
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 30: Just a Normal Day.

Quickly closing the door, he left for school in hurry.

Usually, it would take 10 minutes to walk to school, but it was already late so he had to run fast. Fortunately, he was superhuman and reached there in 2 minutes without anyone noticing him. Izumi walked towards his class and slid the door open. The students inside turned around to see the new arrival.

"Oh, Izumi! How are you feeling? Yesterday, you were pretty out of it." asked Tooru when he saw his friend enter the class.

"I feel better now Tooru thanks to you, Yoshikawa and Hori-san," replied Izumi as he gave a grateful smile.

"That's good. I'm glad you feel better now." Tooru said as he patted Izumi's shoulder.

"Ah! Miyamura is back. That was fast." interjected Yoshikawa behind Tooru.

"I'm glad to see you too Yoshikawa-san," replied Izumi.

Izumi then looked up and searched the class to see Hori sitting at her seat reading a school book. Spotting her, he decided to walk towards her.

"Hello, Hori-san." he greeted.

It seems that she was very invested in her book since she jumped startled by his voice. She looked up to see the source and was surprised.

"Miyamura-kun! You're back! How are you feeling?" she asked. But something was wrong, Izumi could see it.

She was actively trying to avoid eye contact with him and her book was raised towards him. Izumi raised an eyebrow at the unexpected behaviour. Usually, she would behave more actively, but now she seemed like a shy maiden. Izumi didn't know why, but something triggered inside him.

"Oh? I am feeling great thanks to you. You even helped nurse me when I was sick. You fed me the porridge when I couldn't do it. It's because of you I was cured Hori-san." Izumi explained slyly.

During the explanation, Hori's face became redder as Izumi explained until her face had become completely red. Izumi waited for her reaction.

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad you're okay," replied Hori as she looked to the side with a blush.

"What's with this shy maiden-like response? And how is she so cute?' thought Izumi shocked.

Usually, she would get worked up, but this time she was acting shy.

"Hey Hori-san, are you okay?" he asked a little worried.

'Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." she quickly replied.

Izumi wanted to ask more, but the bell rang and it was time for class to start. He returned to his seat and the class started when the language teacher entered the class. During the class, he thought about Hori.

'She is very off today? Is she okay?' he thought as he kept thinking about her.

He suddenly remembered something about yesterday. During his "fever" he had woken up to Hori talking about something, but no one was in the room with her. She was about to say something to him when Tooru had entered his room with porridge.

'Ah, I remember now. I wanted to punch Tooru for not letting Hori finish and leaving me on a cliffhanger.' Izumi thought a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

Soon the class finished where nothing important happened. The next class happen to be history class. Since he had nothing to do, he tried working on his Haki the ability to use willpower for different effects. For the entire class, he worked on his Observation Haki since Armament Haki was too noticeable and Conqueror Haki was too dangerous. At the end of the class, he was able to use it at a maximum of 3 meters in radius around him with perfection. Beyond that was impossible for him for now.

The bell rang and it was time to go home. Izumi packed his bag and was about to go outside when he saw that rain was pouring heavily.

"Ah, shit! I didn't bring an umbrella. And it wasn't raining this morning." whined Izumi when he saw the weather outside.

"Shit! I should've brought an umbrella." cursed a voice beside him. He looked to his side and saw Hori-san glaring at the sky beside him.

"Hori-san?" he called out. The girl turned around and for the second time of the day backed up in surprise.

"Miyamura-kun! What are you doing here?" she asked in surprise.

"I'm figuring out how I should go home since I didn't bring an umbrella. You didn't bring one either?"

"...No." she slumped.

Usually, Izumi would have used his power to create an umbrella, but he couldn't use it in front of her. He was thinking of a solution when Hori snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Let's run."


"Let's run to my house," she repeated.

Izumi looked at her before sighing and taking off his jacket.

"What are you doing?" she asked confused.

Izumi didn't answer her and simply put his jacket on her to cover her.

"Here, so you don't get wet too much." He said before taking off in a run.

"W-Wait!" she called out with the jacket over her head. Seeing that Izumi continued to run. She grumbled a little with a slight blush.

'Just what is he doing to me? Why is he so nice?' she thought before running after him towards her house.

Little did she know that Izumi use (Alteration) to make his jacket waterproof. It was the least he could do to avoid suspicion. Soon, the duo could be seen running towards the Hori household under the heavy rain. After about 10 minutes in the rain, they finally arrived at the house.

"I'm home!" shouted Hori when both teens entered the house.

"Onee-chan!" shouted back the voice of a child.

Running out from his room, Souta ran towards the entrance and saw the two students. His smile grew wider he saw Izumi,

"Onii-chan! You're here!" he shouted before going in for a hug.

"Wait. Wait, Souta! I'm wet." said Izumi.

Hori looked at Izumi weirdly.

Noticing the look,

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you know I didn't mean it like that." retorted Izumi.

"Shut up! It's your fault for saying it so weirdly," responded Hori and went to change clothes.

"Souta, can you give Miyamura-kun a towel?" she asked before heading to the bathroom.

"Yes, Onee-chan. Wait here Nii-chan," he said before running to get a towel.

Izumi stood there as water dripped down from his clothes. He slowly tried to dry himself with magic, but not too much as he didn't want to arouse suspicion. Soon, Souta came back with a towel for Izumi to dry himself while Hori was in the bathroom.

"Wow, it was really raining outside." the little boy said.

"Yup, your sister and I had to run because we forgot our umbrella," replied Izumi as he sat down at the entrance.

Hori came back to the entrance,

"You can go to the bathroom Miyamura-kun. I will try to find clothes that fit you."

"Oh, thanks Hori-san," Izumi replied and went to the bathroom.

Once inside he took off his shoes when he heard a gasp. Looking on the side, he saw Souta starting at him.

"Woah! What's that?" he asked in excitement as he pointed at his tattoos.

"Oh, these? These are my tattoos."

"What's... a tattoo?" he asked while tilting his head.

Izumi grinned and kneeled to get to the little boy's eye level,

"It's what big boys get when he gets older. it makes him look cool and handsome like your Nii-chan here." Izumi replied as he smugly pointed at himself.

"Then I will get one just like you!" Souta declared as he pointed a the older boy's tattoo.

Izumi gave him a thumbs up,

"Sure, you do that!"


"No one is getting a tattoo!" Hori's voice suddenly interjected as she makes the upside of Izumi's head with a towel.

"Ow! What was that for?" retorted Izumi as he rubbed the spot that he was smacked.

"You are not going to corrupt my little brother to get a tattoo."

"But it's cool!" explained Izumi

"Yeah, it's cool. Can I have one when I become a big boy?" interjected Souta and used one of the deadliest weapons of all time: The puppy-eyes technique.

It seems that even Hori was not immune to her brother as an invisible arrow struck her heart. She looked at her brother who increased the pressure of his technique. IT was now a battle of will between the older sister who denied her brother and the little brother who wanted and used any means necessary. For a whole minute, both siblings look at each other when, finally, the little brother attacked.

"Please Onee-chan," he said with a little whimper.

Souta used Whimper! It was effective!

Hori struggled a little before she relented and said,

"Fine, when you get older." before whispering, "he'll probably forget about it when he gets older."

She looked on the side to see Izumi struggling not to laugh out loud.

"Don't you dare laugh!" she ordered red-faced.

As if on cue, Izumi burst out in laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Shouted Hori when she saw him laughing.

"The great Onee-chan was defeated by her little brother in one move!" narrated Izumi dramatically.

"I said stop laughing." she stomped her feet in frustration and embarrassment.

Once Izumi calmed down, he looked down and saw that he was still half-naked.

"Oh, my clothes are still wet and I don't have any other clothes," he remarked.

"I know that's why I brought you these," Hori said as she held up a sailor uniform for girls.

Izumi simply deadpanned at her. He pointed at the clothes than to himself.

"Does it look like I could fit in those? An even if I fit in there, I would look like Mil-tan," he said wide-eyed

"Who's that?"

"A horrifying creature," he replied with a shudder.

"Tch!" Hori let out before handing him normal clothes before heading out of the room.

Once, Izumi came out of the bathroom, he saw Hori in the kitchen making diner.

"Thank you Hori-san for the clothes."

Hori turned and replied,

"No probl..." she was about to answer when she saw Izumi. Since the clothes were a little too small for him, they pressed against his muscles perfectly showing their outlines.

"What's wrong, Hori-san?" he asked.

"N-Nothing." Hori quickly turned around and focused on her cooking.

The boy noticed her gaze and smirked.

"You know there is nothing wrong in looking. I don't mind."

"Who's looking!?" retorted Hori.

The boy slowly approached her and whispered to her,

" You can look as much as you want Hori-san."

The blushing girl quickly took a random ladle and tried to smack Izumi with it, but, unfortunately for her, the latter had dodged.

"Stay Still so that I can hit you." she tried to attack again but missed once more.

"Nope, no can do Hori-san." he teased again. It continued for five minutes before she pouted and returned to cooking.

"Hori-san?" Izumi called, but she didn't answer.

'I guess she's angry at me.' he thought.

He cautiously approached her and called again.

"Hori-san?" but she still didn't answer.

"I'm sorry Hori-san for teasing you." he apologized, but she still didn't answer. So he got closer to her to see what's up.


"Yes, I got you!" sheered Hori when she finally whacked Izumi.

"Y-You tricked me!" said Izumi perplexed.

"That's what you get for constantly teasing me." snickered Hori as she went back to cooking.

Izumi sighed and looked at what she was making.

"What are you making?" he asked.

"I'm just making omurice," replied Hori.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, it's okay. Go play with Souta otherwise, he'll get bored."


He went to the living room and saw the little boy drawing in his drawing book.

"Yo Souta, what are you drawing."

"I'm supposed to draw an animal for school" the little boy replied as he continued to draw.

He then proceeded to show Izumi the different drawings of animals in his drawing book. Izumi simply listened as the little boy described his drawings. Soon, Hori came with plates of steaming Omurice. They all sat at the table to eat.

"Wow, this is really good Hori. You have to teach me how to make this." complimented Izumi as he ate his portion with gusto.

"Then you should teach me how to make desserts," said Hori with a bright smile.

The black-haired teen looked at her,

"You don't know how to make desserts?" he asked in surprise.

The girl simply looked to the side and pouted a little,

"I just never made some ok," she replied.

"Alright then, Chef Miyamura will show you all about how to make sweets next time I come over."

"Eh? Nii-chan is going to make sweets here?" interjected Souta.

Izumi ruffled his hair,

"That's right! I have to teach your sister how to make sweets since she doesn't know."


Soon, when the rain stopped, it was time for Izumi to go home.

"Bye, Hori-san! Bye, Souta! I'll come over again next time!"

"Bye Miyamura-kun!"

"Bye Bye Nii-chan!"

Soon the door closed and Izumi made his way home, but Hori stayed by the door.

"Just what is this I'm feeling?" they both thought.