
Dreamweaver of the Apocalypse

Arthur Dreshaw's once-ordinary life takes a shocking twist when he starts getting plagued by recurring nightmares. Initially gripped by fear, he slowly finds himself strangely drawn to these eerie dreams. Little does he know that they hold a profound secret. As reality shatters and a genuine apocalypse unfolds, Arthur discovers the haunting truth: the cataclysm he witnessed in his dreams is now a horrifying reality. Empowered with the knowledge of the horrifying future of mankind in the apocalypse and the extraordinary ability to draw others into his dreams with a host of newfound talents, he embarks on a spine-tingling journey to confront the enigmatic forces responsible for this global catastrophe. As the fate of Earth teeters on the brink of chaos, will Arthur emerge as its savior, wielding his newfound powers to protect the world, or will he succumb to the unrelenting nightmare that engulfs all of humanity?

Seraphinn_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Arthur stood frozen in a chamber inside the museum, staring excitedly at the various objects of ancient war and conquer.

There were several kinds of glorious looking weapons placed around the room in a picturesque way.

Ranging from small dangers to heavy shields, this particular chamber housed most of the historic weapons of Europe and Asia.

"Now this is more than what I expected..."

Gulping hard, Arthur stepped forward and moved his hand over the various weapons, feeling the rough texture and the hardness of the old weapons that remained in the presence of humans even after the history was long forgotten.

Words couldn't describe how Arthur was feeling as he moved from one place to another holding the weapons and testing them, to look for the one that would suit him the best.

He held a dagger and slashed it all about before leaving it there and raising a huge shield above his head.

Like a kid getting a lot of new toys, Arthur played with everything he saw in the chamber and searched for something that would help him in the current situation.

An armor in the corner of the room caught his attention, and when he got near to it and held it in his hands, he accidentally pulled the cover of the table making it fall onto the floor.

Arthur bent down to pick the cover back up, and just when he was about to get up, a long black box underneath the table caught his eyes.

"Hmm what's that?"

A bit curious, he touched the box and pulled it out from under the table.

The box looked artistic with various engravings on it, giving it a cool look.

There was a lock on the box preventing Arthur from opening it, to which he just shrugged and brought the hardest object in the room before slamming it right on the lock.


It took him only one hit to break the lock as his strength had long incresed from that of a normal human.

Putting away the locked part, Arthur slowly opened the box and raised his brows in surprise.


There lay a rusty broadsword of a strange color sightly similar to silver but also had a shine of black on it.

Staring intently at the broadsword, Arthur couldn't help but admire it touching it all over its body.

Even though it looked rusty, he could feel that the sword was very strong and hard.

Arthus removed the sword from box, and held it in his hands. After the sword was out of the box, he saw that there was piece of paper remaining there.

Picking it up curiously, he read what was written on the paper.

"A sword made from the finest of blacksmiths who chose a material that was the rarest of the kind in the world almost making it extinct and gifted to Alexander the Great, the ruler of the empire at that time...."

Arthur widenend his eyes when he got to know the origin of the sword in his hands.

From whar he knew, the time when Alexander the great ruled was around two thousand years ago.

But looking at the state of the sword, he felt as if it was made just a few years ago.

Letting go of the paper, he stood up and took a deep look at the broadsword from every angle.

"How in the earth is this two thousand years old?..."

The sword was heavy, at around 7 kg which was five times to that of a normal broadsword and it felt cold to touch.

The sword's silver blade had slight brown rust, with a black hilt of many engravings.

Overall the sword looked mysterious and a bit dangerous, not something that could be easily displayed in an musuem.

Arthur swinged around the sword, testing its strength and other attributes, and within seconds he fell in love with it.

"It was the best decision coming here.", he said while smiling happily.

He turned to look at the box and closed it before keeping it back to where it was.

Now that he had finally chosen a weapon to fight, Arthur spent some time roaming around the musuem looking for other things of use.

Some minutes later, he returned back to the room he had sneaked in from and stood below the window fully equiped.

With the broadsword hanging on his waist by a sword's belt he found in the musuem, Arthur also carried a small shield on his back.

There was no need to go deep on what he had looted from the musuem, but he had made sure to not leave anything that could help him, making his bag look filled to the brim.

Glancing around, Arthur easily found some chairs and put them above one another.

He carefully stepped on then and reached near to the round window.

Poking out his head from the window, he glanced outside the window and made sure there was nobody in the area.

Without wasting any more time staying in the musuem, he jumped out of the window and landed on the ground along with his loot.

"Now that I've got what I needed to fight properly. It's time for collecting mana stones."

Arthur turned serious as time was ticking away and he had to face the true terror of the apocalypse sooner than later.

But whatever the situatuon, his top most priority right now was to advance to the first order.

Beacaue only that way would Arthur be able to fend off against the evolving zombies and the threat that would soon come to hit the earth.

Taking a deep breath and filling his mind with determination, Arthur walked off toward the edge of the walls and climbed his way out using a dagger that he got from the musuem.

He reached the top of the wall and peeked outside.

"It seems I'm quite lucky....."

Arthur whispered happily looking at the several zombies lurking on the streets.

Wanting to try his new weapon, he quickly pushed himself above the wall and jumped over, easily landing on the ground with a thud.

The zombies turned to the noise that he made when landing and got excited at the appearance of a new prey.

They started limping their way towards him, who took out his broadsword hanging on his waist and grinned confidently.

"Let's see the power of this sword that was gifted to that Alexander dude."