
Dressed In Moon And Silver

Sarthi had a simple life. She never wished to be burdened with the duty of teaching a banished prince how to live as a mere palace labourer. However, it didn't matter much what she wished. Odin had wanted it this way, and this way he would have it. She'd just happened to have the misfortune of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Loki just wanted to play out one of his many jokes, a dumb ocurrence he'd come up with in the midst of a drunken dream. He never expected for his mischief to end up this way. Now he has to put up with a girl ordering him around the palace's grounds. "How dare you talk to me with such informality? You are to address me properly, I won’t tolerate such disrespect." "I am to address you as what you are, and as of right now, you are my worker, under my command".

dewcastle · Movies
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10 Chs


"Does the mead not please you, your Grace?" A cupbearer meekly asked from the corner of his mouth, worried about the permanent sneer on the Allfather's face.

"Off you go, boy". He spat sourly as he shooshed him away with a swat of his hand.

Odin's expression had been one of disgust and impassivity since he'd crossed the gates to Asgard, carried back home by the Bifrost. His entourage shared worried glances and hidden shivers from hearing the King's furious tone as he commanded the Einherjar to prepare his quarters for an urgent council meeting.

Now, his wife and eldest son stood at either side of him as the King of the Realm Eternal anxiously smoothed the braids on his beard, tapping the cup he was holding with nervous fingers.

"This matter needs of your utmost discretion". Odin started, urging his son to sit down on the round table as well. Thor approached his father with a dubious expression, noticing his mother's contained disarray before plopping himself on the chair.

"What is it, father?" The prince encouraged, leaning in closely as he watched the King contemplate whether to keep speaking or not.

"An informant in Vanaheim carried news from Nidavellir." The Allfather began, taking a big gulp from the cup and setting it aside. He fixed his one eye on a single loose thread of the silk mantle adorning the table, distracting himself by picking on it. "Said the centaurs found haven in the Dwarf Lands and are building a rogue army".

"How could the dwarves consent to that?" Frigga chimed in as she too, brought in a chair to join the conversation. "What could the centaurs offer that we cannot provide for them?"

"I'm sure they can only do so much with brute strength and rustic weapons". Thor added with mockery. "Their species is closer to animals than to rational beings".

"Rumours have been circulating… that both dwarves and centaurs want out of The Union." Odin clarified with a look of resignation "The dwarve's gold and technology… combined with the centaur forces… it won't be long until they rise against neighboring Realms."

"A roguish revolt has never worried us, we have more gold and weapons in the Nine Realms than they could ever imagine" Thor was quick to reassure. "How is this one any special? I'll make sure to pay them a visit myself if they dare to attack any peaceful Realm" He finished as he swinged Mjolnir before setting it carefully on top of the table.

"Fighting fire with fire never was a sensible course of action, Thor". Frigga spoke with reprimand. "Your grandfather knew very well how hard it was to keep the wrath of their people at bay. Centaurs have not yet settled on any of the Nine Realms and always blame our ruling for it".

Odin eyed suspiciously at his wife, wary of her choice of words. "They never accepted the nomad lifestyle. Claimed my father forced them to move about when The Union settled the realms and its people as they are now. They claim we never gave them the chance to stay on Midgard".

"Midgard did no good to them." Frigga was quick to add, seeing Thor was not quite following their shared train of thought. "Bor insisted on taking them away, in hopes to keep their people safe".

Thor eyed at his parents with confusion. "What do you mean 'to keep their people safe'? I've always heard centaurs were fierce and reckless warriors".

Frigga shared a glance with her husband before she kept on speaking. "Despite being strong and brave, Midgardians always outnumbered them. And while it is true that there was a time when they were worshipped as demigods and deities, hunting centaurs had always been a constant among mortals". As the Queen continued, she could not stop her lip from trembling, her eyebrows dropping in a saddened gesture. "Attracted by their physiognomy, midgardians coveted their powers, their secrets… the origin of their existence. The most daring humans were cruel enough to practice unimaginable atrocities to them".

Thor nodded in understanding as Frigga swiped a hand over the table's surface. A map of the Nine Realms glittered into appearance. Tiny figures took up their respective positions as his mother explained how the history had developed. "So Bor made them leave Midgard for the safety of their kind, but they never got to settle on a new land".

"Their King Karonthos willingly swore his loyalty to Bor. He understood that staying in Midgard, would mean the extinction of his people. Might've been the only wise ruler to their kind. For the rest of his lineage was poisoned with the idea of revenge. What was once viewed as their salvation is now a stale legend of rape and loss". Odin stopped to rub his temple before he kept on speaking, a sigh leaving his lips unannounced as he watched the small, translucent figurines move around the table. "The story behind their exile kept changing, twisted and weaponized against Asgard's rising power. While they've kept their loyalty intact, they've done so reluctantly. For eons we've overheard whispers and half-truths about centaurs aiding traitors and enemies of the crown on obscure operations around the Realms". Thor listened eagerly as he observed a particular character move closer to him. King Karonthos' effigy evaporated before him as another tiny pawn took his place. "Kyreus, Ancinos, Meneros… All his successors fed the dark myth to satiety. I should've known it was only a matter of time before an insurrection took place".

Thor furrowed his brow at the Allfather's calmness "Then you will agree with me on this matter. We must stop these savages before they can overrun any possible insurgents!" The prince did not consider his own agitated tone when raising his voice to the King. "Father if you let me, I´ll bring an army down to Nidavellir and make sure to quiet down these conspiring traitors for as long as we're alive. No wars will take place if we can avoid it!"

A fist banged against the table, making the wood rumble and the animations on it disappear in thin mist. "Have you not listened to your mother?" Odin's voice reverberated around the room and made Thor jump in his seat from the unexpected comeback. "An arson can extinguish a candle… But at what cost? Only the Norns know how for how long they've been forming alliances just to make themselves noticeable now!" Odin stood up and paced around the room in an attempt to calm his nerves "To plot against the Union… Right under my nose…" He spluttered as he approached the arched balcony. "Wars and battles against bigger renegades left me with no time to look into the centaurs' issue."

Scattered scenes of cold, deserted landscapes splattered with rivers of blue ran through the Allfather's head as he voiced his worries. He remembered past times where he'd also been eager to instigate peace with carnage.

"My love." Frigga called from behind, raising from her chair and approaching to his standing figure. "If the only information that has come to light are twisted rumors, untangling them would be as easy as travelling to Nidavellir to find out the truth".


Johann scratched and sneezed at the dust he wiped away from a foul's hoof. He'd waken up early that morning, thinking of asking Sarthi whether she'd help him train the young animal for the saddle. Maybe he'd also ask her to take a short walk around the citadel, given that it had been long since the last time they did something together. While he weighed the thought in his mind, he couldn't resist thinking how it was the princeling's fault that he hadn't spent some proper time with her in so long. A grimace coated his face momentarily. ¿Why was she so adamant on taking him under her wing? He kept ruminating that cryptic response she'd given him the other day, and felt some more bile rise and burn in his chest. I'm allowed to keep things to myself, am I?

She very well was allowed to speak as much or as less as she pleased, gods forbid him forcing her to share her thoughts or feelings. But wasn't he deserving of at least a piece of her mind? Wasn't he a fitting confidant or a trusting friend for her to rely on? He had been nothing but helpful and supportive all these past seasons, so what was her reason for suddenly being so defensive? He perfectly understood how traumatic must've been encountering the angry prince and suffering under his hurting spell, so why did she act as if he was oblivious to her suffering.

He definitely was not oblivious. He'd seen the menacing stares and fussiness with which Loki approached every exchange with her, and it burned him. It burned him that after such mistreatment, her patience was enough to keep on stretching. It burned to hear over and over how she refused his loving help. And what burned him the most, almost to the verge on make him growl and scream his lungs away each time he thought about it, was to think the girl had the slightest bit of sympathy towards the bastard.

He furiously stomped out into the field, not bothering to wave back at the younglings training under the sun, the slashes of wooden swords background noise on his clouded mind. He crossed the grounds and wandered into the forest, his feet leading him subconsciously to the nearest location he knew.

Tourinn seemed cheerful today. He noticed how Haki and Adils had done a decent job at keeping the place tidy this time. He timidly raised a rand to stroke one of the smoother feathers close to the base of her beak, much like one would do with a horse. The boy exhaled resigned as he stared into the eagle's amber irises.

"If only she was as perceptive as you…" He murmured while gazing upon the bird's deep orbs.

"Maybe then she'd come to know, how much I miss her presence beside me".


"We could set up an act". Thor seconded his mother. "A confidant could infiltrate and find out about the chieftains' schemes, or even make it to their court and speak to the King himself".

"Disguised as weapon smugglers". Odin resolved. "Centaurs will miss no chance to get their hands on any of the things in our arsenal, that much I know".

Thor observed his parents sharing a though in silence, his mother's eyes shining with full understanding of what was about to happen.

"So it is settled". The King concluded. "The mobs can be pacified if we feed a small but mighty seed".

"I'm sorry but I don't get it". The prince rose from his seat and walked toward his parents; hammer clutched in a tight fist. "It is Asgard who rules the Nine Realms, it escapes my understanding as to why we must disguise ourselves in order to carry out politics. Why not openly negotiate? Asses our power over them, diplomatically or not."

Odin turned to his son with a serene, yet knowing expression in his face, his brow no longer furrowed. "If war is what the centaurs want, then war they will have".


Folkwin was stirred awake from an uncommon shuffling in the room. After rubbing his eyes and squinting, he took a glimpse at a distant corner of the room. Two lumps under blankets seemed to rise and low at unison in calmed breaths. The smaller of the lumps, crowned with cascading red locks, suddenly stretched an arm with a grunt and a yawn, oblivious to last night's events.

The bigger lump, longer in comparison, rolled further away, whining at the sudden movement beside him.

The faun smiled a happy grin, eyes softening at the view. Many times he'd entertained the idea of his friend having a companion. But Sarthi was obstinate, and he remembered all those times she denied to even speak about choosing someone for herself.

The satyr pretended to cough, clearing his throat loudly and witnessing how Sarthi opened her eyes in a jolt and looked around.

She was quick to notice the longer lump lying sideways not so far from her. She immediately sat up, a mix of confusion and disgust on her face.

"Did I fell asleep?" She groaned while rubbing her neck, now stiff from her posture.

"I wonder how many nights you've spent sleepless as of lately". Folkwin commented as a good morning gesture and giving the pair another glance before stretching his furry legs.

The girl eyed at her companion once more, unsure of how to proceed. The banished prince was curled up with his back to her, a hand thrown across his face and twitching lightly as if to remove the dusty bits of straw that were stuck on his sooty locks.

"Loki" She hissed, wishing the bigger lump would hear her. But all she could get was a groan and some stirring breaths. Suddenly her mind played with the thought of reaching out and simply shake the banished prince awake. How dare he let her sleep through the entirety of the night. She didn't plan on sleeping over. Hel, she was dragged here without her consent, she was tricked into visiting the satyr and now she had to deal with the embarrassment of spending the night without previous warning.

"Loki!" She hissed one more, venturing a hand to his shoulder.

She stopped halfway. Realizing what she was about to do, she reconsidered her next move.

Standing up and stretching the rest of her limbs, she took a step towards the sleeping prince and let her foot graze his back. "Wake up!"

"Arrgh, woman! What have I done to you?" A whine came out husky from his curled-up form. "Won't you let a man get his sacred rest?"

"You'll rest when I say so". She replied dryly as she reached for her boots. "I told you to wake me up".

"Your dear friend advised me against it. Something along the lines of your impossible behavior when being awaken against your will". He commented while sitting up, shaking his hair to free it from the hay and rubbing his eyes with a whine. "Though… I'd argue that mood of yours can't be cured anyways. You kicked me!"

"Were you expecting a good morning kiss?"

Loki turned his head, impressed at the suggestive comeback "That'd do for a change, don't you think?"

Sarthi rolled her eyes with a sigh, knowing he'd follow through. Next to them, a pair of eyes observed form the distance with keen interest. "Nothing will beat the passion of the youth". He let out a contained sigh, followed by a light giggle. "Sarthi, my dear, don't be so harsh on the poor boy". His heavy hooves clicked on the floorboards as he approached the pair, setting his eyes on the man still sitting on the floor. "He's telling the truth, I told him to let you sleep through the night. I could sense your state the moment you stepped through my door. I still feel do, in fact."

"My sleep shouldn't concern you, Folkwin". Sarthi grunted sharply, fidgeting with a rip on her sleeve.

"Oh, but why shouldn't I be concerned for the woman I owe my life to?"

Loki gave a quick glance to the satyr, intrigued with his comment.

"Sarthi Dýrdottir, the woman who helped me escape the clutches of slave trade and brought me to Asgard no less. Now she refuses my attentions like a like a surly stray cat. Norns know I once knew the loving version of this brave lady".

The redhead swallowed hard, the frown never leaving her face as she plucked open the tear on her sleeve. She lifted up her gave towards the banished prince, still sitting on the floor with a focused look and the fawn beside him.

"Let's get going. I want to get home before noon".


Johann was treating Strudel to some fodder, left from feeding the pigs, when a wild head of blonde hair approached him on the palace's grounds.

"You missed Agda slapping Haki in front of all the cadets". Helga cheered as she plopped down beside him, reaching a hand to pet the cub tenderly. "Apparently, he asked her to spend the night together. A slap was on queue and most deserved. I mean, how could he even suggest such a thing without even going for a drink first?"

Johann listened vaguely to the girl's rambling as he watched the bear cub stuff her face with happy rumbles.

"Johann? are you listening?"


"I said I've heard we're hosting a banquet. Apparently the meetings in Vanaheim were successful and we're having ambassadors asking for audience with The Allfather".

"Oh… right". Johann muttered absentmindedly. "How do you know that?"

"I've heard the Allmother's ladies babbling on the gardens about finding new robes and looking forward to seeing new faces of the nine realm's royalty… And of course they're excited to see prince Thor in his formal attire".

Johann chuckled lightly, still not fully focused on his companion's words "Yeah, sure… another ball…"

The boy turned to face the freckled blonde and scanned her face for a moment before speaking again "Helga, can I be honest with you?"

Helga stared at him wide-eyed for a second, wondering if he'd been listening at all. "Aye… sure, go on".

Crestfallen, Johann let an anxious sigh leave his lips. "I'm worried about the boss".

Helga frowned, perplexed.

"I'm worried that bastard excuse of a mage will…" The boy clenched his hands in a fist, feeling the rage invading him once again, just like the many other times he'd though about him. "…will… I don't know… Use her, hurt her… in any way he could. Norns know I won't hesitate to make him pay for what he's done to her. My pulse won't falter if I have to… to… wield a sword against him". He panted from the exertion of baring his feelings to his friend, but did not hesitate to keep going. "I'm… worried, day and night, that the bastard will magick a way to make her pay for the way we… she… has been treating him. And… I…" An angry tear rolled down his flushed cheeks and landed at the corner of his pursed lips. "I'm not doing enough to protect her from him. I tried; the Gods know I've tried, but she won't accept my help. She's avoiding me… us. She won't let us do anything to protect her." He finished between snorts.

Helga watched as the boy's eyes dried up and he wiped his nose clean with the back of his hand. "I… don't know what to say, truly".

"Well, you could agree with me on this, for instance".

Helga shook her head, puzzled at his comeback. "Well Sarthi's the one in charge and Odin might thought the prince could…"

"HE'S NOT A PRINCE!". Johann yelled out of a sudden. "HE'S A CORRUPT BASTARD AND AN USURPER".

The girl stared in shock, taking in the words one by one, and covering her mouth at the outcome. "They could charge you with treason for screaming that out loud, you know? You're lucky it's just the two of us out here".

"I don't care". He blurted out. "I don't care what's left of me, but I'll make sure Loki pays for hurting my Sarthi".


"Delightful creature, the satyr". Sarthi heard her apprentice comment as they both entered her home. "I had never witnessed Hellenic clairvoyance before".

Sarthi remained quiet, approached the kitchen's wooden counter to greet the kelpies and rushed to pour new water in their basin. "Least you could do was enjoy it after making us spend the night out".

The prince huffed "Oh, come on, I thought you more adventutorous". He was greeted with cold silence once again, and the clatter of a soap bar being crushed and mixed with sand in a mortar.

Loki took two silent steps towards Sarthi's form leaning on the counter, observing how she busied herself with the concoction.

"So is the silent treatment again, I see. Wonderful."

The groundskeeper let out a heavy sigh as she tightened her grip on the mortar focusing on mixing the right texture for her cleaning paste. She detested when he did this. Observing her silently, mockingly, as if it was a game to silently watch as he calculated how much it took her to answer back. Whether she was attending a creature, cleaning, or just standing, she could feel his eyes boring holes into the back of her head.

"So you're just going to stand there?" She heaved as she added some leftover ash into the mixture.

"What? I can't observe you neither. What am I to do then?" He whined in annoyance, his voice coming directly from above her left shoulder.

Sarthi added some fresh herbs and smashed away with renewed vigor as a response.

"What is that for?"

"My clothes".

"Will they come off?"

And the groundskeeper knew if she were to glance from the corner of her eye, she would see the smirk on his mouth as clearly as she had heard it on his voice.

"I meant the stains, of course". He rushed to clarify with a snicker. "I'd never dare to suggest anything else, Norns forbid".

"I know what you meant, Loki". She grumbled as she began to scrape what was left on the pestle with her fingers.

A too quick of a turn made the groundskeeper meet face-to-chest with the banished prince before any of them could react.

Even if she didn't mean to, her eyes fixed on the linen-covered chest blocking her view.

There he stood: tall and proud and right behind her, not moving an inch from where his feet were nailed to the ground, like a smug tree blocking her path.

Her eyes wandered to the patch of uncovered skin laying above her line of vision. Right there, where the collar of his shirt began, there was milky skin, sprinkled with some solitary freckles and a slight dusting of chest hair.

Like that, from up close, and with a humble linen thrown over his frame, Sarthi realized that the banished prince still managed to look unexpectedly mighty and composed. It took her by surprise, but she'd just realized that no change of clothes would make him a peasant.

She even forgot to pick up whatever she was reaching for, her eyes locking instead on that patch of exposed skin.

Would it be smooth and soft to the touch? Like a Naiad's aquamarine cheek?

Or maybe it was rough and dry? like horns on the head of his friend Folkwin?

None of them moved for what it felt like ages.

He refused to speak in case he'd disturb this rare moment of stillness.

This was a different type of quiet. It was not defying or avoiding. It was something else.

Something that felt odd, coming from the girl, but slightly pleasant at the same time.

She refused to look further up, in case she was met with a pair of sapphires looking down at her smugly, picking up on her sudden interest.

Tap tap tap.

A sudden noise at the window made the two of them turn their heads in unison, one seemingly unfaced, and the other with the faintest tinge of pink rising to her cheeks.

Perched on the windowsill, one of the King's ravens bobbed their head, its beady eyes scrutinizing the pair silently as it waited for one of them to react.

Sarthi swallowed loudly as she composed herself from the sudden startle and made a double take at the bird before approaching it.

And right there on their left claw, she spotted the reason of the raven's visit.

A tiny piece of rolled-up parchment hanged from the claw.

"It's a message". She marveled.

"From the palace". Loki finished.

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