

Keira was known to be the useless and abandoned young miss of the Meng family. Throughout her life was fool of pain and betrayal. First her mum died now her lover was stolen by her step sister who made her life miserable for years. She was fed up with this and jumped of the cliff. She then woke up in a dark void with a handsome dark-skinned elf before her. "Useless and weak tch," he snorted. "what do you want?" he glared down at her as she kept in shaking. Keira bit her lips as she couldn't stand it anymore. "Pls give me the power to be string and conquer my enemies," she kowtowed before him. "No, I would give you the power to be strong and let you conquer friends or foe. However this all on you. If you agree you'll use the emotions to ever love anything!So what do you say," he suggested as he had a scry grin on her face. "If I can't get rid of my stupidity and naiveness I'll forever be weak, if it means to take away my emotions then so be it." [ Congratulations of the Green Diamond's Awakening ] The world is a cruel place. The string eat the weak and the weak continue to perish. Those disgusting orthodox cultivators or so fake, so I might as well be a Demonic Cultivator even it mean abandoning my humanity. hahahahahahaha [ Congratulations on The Green Diamond on becoming a Demonic Cultivator. The system is looking forward to your... WORLD DOMINATION. ] pls the cover art doesn't belong to me. Credit goes to the artist

Erivva · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Now to finish up."

The plant monsters began to move as they each went to the front, side and back of the city and the forest. They stretched out their hands as they joined together to form a thick forest around the area. The barrier came down and a few thousand people made it out alive as they thanked God.

Now the entire city of Xiaweng City was nothing more than a thick dark forest. Chrona then landed gracefully on the ground as Keira looked at her mother and asked with a slight frown on her face, "Why did you let the rest go mother?"

"Once people hear the story they would think twice before trying to enter the forest and causing trouble," Chrona responded with a smile.

"I guess so," Keira sighed.

Chrona: "Now I need to add one more thing."

Chrona's hands began to glow as she then waved her hand across the air. Keira gasped in shock at the sight of this. What is happening? The area around began to shake tremendously as Chrona muttered, "Tenkai Thousand Demons of Abomination."

After she was done the ground around them began to shake as various faces started to pop out of the crack. Different types of strange-looking monsters appeared from the crack. Some were ugly and vicious, while others looked beautiful yet had a dangerous aura. Keira was scared of them since they all had a terrifying pressure surrounding them, so she firmly held onto her mother's clothes as she tried to show no fear.

"Greetings Master!" The monsters greeted as they all bowed in harmony before Chrona.

"It's good to see you all again," she said as she looked at them blankly, "You're free to roam this forest and you must protect me and my daughter. Also do not kill too many of the beasts in the forest, we need to eat too." Chrona ordered with a smile on her face at the end. However, it seems that the monster's attention was on Keira.

They looked at the young girl's big dull green eyes glaring at them behind her mother's back.

"Mini Master please don't be afraid of us," one monster said calmly with a teary face. They just got to meet their Diamond but she was giving them such vicious eyes. It felt like their hearts were being stabbed by her gaze.

"Mini Master if you don't like our current forms we can transform," one of the biggest monsters recommended as he walked closer to Chrona and Keira. He looked like a western Black Dragon. With huge majestic wings and powerful four legs beneath him and his body looked like it was covered in a shadow. He was 40 feet tall and 70 feet wide. As he opened his mouth rows of sharp teeth could be seen and his dark black eyes peered at Keira.

As then he began to grow smaller and smaller until he was the same height as them. However, Keira was shocked. Was she sure that those two beings were the same person? Before her was a handsome dark man who had dark grey skin and eyes. He had two huge horns on his head, which didn't bother him. His long black hair reached his waist and his black trousers. Let's not forget his exposed chest filled with muscles. Keria had no attraction to him even though he can be considered the most handsome man she had ever seen but he was still inferior to Olfivilous aka Geenre. However those muscles….she wanted to touch them. Keira then left her mother's back and walked up to the black dragon. She then stretched out her hands signaling him to carry her. The black Dragon was surprised and happy that his Mini Miss was willing to let him carry her.

As he bent down to carry her in his arms her skin was soft and squishy.

"The Mini Miss is so cute!" The Black Dragon mumbled with pride.

However, Keira was busy enjoying this. His muscles were absolutely amazing and perfect compared to Chi Lu. How did she ever fall for that guy with a slightly protruding stomach?

"Mummy I have…. a new carriage!" Keira declared proudly as he pointed at the Black Dragon.

Chrona: "Then let's go home, dear."

"Yes Mama, onward," Keira ordered as the Dragon flew beside her mother who was also flying.

All the other monsters looked at the Black Dragon with jealous gazes. 'How dare he gain his master's favouritism by showing off his human form.' they all thought as they cursed him in their minds. This was so unfair. If they knew that their master is fond of handsome people they would have transformed! They would surely teach that Black Dragon a lesson when he comes back.




Once they reached the wooden and beautifully styled cottage, Keira, Chrona, and Geenre sat down as they were ready to explain everything to Keira. As for the Black Dragon, he left after bringing Keira home. But that must have been a bad choice, since an angry mob of monsters wanted revenge from earlier on...

"Now then mother, can you tell me who I really am?" Keira stared deeply at her mother with her dead eyes.

Chrona's happy face then turned serious as she felt like her daughter needed to know. She can't keep hiding her forever and one day if those people should come, can Keira protect herself?

"Your father was the first generation, Green Diamond, however he's gone and now you've become the second generation Green Diamond," Chrona explained as she looked at her daughter with a sad yet content face.

Keira too felt slightly sad that she didn't get to meet her father.

"How did he die?" Keira asked as she gripped her clothes.

"Because of you Keira. It's a law that a Diamond must never have a child, because if they do, they would lose their life in exchange for their children's life. Two Diamond blood can't exist unless they are twins. So when you were an infant in my belly, I and your father were overjoyed. He really wanted to see his daughter, but he couldn't. Even though he knew the consequences he still wanted to have you. And when you were born, he disappeared into dust," Chrona disclosed this information that she had kept locked up in her heart. She couldn't help but burst into tears even though Keira was the cause of her father dying her mother held no grudge against her, she was their daughter.

"Mother, what are Diamonds?" Keira asked as she was confused about the whole situation. Who are Diamonds? What are they? Why do they exist?

"Why can't I know mother, it's just information!" Keira yelled, slamming her hand on the table. Why's her mother acting so mysterious?

"Information that would end all of us our lives," Geenre said coldly as he looked at the mother and daughter, "You're too weak, and that's your first problem. Us giving you information about Diamonds would allow them to find you."

"Who would come and find me?" Keira asked as she looked at Geenre nervously. For the first time since she had met him his hands were trembling.