
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 31: Troublesome Visitors in Town

2 weeks have passed since Izumi fully developed his Reality Marble and it was now the month of May. Izumi went on his daily life. He went to school, he trained, he visited the Hori household. Today was no exception. He was waiting for class to start when he had a thought.

"Maybe I should earn money now?" Izumi thought.

Since he was reincarnated, he had a lot of knowledge from the entertainment department from his old life. He could use it to earn lots of money. He could write books or even light-novels from his old life and introduce them here. He had to first remember the stories and see if it was not already written here. He decided that he was going to think about it later when he saw the teacher come into class. In the last two weeks, he had finally set up the same surveillance system he had used in Saiki's world. He had put a bounded field around his home and his moms' cake shop. He had also created over ten thousand insects and birds made of Dark Matter and magic. He then connected all the insects through a hive mind which was his brain and they would alert him in case of something unusual.

Ever since the incident with the devils, there hasn't been a single trace of supernatural presence except for Izumi and he was sure that, any day, someone would come to town to investigate the incident so he wasn't surprised when one of his insects alerted him of a supernatural presence. Without alerting his class, he closed an eye and checked through the eye of the insect that detected the presence. Soon the image cleared itself and Izumi saw the person that caught his surveillance system's attention. It was a young man who looked like he barely reached adulthood. He was also alone as there were no civilians in his surroundings. He had white-grey hair and blue eyes. He was thin, had a black jacket over a black undershirt. He also wore black pants and had a chain going from his pants' front pocket to his back pocket. Through his insect, Izumi could feel the sheer amount of mana emanating from that person, but what stood out was the familiar sweet and nauseating power. Demonic Power.

'A devil.' thought Izumi. 'But there is also another feeling in his mana.'

Izumi could only describe the other feeling as pure power. The sheer power could make anyone tremble in their presence. In this universe, the only beings that could possess that kind of power were one type of beings: Dragons. That was only a theory that Izumi conjured since he only met an exorcist and devils before. He had never met a god nor a dragon so he couldn't jump to a conclusion. But since Izumi was certain he could feel the demonic mana of devils, it was logical to assume that the young man was no god. So the other feeling could only be a dragon.

'But he looks familiar, have I ever seen him before.' he thought as he continued to observe him.

At that moment, he detected another presence when a magic circle appeared behind the young man and four people appeared behind him. The first person looked like a human with monkey features on his face. He had a golden headband on his forehead and wore red and gold armour with silver and gold shoulder pauldrons on his shoulders. He also wore black armour pants. The whole get-up reminded Izumi of the ancient Chinese soldiers he reads in his history books and cultivation novels. He also had a long pole weapon in his hand. He could also sense weird energy coming off him. The second person was a tall man that looked the same age as the other two. He had blond hair with braided hair on the side and green eyes with glasses on his nose. He wore a suit that noble people would wear. He also had two swords strapped on his hips. Izumi could sense the holy energy emanating from the two swords. The teen was starting to realize who had come into the city he was living in. The next person was a very young girl of about thirteen to fourteen years old. Izumi guessed that she and the blond man were siblings since they both had blonde hair and green eyes with similar facial features. She was dressed like a typical witch with a witch hat with a long cape dropped over a school uniform and she had a broom in her hand. It seems that both blondes were human since he could only sense normal mana from them. Finally, the last member hit the nail in the coffin as Izumi recognized her. She was a young lady with yellow eyes and very long black hair. What set her apart was the two cat's ears and the cat's tail. She wore a loose-fitting black kimono that showed her curves with a yellow obi and a set of beads. She also had the largest pair of boobs Izumi had seen in all of his two lives.

'Wait, that's Kuroka! Then that means that the grey-haired guy is Vali Lucifer, the monkey boy is Bikou and the pair of brother and sister are Arthur Pendragon and Ley Fay Pendragon. What the hell are they doing here?' thought Izumi in surprise.

"Yo, Vali. You still haven't told us what we are doing here. When are you going to share with the class?" asked Bikou the monkey yokai.

"Right nya. It's starting to get boring you know" added Kuroka.

"I'm sure Vali will tell us in time so we'll have to be patient," said Arthur.

"I just want to study magic and have fun." said the youngest of the group, Le Fay.

Vali stayed quiet before turning around to face the group.

"The old man sent me here to investigate an incident that happened about two weeks ago," said Vali.

"An incident?" asked Le Fay.

Vali nodded,

"About two weeks ago, a group of Devils from the extinct noble family of Halphas tried to conduct a ritual here, but it was thwarted by an exorcist and a Fallen Angel."

The group was confused.

"An exorcist and a Fallen Angel teamed up to defeat Devils? Is that even possible?" Bikou asked.

"I don't know" answered Vali while shrugging his shoulders. "But that's not all. According to the governor, the exorcist that was here was Dulio Gesualdo."

"The one dubbed as The Strongest Exorcist?! Why was he here?" asked Arthur in surprise.

"Yes, but that's not why we are here," replied Vali.

"Then why are we here. You woke me up from my nap!" whined Kuroka as she stretched herself.

"We're here because of the Fallen Angel."

"What's so special about him?" Bikou asked.

"According to the governor's sources, the Fallen had ten wings and easily beat the entire peerage and its king by himself easily." finally answered.

"Ten wings huh? There's not a lot of those and he must be powerful to take on all of them easily," remarked Arthur with a hand on his chin.

Suddenly, Izumi saw Kuroka tense.

"Wait, guys. There is something off about this place" she said as her ears twitched and she looked around trying to find whatever she sensed.

"What do you mean? Is there a problem?" asked Vali as he frowned.

The rest of the group tensed. Bikou went into a stance made for battle, Arthur had his hand on one of his swords. Le Fay started looking around trying to find something amiss. Kuroka looked around when Izumi saw that she was looking directly at his insect's location. She then started walking slowly towards his insect drone. Izumi quickly brought another insect to their location and dismissed the drone he was looking from. Switching points of view, he was now looking at the group, from another angle, looking towards Kuroka as she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"What's wrong Kuroka-sama? Is there something there?" asked Le Fay.

"I don't know." the Nekoshou replied.

"What do you mean?" asked Bikou.

"Usually, I can sense living beings with Senjutsu by sensing their Ki and their movement with the surrounding Ki in the atmosphere."


"Well, something was moving around here..." she pointed at the spot where Izumi's insect was,", but, now, it suddenly disappeared and it didn't have any Ki in it."

'Well, that answers the question of how she detected my drone. Gotta make counter-measures about that.' thought Izumi as he continued to observe them.

Le Fay approached the spot where Kuroka was pointing and crouched down.

"I'm also detecting a very small trace of mana," she said after analyzing the spot.

'Shit!' cursed Izumi in his mind.

"It looks like someone was observing us." declared Vali before letting out a smirk, "And they were also very sneaky about it."

He looked towards Le Fay,

"Did you find anything else about our mysterious peeper?" he asked.

"Sorry, Vali-sama, but I could not detect anything else," she replied.

"It's okay Le Fay." He turned towards his group.

"Let's find a place to eat and stay and continue to investigate during the night. There are too many humans during the day."

"Alright, then Vali. So what are we going to eat?" asked Bikou once he relaxed.

"Let's find a ramen place."

Arthur sighed.

"We already ate ramen the last time Vali."


"We also ate ramen the time before."

"I fail to see how that's my problem."

"Let it go, Arthur, you won't change his mind about ramen."

The blond man sighed and shook his head.

Kuroka suddenly wrapped her arms around Vali's right arm and pressed her breast up against him as she smiled seductively.

"You know we could also make babies as we wait for nightfall."

"Nope" rebuked Vali as he swiftly got his arm out of Kuroka's grasp.

"Oh come on Vali. We can make powerful babies together," whined Kuroka.

"It's okay Kuroka-sama. You will find someone to make babies with," comforted Le Fay as she patted the Nekoshou's back while Bikou was laughing.

Soon, the group got together before teleporting out of sight. Before they could truly disappear, Izumi quickly dematerialized the drone he was using and attached the Dark Matter to everyone except Kuroka. That way, he can keep a way to track them. Vali took one last look around before they teleported away. Izumi tracked the Dark Matter and tracked them in an alley close to a local ramen shop. He sighed and slumped a little in his chair.

"What troublesome visitors," he whispered.

Luckily no one heard him.

Soon, the school day had passed and it was time to go home.

"Hey Miyamura-kun, are you coming today?" Hori asked when everyone left the classroom.

Izumi shook his head apologetically,

"I'm sorry Hori-san. I won't be able to come to your house today. I have to help my mom at the shop." he made an excuse quickly on the spot.

Hori nodded, but she looked a little down.

Seeing her like that, Izumi suddenly had an urge. He slowly lifted his hand in the air before putting it on her hand and patting it. Horilet out a cute noise at that sudden movement and quickly back away from the hand's reach.

"What are you doing?!" she asked surprised and confused.

"You looked so down. Are you going to miss me?" Izumi asked with a massive grin.

"Shut up! I don't want you to come to my house! Get out!" she angrily replied.

'She looks cute when she's angry.'

'Alright, Alright. I will see you next time Hori-san." Izumi said before going out of the classroom.

Hori stood at her spot before touching the spot Izumi patted. She sighed and left the classroom and made her way to her house.

Izumi went to his apartment and changed clothes. He quickly finished his homework and booted up his game console. Since he wasn't at Hori's house, he completed his homework with a simple combination of (Memory Partition) and (Dark Matter). As he was playing a game, he kept an eye on his trackers. He also had a few drones that wouldn't move pointed at them, but since he couldn't move them, as Kuroka would sense them, he had to make do with stationary cameras.

A few hours later, after the sun had gone down, his tracker detected movement and Izumi knew that Vali's group started to move. Putting down his controller, he materialized his Dark Matter armour and mask and went outside.

'Let's see what they're all about.'