
Dreaming Destiny

Author: glenzyeahhh
Ongoing · 20.2K Views
  • 17 Chs
  • 4.8
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  • NO.200+

What is Dreaming Destiny

Read ‘Dreaming Destiny’ Online for Free, written by the author glenzyeahhh, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [HIGHLY NOTICE]Hi everyone good day, Author here. I would like to apologize for the past few months for not updating thi...


[HIGHLY NOTICE] Hi everyone good day, Author here. I would like to apologize for the past few months for not updating this Novel. As for now I'm going to take a brief Hiatus from continuing this Novel for some school and personal reasons. I hope you all can understand, anyway always keep safe and goodluck! -glenzyeahhh I'LL BE BACK SOON! [Brief Scene] "What about our future?", I asked while we're walking. "Sorry but I think you'll continue your future without me", my eyes started turning red while he's saying it. "You know that I'm not that type of girl that cry over peoples' death unless it's a special person", I jokingly said while keeping my tears from falling. "I can't change the past and I can't continue to the future but please do me a favor until the very last end", he said while holding my hand. We sat down on a bench, memories with him started popping in my mind at that moment while I'm crying. "If it's for you, I'll be glad to do it" [Synopsis] She's going to prove that life doesn't change people due to the fact that people are the ones who changes life. She thinks that fate agrees with the everyday things that happens to her until a problem comes into her life and at the same time a dream that starts appearing in her midnight sleep that might help or maybe mess up her life. Who would have thought a dream could add up and some people might be carrying concomitant problems that would come into her life, and it's up to destiny on how she conquers the challenges and so on. contact me on Instagram: @glarieee_

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My cat is Human!

Lady Maybelle had seen many weird things in her life. Some occurred around her and others happened to her. But this was by far the absurd thing that she ever appeared upon. She didn't know whether to yell for help or kick the soul out of the undressed man on her bed.  She quickly wanted to throw up. There on her bed laid a man on her bed. His hair was dark as the night and his bosom looking back at her. His bareback had a strong physique. He had a strong built and lean body. He was lightly tanned. This made lady Maybelle blush to the top. She couldn't stand looking so vividly at a man who she wasn't even married to. She felt like she had violated someone but this man had violated more than she had so far.  She couldn't stand looking anymore and quickly shook him until he woke up. She felt that this was the safest way to do it. She was surprised when the clothless person had quickly woken up, His eyes were bright and eager. They were the shade of blue icy blades. They strangely reminded her of someone.  "Maybelle!" The man said almost purringly. Maybelle was still vividly confused and even more so because this random person knew her name. "Do I know you?" Maybelle asked cluelessly. She tried so hard to not look down anywhere but his face. "Actually, do you happen to own some clothes before you continue speaking?" The lady said with such stern vigor.  "Uhm, actually, I don't own any." The person said with a nervous smile.  "Really?" Maybelle says in astonishment. "And you dare enter my room with nothing but your little dignity?" Maybelle was certainly angered and frustrated by this man who was probably well off crazy. "That's not the point here. But I'll cover up if I have to for you." He purred. He found the blanket that Maybelle had covered herself with and wrapped himself like a ball. Maybelle didn't think anything of it and the person on her bed continued to speak. "The truth is I wanted to let you know to not see Lord Ackes anymore!"  Maybelle was confused. "Are you kidding me? You think I'll trust you, who I don't know, to Lord Ackes who I do know more than you?" Lady Maybelle's voice rose a few octave notes at the end of her sentence. Maybelle noticed the man who was just eager had his back lowered down and his eyes looking like a sadden look of realization.  Maybelle looked at him and quickly felt bad for hurting his feelings.  "Agh, uh.. I'm sorry for yelling." She quickly retreated to her normal voice.  Suddenly, The unknown person reached out and touched her cheek. His hand felt warm to the touch and almost firey. He gently and slowly moved his hand down to her chin and lifted it to face her. "Don't feel sorry. I should've known that you wouldn't know who I was." The person gave a huge sigh. "It may be hard for you to believe but I am Blaes. Your cat." Maybelle's eyes grew two times the normal size they were. "You're what?" She didn't know whether to laugh or be serious. "But- But, that's impossible!"

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The characters and world development are great! The author puts her all into this book and I can't say anything! Just keep writing and you will reach your goals in time❤❤❤ Lovelots, Cie-LbiTch


Wow, I was still only reading the first part but it was pretty amazing already. I already hook up on this story. I'm really into this kind of story. Imma read this one. 🙂


the sypnopsis is well written and the first chapter is captivating! I am in love with TJ’s character and I can’t wait to read more of her adventures!! Compliments to the writer ❤️❤️❤️


A work beautifully and carefully crafted. The author presented each and every characters with such creativity that makes it easy for every reader to relate with. A nice job done here, author 👍


I’ve only just started reading this book and Im engrossed Im the book, It’s got action which I Iove and romance It’s a great combination. Keep going👍👍


Many books I have read but very few much up to this books brilliance. It's excellency is evident from it's very start. I absolutely love the story and how the author impressively reveals them to the readers. This is a masterpiece I recommend for anyone who loves to read a captivating and unique story. Thumbs up to the author for a great job well done.


I haven't read a lot of action books but reading this, especially the first few chapters got me excited. There's so much mystery, I wonder if Athena is also TJ, I guess we'll find out😉😱. Awesome concept and plot, although you can work more on your grammar. Keep up the good work!🌹❤


The story seems interesting. It's the perfect blend of fantasy in a real life situation. Updates are very consistent and the plot is eye-catching. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone. Bravo


This story and writings are good, I could say. The writer gave the readers an intense pacing and a sudden change of mood at the same time. I appreciate the hard work of using multiple POVs. That's all for now!


the writing is nice, though some research would come in fitting . the development of the story is one I like and it was genious to use a different language for code places.


This story is seriously good! After reading the latest chapters, I'm begging to know what happens next! **. This story really is like a rollercoaster. One point could be sad, the next it could be just joy HAHA. Keep up the good work author!!!


Reveal spoiler


An achingly moving tale that goes from loss and remorse to love and joy.Truly an emotional ride that touches your heart.Great work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


This is one of the book that to recommend to be read, I start loving the characters, love the settings and plot. I was amazed when I starts to read it. Keep on writing. 😉😊


I like the way the author of this book use the page breaker finally a book I can read with no doubt please update the next chapter I miss Iñigo already but I'm still curious about Lance and Cryptos also the organization, is it dreaming and reality world I guess


Hi! This is kera, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail.


pretty amazing, keep on writing more please,wanna know the continue of the story. You will feel loved and beloved[img=update][img=recommend]


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