
Dreaming in MHA

Hi fellas !!!! Welcome to my world !!!!! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm pretty excited !! I have a lot of ideas to make this story interesting so I hope you will like it !! Anyway, I don't like wasting a lot of time on formalities so let me present you my take on My Hero Academia in which our MC has the power to literally make dreams a reality !! Disclaimer : . There will be a lot of crossovers with other animes, games and fictions in general, but in a specific way. If you are not into it, I don't recommand you the story. . The picture isn't mine. . None of the characters in this story are mine except my own original characters.

Black_Nemesis · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Dream World

After the meeting ended, while Hayato, Ren, and Kioko went back to play among themselves, Dante on the other hand quickly went to his bedroom and lay down on his bed. Today, after waiting for what felt like an eternity, he was finally going to use his quirk properly, he was finally going to start his rise to power!

Being closely related to the concept of dreams, one of the special functions of Endless Dream was to allow its holder to fall asleep on command and enter what he called the Dream World. Dream World was one of the core functions of Endless Dream, it would be one of the most important factors in his rise.

Now, what was Dream World exactly?

Dante could not wait for any more, so he closed his eyes and activated Dream World.


When Dante opened his eyes again, he no longer was in his bedroom, he now was in a completely different environment. When he looked around him, Dante found the place to be just as he wanted it to be, a boundless dimension filled with shiny golden sand and a starry sky that stretched towards infinity.

"Crazy... It's just like I wanted it to be. Haha... Hahaha... Hahahahaha!!!!!"

For the first time in 4 years, Dante was finally able to let loose! Unable to hold back, he started to run wildly in the golden sand, to roll around in the dunes and laugh his heart out! What he was feeling right now was freedom, he had never felt so free in his two lives, here, he was God, this entire dimension was something only accessible by him and those to whom he granted access, this entire place was going to be one of his most important assets.

"Haaaaa... This place is beautiful. Who would know that such a magical place is present in the depths of my consciousness? I designed this place to be like the jinchûrikis plane of consciousness in Naruto, except instead of having that sewer esthetic, I wanted it to be a beautiful place that makes you smile!" (*Picture in the comment section*)

Just as Dante said, Dream World was a place at the depth of his psyche, he could have access to it at any time and anywhere just by falling asleep. In this dimension, he was God, you could see it as his Minecraft world, completely malleable, his imagination being the only limit.

Now as we said before, Dream World would be one of the core factors of his rise to power, and that was because,

"When I am in Dream World, I can use my quirk just like in reality, except... Every dream that I realize is cost-free!"


That's right! Dream World was a place in which Dante could realize any dream he wanted without having to spend any drop of energy! Dream World was a place in which he could experiment freely to his heart's content without having to suffer losses in the real world!

As if to prove his point, Dante suddenly waved his arm and as if God had given his order, the world around him started to transform.



The ten meters tall golden dunes around Dante exploded, and the sand now airborne, started to gather in multiple places around him.


It took only one minute for the world to calm down, but when Dante looked around him, he was now surrounded by a completely different scenery! The golden dunes had disappeared, they were now replaced by a magnificent blue lake on his right, a little mountain on his left, a little green forest in front of him, and a field of icebergs behind him!

That's right, just by waving his hand, Dante completely transformed the environment... And he was far from done!

"Hahahaha!!! Let's try this!"

Soon, Dante's body suddenly started to rise, his feet leaving the ground. As he kept rising higher and higher, Dante suddenly stopped a hundred meters into the air and aimed his right hand right at the sky, his palm and five fingers stretched out. After staying like that for a couple of seconds, he suddenly clenched his right hand and yanked his arm hard toward to ground!




At first, nothing happened. But soon, after he waited for about five minutes, something in the dimension seemed to have changed.

"Haha... Damn... This is crazy, even for me..."



The golden sand around him suddenly started to tremble, fierce winds started to appear and the sand was wildly thrown all around!

Suddenly, all the golden sand with a diameter of ten thousand kilometers around him started to shine more than ever!


While he was still floating a hundred meters into the sky, Dante finally could not stay calm anymore.

"Well, I don't think I will ever get bored of this..."

That's right, how could he be bored of it? After all, the sand around him wasn't shining so brightly because it was natural for it to do so... no. Right now, the sand was shining because at that very moment... a freaking star was floating a mere ten kilometers above him!

That's right... Earlier, Dante had caught a star, a bonafide sun floating light years away from him, and he yanked it down from the sky, bringing it only ten kilometers above him!


"In this world... I am God!!"



After he was done playing, Dante returned everything to normal with a wave of his hands. After some experiments, he was able to confirm that Dream World was working as intended. As long as he willed it, Dante could create anything he wanted, be it a weapon, a building, or a living being... Heck, he even tried and was able to create a mini black hole, a real one. Fortunately, he canceled the attraction effect, or else the nearly thousands of kilometers would have been absorbed by the black hole. He wasn't at risk of dying though, he was immortal in this world, but it would not have been convenient for him to wait for the world to regenerate itself.

"Sigh, it's too bad that the objects I create here can't be brought outside, that would have been way too op!"

Fortunately for all his future enemies, Dante was unable to bring what he created inside Dream World into the real world, if not, Dante would have simply created the perfect copy of Doom Slayer at his full power and All For One would have only been able to say goodbye to life! Heck, Yamamoto Genryusai would have probably been enough... or maybe Isaac Netero, Gol D Roger, Madara Uchiha... who knows, the list of powerful characters was long!

"I can even create iconic structures like the Halo Ring if I wanted to, I don't even need to know how it was made, the world will automatically get the knowledge from the multiverse's databank! Thank you, God, you are such a nice guy! Well, I did sacrifice my chance at reincarnation so... Yeup, Thank you me, I am great hahaha!"

Dante was happy because he knew that the ability to create without any cost would greatly help him in his training. Why? Because if he ever wanted to master a certain power, he would just need to dream of him having it in Dream World and he would have it. Even better than that was that since he could create life, he would even be able to recreate someone adept at the said power, and the creation in question would have all knowledge and memories of the original character it was based upon and it would then teach him everything it knew to the best of his abilities!

Let's give an example. Let's say that Dante wanted to learn Nen from HxH. To do that, he would just need to dream of him having the ability to train Nen, then he would dream of knowing how to train it, and finally, instead of spending months to understand everything by himself, he could simply create Gin Freecs, one of the most powerful Nen users, and the creation would be the exact copy of the original (same power, memories, personality). Gin would then train him with all he had, reducing the time Dante would need to master Nen greatly and when Dante finally decided to give himself the said power in the real world, he would not have to start his training from zero, he would already have the experience and the training he did in the Dream World!

"I can even dream of me fully mastering a power, but I won't do it. Even if I dream to have power, the dream won't translate into reality. All I can bring from this world to the real world is the experience and the mastery of something I trained in, in brief, I can only bring back memories. Plus, I need to be smart about what I dream because in the end, if I train in power here, I would need to remake the same dreams outside to finally have the said power. So if the dream cost me too much energy, I would need to wait a long time in the real world before I would have enough!"

What Dante was trying to say was that he had to be smart with his dreams in the real world. In the Dream World, everything was free, he could create the Super Dragon Balls and it would cost him nothing. Unfortunately, if he wanted to do the same in the real world, he would probably need to gather energy for thousands or even millions of years before he could pull it off, everything being dependent on his speed of energy absorption.

Let's take the same example as before. Let's say Dante wishes to learn Nen, so he dreams of him having the ability to train Nen and then dreams of him knowing how to train it... that's two dreams. If he did that in real life, he would need to gather a lot of energy to do it, or he would need to be smart about it. What does being smart mean? Simple, to reduce the energy cost, instead of dreaming of him having the ability and then the knowledge to train Nen, Dante could instead dream of him being capable of achieving the same results as he would if he had Nen by paying a different price. For example, Dante could dream of him being capable of using Gon Freecs Ja Jan Ken, the effect would be the same, and even the aesthetic would be the same, but instead of Nen, he would burn stamina to do so. As such, instead of dreaming of him having the ability to master a kind of power (that would cost him a lot to do for every power), he could simply change the price he had to pay from Nen, chakra, or even ki to stamina, effectively reducing the energy cost he would have to pay and at the same time simplifying everything for himself... That's what he called being smart.

"That's also the reason why I put so much importance on my body! Since I plan to use my stamina to use any kind of power I would have in the future, I need to be strong in that aspect! If not, I won't even be able to fire a single attack!"

Looking at the situation, maybe it is finally time to explain how Endless Dream works don't you think?

Just like in the Dream World, Endless dream gave Dante the ability to realize miracles, or as he decided to call them: Dreams. Dreams were an alteration of reality itself, they could be temporary or permanent, but that is a story for another time. What you need to know is that there was no limit to what dreams could be: objects, knowledge, or even powers, the only limit was the imagination and the energy he had, heck if had enough energy he could even create life, bring the dead back to life, travel between different universes and the list goes on and on!

That's right, the only limit was imagination and energy... energy is a term that we used a lot until here without taking the time to explain it, so let's do it now.

One of the reasons for the karmic cost of Endless Dream being so important, even forcing Dante to sacrifice his right to reincarnation, was that for it to work as intended, he downright had to create the concept of a new type of energy: The dream energy, energy generated by all living beings while they dream in their sleep! The bigger the dreams of an individual, the more energy this person would generate. Later on, Dante could spend this dream energy to alter reality and achieve any effect he wished for, truly a godly power!

Now that we have established what dream energy was and what was its use, we have to wonder how to gather it, this aspect of the Endless dream being one of the other factors as to why the quirk cost so much to Dante.

When he created the quirk, there was one thing that stayed constantly in Dante's head: MHA's original plot starts and ends in a period of only 2 years at most, which is extremely fast! That was the reason why Dante needed to be able to gather dream energy in big quantities and a short period... except, that would have cost him too many karmic points, even sacrificing his right to reincarnation would not have been enough! And so he had to find a solution to reduce the karmic cost while still being able to gather dream energy at a sufficient pace... and here was his solution.

"Thanks to Endless Dream, I can constantly absorb dream energy from all sleeping beings in a limited area! By specifying that I can only absorb dream energy from sleeping people, effectively nerfing myself that way since that reduces my time of absorption to only nighttime, and by also reducing my starting radius of absorption to only ten kilometers around me, I was finally able to implement that function successfully!"

But that wasn't all!

"The real important thing is that by increasing my affinity and mastery of Endless Dream, the size of my area of absorption will automatically increase too, and the best in that is that there is no limit to the size the area of absorption could reach!"

And how could he raise his affinity and mastery of Endless Dream?

"By making as many dreams as I can, be it in reality... or the Dream World hahahahahaha!!!!"


That's right, the more he created in the dream world, the more dream energy he would absorb! With this, even though he doubted that the story of this world would stay the same, he would still be ready in case future events were to unfold too quickly!

And honestly... who would say no to being op more quickly?!

"Heheheheheh!!!! Oh, my poor All For One... pray that everything ends quickly for you because the longer you stay, the more op I shall be hehehehehe!!!!!"


After he calmed down, Dante was finally ready to tackle one of the main tasks he needed to do in the Dream World today: Design a solid foundation that would allow him to tackle any powerful foe he could come to face in the future.

"The most important thing for me right now is building stamina and learning some "simple" fighting skills... simple... hehehehe!!"

Dante would not allow himself to become complacent just because he had a powerful quirk! A powerful body and good fighting skills were the most important things for him right now, and fortunately for him, there were plenty of ways for him to raise those!

"Mm, let's see... If the goal is to train my body and stamina at a good pace without having to spend too much dream energy, then the breathing techniques from Demon Slayer should be a good option right? In the animeverse, Demon Slayer isn't that high in terms of the power scale, the breathing techniques should not cost me that much, even though to be completely honest, the thing I want the most from Demon Slayer is the Upper Moons regeneration abilities."

Dante was right.

"Honestly, I have always been pissed off by the fact that in a lot of animes, it's not rare for a good guy to lose a limb to a villain! MHA isn't an exception! Hehehehe, I can't wait to see the reaction of the person who will manage to cut off one of my limbs hehehehe... Well, if they manage to do so."

The reason Dante wanted this power wasn't for him, the truth was that he wanted this power for his future allies.

"Alright, now regarding fighting skills... Mm, haki is a must, yup, definitely a must, and I need to get all three types! The Rokushiki should also be a good addition, Soru and Geppo are skills that I want for sure! Other than that, since I want my main future weapons to be a katana and my own body, I will need to take some taijutsu lessons and also some kenjutsus lessons."

Now that he knew what skills he would work on, he now needed to make a proper training plan so that he could maximize his time...

"Time that I can extend hahahahaha!!"

That's right, one of the most useful characteristics of the Dream World was that Dante could freely control the time inside of it! What does that mean? That means that he could stay inside Dream World as long as he wanted, and he would always wake up the morning of the next day!

"Hehehehehe, damn I'm a genius hehehehehehe!!"

Dante went on and laughed until his throat started to hurt.

"*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*, Hm... Alright, how am I going to do this..."

Then, Dante spent the next hours planning his training program with the objective being for him to reach a level of power that would allow him to survive the debut of the original plot.

Hello Fellas!!

Soooo, to be honest I'm quite proud of this chapter unlike chapter 5.

To be honest, I'm not satisfied with chapter 5, I even though of writing it from scratch but in the end I decided not to since it's not that important of a chapter.

The good thing about this though is that it allowed me to learn the importance of planning a chapter!

Until know, I have been writing without properly planning what I wanted to happen in them so my writing was quite meh... But hey, I kept that in mind and chapter 6 is now much better thanks to that, I'm really happy with how it came out.

I had planned for chapter 6 to be longer, but I found that it was a good place to end it, that way chapter 7 will maybe (I'm not too sure for now) be my first fighting scene hehehe!!!

Anyway, I talk too much, bye fellas!!!

Black_Nemesiscreators' thoughts