
Drift: The Destiny of a Celestial Designer

Bright Caben was born in the most prominent Celestial Designer family. He was very talented and became the pride of the family at a very young age. On his 10th birthday, his Great Grandfather White gifted him a Necklace and then disappeared from the world. His fate changed with that Necklace. He is no longer a genius who can cultivate peacefully. Even people with poor aptitudes started to take over him in cultivation. Bright could only curse his Great Grand Pa day and night for his misfortune. But Bright's mood always becomes slightly better whenever he reads the first line of his Great Grand Pa's last letter, " Heaven and Hell shall never judge you. You are the sole master of your fate."

Adino · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Bright Cries

Gina gently took a deep breath and focused her thoughts on the Spying Mirror, which was in her inner world, with her thought mirror manifested in the real world. She carefully handed it over to Lord White.

Lord White designed many excellent artefacts and saw many ancient vestiges, however, zest for new and profound designs typically remained the same. He is very meticulous while studying the inner design of Spying Mirror. He naturally expected Mirror to be more complex than how simply Gina has scarcely explained it to him, however, he still felt he severely underestimated the intricacies behind its peculiar design.

"My designs which are based on the necklace are slightly more convolutive than this mirror. If I consider my original designs, they could only be described with the word "Simple." I either designed what others asked me or what is useful for me. I never went beyond that. Only our unbridled imagination is limit to what we can create precisely." thought Lord White

He set aside his unnecessary thoughts away and said heartily, "It is an interesting design. Today you have naturally strengthened my fundamental belief in celestials races even more. I don't have to worry much about Designers and other Celestial races if we assuredly have wonderful descendants like you."

Gina's rosy cheeks became slightly red. She didn't expect such a high evaluation from Lord White. She is proud of her mystical work, but it was only up to that, she never compared it with other designs. It was simply an effective way to overcome her obsession over long vision.

She instantly thought about all the possible ways the spying mirror could be used. She realized how it can help to keenly observe clever devils from far away. However, she never thought about the considerable complexity of the innovative design and her genuine faith in her grand ideas are possible reasons for White's sincere compliments.

Meanwhile, the flawless complexion of watchers turned quite ugly when they heard White's generous praise for Gina. Dale Marah's cheerful face became ugliest of them all. As a test subject for her research, he unknowingly had to do a lot of nasty and humiliating things upon her orders. It is more like a deceiving. During that acute period, she deceived every new watcher came to Dark City for her intensive research. She blackmailed them by her false proclamations and propaganda; they all sincerely believed that if they won't do what she had told them, they will lose their sanity more easily. She would frequently collect blood from them. She once ordered them to torture the countless insects, later she asked them to make those insects happy. If not for some watchers who sympathized towards them and told the truth, they might still be played by her as a test subject for her next project.

She gently raised her pleasant voice a bit and said humbly, "Lord White, I am happy for your high regard on me and my work. However, my achievements can't be compared to yours. We are walking on the path created by you. And this mirror is designed by the cooperation between your granddaughter and me."

Senior White said, "What I had done is all now past. The future is up to you all. Come with me. I will ask elders to help you. You can stay in school until the design is properly completed. However, before that, you need to undergo complete purification. We don't know how much sanity you naturally have after staying there for so long."

Senior White then turned his towards Lukas and said, " Take her to the Holy City with you. It may take many years to design what she wants, so purify her completely."

Senior White then said to Gina, "Once you return from the Holy City, you could only stay here at the school. If you go back to any other cursed land, all the earnest effort carefully put into you for purifying will be a waste. So, decide beforehand. You can only leave school if Mirror is properly completed. Otherwise, you will forever stay inside the school."

Gina is content with conditions and arrangements set by Lord White. So, she eagerly agreed with Lord White's conditions.

While Lord White is discussing with elders of Sublime School of Craft about Gina, except her, all other watchers went to greet Archer and Ellen. However, as they were a few meters away from them, Bright started crying loudly. His shrill screech was ancient and pain-inducing. Everyone became melancholic and started to feel as if they had lost everything they loved. Many started crying with a sudden surge of overwhelming emotions. Only those with a firm will power were able to keep themselves from being carried away by uncanny feelings. The room became noisy as some people started wailing about their past griefs.

"What is up with this gifted boy? Aw... Why am I crying?", said a boy while trying to clear away his uncontrollable tears.

"Why was his team so powerful even though he only gave orders from distance," Mei's eyes turned moist when she thought about his husband Lee and his team in the Alliance.

"Maybe they would have enthusiastically agreed for the marriage if I was celestial." said a wealthy girl softly while countless tears surged like a flood.

Inside Lord White's essence converter foundation, necklace shook slightly once before claiming again. A gentle wave generated by necklaces movement calmed everyone's overwhelming emotions. Everyone naturally thought it was Lord White who helped them, so they politely expressed their sincere gratitude by thanking him. Bright also came back to his usual self.

Everyone looked pensively in the direction of Bright who was in the hands of Archer. Archer's left hand was crooked to support baby's head and right hand was carefully wrapped around the baby. As a person holding Bright, he was also affected by Bright, however, he still managed to control himself.

Watchers became apprehensive after what has just transpired. Ellen became angry with Watchers and was about to yell at them, however, Archer affectionately hold her hand and looked at watchers who are hesitating to come. He calmly said, "We are grateful that fellow watchers came to bless my son. My son is highly perceptive towards divine essence and since you all came from cursed land; he is not comfortable around you."

Saying so, he handed Bright to Ellen first and continued to say, "Fellow watchers, come, today I want to toast with you all who are on a noble mission."