
Dropped into another world

Fox22 · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

[It's time.]

"oh, is it really time?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

[Yes it is.]

"Have you prepared a body?" I asked.

[Yes I have. Did you think I'd forget.] she said and I felt like she rolled her eyes while saying that.

"Ok, do it now."

[Are you sure?] she asked just to check.

"Yes, I am"

[Ok starting in 3 ... 2 ...] I took a deep breath readying myself [1 soul transfer starting]

Suddenly I felt a out of body experience. How to describe it. It's like your mind just got ripped out of your body.

[Transfering soul into new vessel. ERROR ERROR INTERFERENCE DETECTED.] I widened my eyes.

'Oh fuck' That was the last thing I thought of before everything went black.

-In a unknown world-

At this time you could see something fall out of a crack in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a falling girl.

-In a forest-

"Well, where am I?" A girl said in a crater.

"Ahhh my head and back hurts." I suddenly had the urge to puke. Then I puked my guts out.

"*sigh* I should find a city, village, or town to get information." Then I felt breeze hitting my skin making shiver. I looked down and I saw that I'm naked.

"Well, that's gonna be a problem first thing to do get some clothes but how? how do I get clothes in the middle of the forest. Going to a city or town like this will not be good for my image." I furrowed my brows. I heard the bushes beside me rustling. I backed up preparing myself for an attack. What came out of the bush caught me off guard it a white fox cub.

'Well at least my food problem is solved for now. How should I cook it. Should I roast it or make a stew.' The fox suddenly felt a chill going down its spine.

"I do not like making a campfire. I like just using a lighter rather than rubbing 2 sticks with eachother that took an hour or two. Now it's night. If you're wondering I didn't eat the fox." I felt something nuzzling into my chest. I looked down and saw the fox cub in my arms. I decided to keep the fox. If the parent foxes come I'll just kill them for food without showing the fox cub.

"I wonder if I still have my system. Status." I said then a black screen with roses and golds sides. Cool right I customized it myself.


Name: Azul clara

Titles: [Professor, Nightmare, Madman, Progenitor]

Race: Human(???)

Curse: Curse of Madness(Sealed), Demonic Encroachment(Weakened)

STR: 10 (Weakened)

END:10 (Weakened)

AGI:15 (Weakened)

INT:15 (Weakened)

WIS:30 (Weakened)

Skills:[7 Thrones(Sealed), Portable Lab, Demonic Encroachment(Weakened), Appraisal lvl 1]

"Tch. I still have the Madness curse. It followed me to another world. Maybe the interference was the curse. Let's check what this skill is."

[7 Thrones(Sealed)

There was once 7 Harbingers each wielding power able to destroy countless realities.

(Note: Level up to learn more about the skill. 😉 )]

"Well, that was very useful." I said sarcastically. Then I patted the cat in my arms to calm my frustration. Wait. Cat? I looked down and saw the sleeping fox in my arms purring. ??? What. I swear I saw a cat. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"What do I do now? Maybe making some clothes for start cause my ass hurts when I'm sitting on a log. I should've shaved it's side so I'm not sitting on rough bark."

I sipped some coffee from my coffee mug. I took out a silenced pistol and shot at the forest. *Thud* I casually put the pistol back and took another sip from my coffee mug while stroking my cute little fox. I'll this fox Vanilla. Then I fell a sleep with Vanilla in my arms.

The next day

"Ah fuck my ass hurts" That was the first words I said when I woke up. Vanilla was still sleeping in my arms while cutely purring.

I stood up that action waking Vanilla up. Vanilla Yawned cutely. "Sorry for waking you up Vanilla" I apologized while stroking Vanilla's soft fur. Then I did some simple stretches to loosen my stiff muscles. Once I'm done with the stretches I put Vanilla on my head.

"I should go take a bath in a river or something. Don't wanna smell bad." I said while walking to a random direction.

1 hour of walking later.

"I surprisingly found a river." I said quite surprised. Then I proceeded to jump into the river with an excited Vanilla making a big splash.

"I'm an idiot. How can I forget that there's a shop function in the system." Then I opened system shop.












I pressed the Miscellaneous option. Then a new screen popped up and there was a lot of items but I don't need those yet. Thank god there is a search bar. I proceeded to type in towel and clothing.


[Towel and clothing]

Shop points owned: 100,000

(Normal T-shirt)

Description: A normal T-shirt

Cost: 1 shop point

(Normal Pants)

Description: A normal Pants

Cost: 1 shop point

(Normal Towel)

Description: A normal Towel

Cost: 1 shop point

(Space-time silk Clothes)

Description: A space-time silk Clothes as the name says it's made from the silk of a space-time silkworm that can only be found in the abyss. (Note: space-time silkworms are super rare you could say it's only a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance to find it. Anything made from the silk is Nigh Impossible to destroy it takes at least a low tier gods to make a even a scratch on it.)

Cost: 1,000,000 shop points


"I don't need a space-time Clothes even if I want to buy it I can't." I said before just buy some normal clothes.

After drying myself and vanilla off with the towel. I put on black pants, light blue shirt and a grey hoodie. Then I put Vanilla on my head and off we to somewhere.