When she was no longer in pain and manage to sleep i took her chart.

I clenched my jaw.

''Lala is okay, right?'

I look at the kid who asked me. I patted his head. He's tall for his age and he's smart too but kind of aloof.

I smiled "She is" i said.

"Liar" he fired back that i got shocked.

I shook my head.

"She will be, Clyde"

He sighed.

I knew he was there while i was taking care of the little girl. He was just watching.

"You want Lara to be fine?" i asked and he nodded.

"Then pray, there's no greater power than prayers kid" With that i left.

I came to the nurse station.

I asked where are the two nurses who's assigned to Lara.

I turn to the nurse who called me a while ago.

"Where were you? and why did you forgot to give her, her medication?!"

"D-doc I'm not the one who's incharge, I'm just about to start on my duty"

."Then tell me where are those two?!" I'm mad, how can they be so irresponsible?!. Lara's case is very rare and she should be monitored, especially no one's taking care of her. Her family is not staying, her mom is working her ass off to afford the hospital fee.

I saw how he look at my back so i turn my head.  Four nurses greeted my eyes, they were laughing while munching their burgers.

"Who among those four" I asked him.

"The two lady at the right side, Doc" I nodded

"You can go back to your work" I marched out to approach them.

"Candy and Haley"

They look at me.

"Doc?" They both said.

"Let's talk" With that i enter one of the vacant station, i closed the door after they entered.

"Who forgot to give Lara's medicine?" I started.

"Huh?" my brow rose up.

"Do i need to repeat my self?"

I can see how they nudge each other that it piss me off.

"Why did you neglect your duty?!''

no one answered, they remain silent. How dare they not answer me when im asking?!

"And where have you been?! it's work hours! Do you know what happened to the patient?!"

"I'm gonna tell the both of you, If you keep being irresponsible stop working here! how dare you continue working when a patient might die from your negligence!" After saying that i walked out.

"Doc Roan, Doctor Jerren is asking for you, he said give him five minutes"


This is why i don't want to go back. Becoming a doctor is just a childish dream. I had long quitted to this job, im not happy anymore. Fuck King.

"Tell him i can't, i have something else to do"

I barged on my room, i have an hour of break time, Later by six i will do my rounds.

I laid my back on the sofa and closed my eyes.

"So you want to sleep that's why you can't meet me huh?"

I don't know how to react. I just knew that he didn't even knock before entering. I open my eyes and look at him.

I shut my mouth when i saw how tired he is.

"What happened to the thing i asked you?"

I didn't even bother saying anything, i just signaled him it was on my desk, it was my research. I'm not really in the mood right now.

"I heard about the incident a while ago"

"I'm quite busy, we can talk later" I said, deliberately dismissing him.

He sighed. "Alright, I'll leave. But remember whe have some things to settle" and he finally left.

'some things'  Hah! how ironic, no wonder he's friends with my cousin. Both of them are obnoxious and infuriating.

Men will always be a pain in the ass.

No races nor religion can stop them from being a nuisance.