
Drift: The Destiny of a Celestial Designer

Bright Caben was born in the most prominent Celestial Designer family. He was very talented and became the pride of the family at a very young age. On his 10th birthday, his Great Grandfather White gifted him a Necklace and then disappeared from the world. His fate changed with that Necklace. He is no longer a genius who can cultivate peacefully. Even people with poor aptitudes started to take over him in cultivation. Bright could only curse his Great Grand Pa day and night for his misfortune. But Bright's mood always becomes slightly better whenever he reads the first line of his Great Grand Pa's last letter, " Heaven and Hell shall never judge you. You are the sole master of your fate."

Adino · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Guests Arrive at Caben Clan

Except for Bright's soul resonance with Divine essence, his physical body is similar to all other children at his age. So, Archer concluded that Bright has a very powerful soul which is helping him to perceive Divine essence as simple breathing air for all living beings. Although Archer is very powerful, even he couldn't perceive Divine essence so smoothly.

Surprisingly boy never cried since the day he was born and he is always accompanied either by his mother Ellen or his aunt Mei.

It was very safe inside Caben clan, however, Ellen still has many concerns about Bright's safety, so she asked her clan to send bodyguards. Saunder clan sent 6th and 7th path cultivators to protect the Bright. Sublime school of Craft, which is jointly managed by Caben and Savio clans also took note of the situation and started monitoring everyone in their region.

There is a reason why Celestials give high priority to their children. The fertility rate of Celestial races is very low, which especially true for Giants. Therefore, though Giants are very strong, they will only participate in the war when the situation becomes very dire. There were instances when Three-Eyed race, Designer and Angels married mortals for the increasing population of Celestials. However, their fertility rate was also low and even if children were born, they would be mortals, unable to feel Divine essence.


The atmosphere in Sublime School of Craft became quite lively as the gathering day for celebrating the Bright's birth was approaching.

Saunder Clan from Duparity was first to arrive for the celebrations. Brights grandmother Blythe Saunder was among them.

Silver Jade Country's Prince Tuma Trove, who is Bright's cousin also came. Young Clan from Southern city, Cabe Clan from Northern city accompanied the Prince.

D'Aquino and Kelly clans from Holly city, Ayres clan from Fire Shrine also sent their respective clan members to congratulate the Caben Clan.

Many powerful clans among Mortals also sent their elders to give blessings to the child. Even though their overall strength is higher than Celestial races because of their high population, Mortals still considered Celestials as their benefactor because, in the last war against darkness, Celestials' sacrificed the most to save the Universe.


Lord White was still trying to understand the Necklaces design. In the last thirty days, all he did was concentrating on it and trying various means to establish a connection with it. However, there was no new progress. It was an artefact for soul protection; however, he knew that it doesn't shield the soul from damage.

Lord White opened his eyes as he heard knock on the door. He asked, "What happened?"

A maid said, "Lord, guests have arrived, all are waiting to meet you."

Lord White, "Leave if there is nothing else. I will meet them."


Meanwhile, the festive atmosphere in the Caben clan leapt as several junior designers from Sublime School of Craft illuminated the sky with many wonderful scenes. Others among them manifested musical instruments and started playing music.

As the party started, guests one by one came forward to congratulate Archer and Ellen. Youth became much more eager to know more about the Bright. Even if there is a 30-50 years age gap between the Celestials, they are considered as people from the same generation. So, many younger people from this generation wanted to know more about him. They heard about his amazing talents. If it is true, then in the future when Bright joins the Alliance to fight the Devils, his team will be strong. Thus, even though the boy is still very young, they wanted to compare themselves with the boy.

Linda from Young Clan said, "Heavens are doing injustice to us all here. I haven't heard or seen anything like this happening before. Maybe there were such talented people in our races before the War."

"Humph, does he even need to cultivate? This boy will easily cultivate 9 paths even before Captain Ellen and Archer could do so.", said a boy from Cabe clan.

Prince Tuma who is just 15 years old came to Ellen and said, "Aunt Ellen, my mother sent you a gift, take it. With the help of the Morris clan, my mother designed this mirror. Make a blood connection between Bright and Mirror, then you can see him whenever you want."

So far, she received many treasures, however, this mirror captivated her the most. She said, " Sister-in-law is very thought-full. Convey my thanks to her."

"Congratulations sister Ellen. Your son will dominate Heaven and Earth if becomes a Warrior.", said a companion of Ellen when she was serving in Alliance.

Ellen was very happy as everyone was amazed by his son's prospects. Archer, on the other hand, was having a headache because everyone asking Ellen to make his son a Warrior. He doesn't want his wife to have such notions as knew that as a Celestial Designers their true potential is with creation. But he didn't say anything else, continued his talks with guests.


Upon seeing the arrival of Lord White, everyone stood up all at once. As a Chief of Sublime School of Craft and clan head of Caben Clan, his prestige is very high. Elders from various powerful clans went to greet him.

Lukas D'Aquino, the clan master of D'Aquino family gifted a small box precious medicines to Lord White and said, "Senior White, by the heavens grace you should guide us over for one more generation."

Lord White mood elevated a bit as he saw him. They are very familiar with each other because he married Lokus's sister. He said, "I am satisfied with my life, it would be best if new generations prosper more."

"I am sure they will, we lost our heritage in the last battle, nonetheless we rebuilt it again. Now after seeing Bright, I can see that this generation will rise further and become close to what we once were.", said Lukas.

Lord White shook his head and said, "We are Celestial Designers, not warriors. Giants are the warriors. Everyone forgot about that. Today legacies of warriors came from mortal's cultivation methods."

Lukas could only agree with Whites remark. Some celestials and mortals believe that celestials came from another world. Many of them went in search of their homeland. However, no one has succeeded so far.


As the party was about to end, Watchers from Dark city came. Marah family of Centaurs, one of the five Celestial races and Morris clan; a lineage came into existence by a combination of Celestial Designer and Three-Eyed. These two clans watch over the Dark city to stop Devils from leaving the abyss.