
Dreadful Radio Game

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  • 209 Chs
  • 4.2
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What is Dreadful Radio Game

Read ‘Dreadful Radio Game’ Online for Free, written by the author Pure Little Dragon, This book is a Horror&Thriller Novel, covering MYSTERY Fiction, SUPERPOWERS Light Novel, ANTIHERO Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: “Dear audience, welcome to [Dreadful Radio Game], hope you enjoy our company. Okay, now, let’s turn around and check beh...


“Dear audience, welcome to [Dreadful Radio Game], hope you enjoy our company. Okay, now, let’s turn around and check behind you. Is there a smiling face looking at you?” ------ A recommended Qidian novel, written by Innocent Dragonet. Will you survive such a system? Can you live through all these horrible encounters? Are you ready for a world of murders, zombies, suspense and darkness? What happens if a psychopath killer comes across ghosts? Come and join the adventure of Su Bai! As a human turned vampire, he’s gonna play the game with all kinds of other players— a Taoist, a will power controller, a fugitive, an elegant indifferent lady, and…you name it! Let’s enjoy the game!

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3 :第三卷 死神的喘息


  • Overall Rate
  • Translation Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Website : qidian china Views : 1.88 million Rating : 8.4(454) Chapters : 1111 Status : completed Word count : 3.39 million author rank : lv5


A great and interesting story. It starts out a little slow, or rather fast(?), depending on your viewpoint, as in the he has yet to turn into a vampire as of chapter 11, and we have barely explored any of the game or supernatural properties, however the set up has been done well, I just hope they don't keep us waiting for the change. I'm curious how this plays out, as in will he be the only 'mutated' player, will others mutate like the Taoist becoming able to cultivate or use chant based spiritual magic, or will the story become a special case where he mutates and just keeps playing against ghosts/zombies and normal human players.... All I can say is that the story will leave you wanting more yet it also satisfies you at the same time. It definitely has its traces of eastern literature, so none of that boring western horror suspense cheap thrill novel stuff has happened yet, nor do I think it will. Give it a chance.


Cmon! What is wrong with that translation "stability"? Not even 7 chaps a week. Such an amazing story should have at least 20 a week. All in all it's good, but i just cant read and follow a story with such unstable and low quantity updates. Im sure that im not the only one. Pls add more chapters / week.


one of the top novels in Qidian to me. but the update stability is sh*tty and it hasn't been updated for a couple months now. @Qidian, bring in a group of translators for this great novel.


Waiting for the release............140 character is it???Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............Waiting............


The translation is great nothing is ever misunderstood in my end and flows pretty well. Stability isn’t great though because it’s supposed to update frequently(7 chapters a week) but it wasn’t doing that from the start and then made its way to once a week and now none. I like development I want more I want to see how he develops his powers and who he shall have a permanent team with. His design is at a 4 because mc has room to grow and improve, also not any really supporting cast as of now, those that are, are just normal people. So there’s only lucky honestly. As for the world it’s at a 3 because we know about the DRG but not why or how it started. Please give us an update on what’s going on


I'm in love with this book. Srly, they way the writer describe the situation and the story. It makes my hair stand. I wish for more chapter release. The suspense is really killing me.


Horrible update schedule. Promised 5 chapters per week but not a single one has come in two weeks. The story is good but could do with more descriptions about the character as he seems pretty interesting in a twisted way. In fact what the story lacks the most is the details about the background and the thoughts and feelings of the main character. Besides these two points the story makes a good read although it has a lot more place for improvement. The storyline is well done but the way of writing doesn't bring out the essence of the story. This needs a lot more work to let it show its fullest potential.


Most things about this story has some truth about it especially what the RADIO talked about in "chapter 18" I totally believe it....it gave me a lot of creep, if you really read into it words you see the little secret it is trying to tell it Readers and it's not funny... I guess most people still read books for fun but sincerely don't do that, especially the WUXIA /Chinese stories we read here cause at least some are real especially when it comes to cultivation ,I cultivate but it is seriously Hard as it is described in the story with no Luck or cheat especially for someone like me with average talent 😒....anyway long talk cut short "The world is changing and there are so many possibilities right under your nose just keep your EYES open when you are reading or watching and you will see a little light don't been too ignorant even if it brings happiness and boldness cause it can manipulate your life no matter how you struggle for better things" ....siiiiii I talked too much nonsense, ignore me 😚


I don't understand how this is not in the top 10. Probably not everyone likes this kind of genre. For me, I can only say that this story is unpredictable. Also gives ya an emotional ride, surprises, and the story world is just fascinating. Not gonna lie, I wanna take a peek at the author's mind. In other words, totally worth a read, gives ya a bit of the creep but it wasn't too scary, the story is all over the place, messy, but beautifully placed. Meh.


Love this story very much. Keeps you at the edge of your seat yet coming back for more. A lot of mystery and unraveling of the world as well as an awesome MC. Unfortunately the updates suck big time. If you like this LN you will probably also enjoy 'Thriller Paradise' (not on QD as far as I know though). The failing of that LN is slow updates as well... 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。


Reveal spoiler


What the heck is going on with the translator? 7 chaps per week? But a week had gone by without any updates and now the updates are becoming messed up. This is a great novel - one of the very few translated ones that has no harem. Qi, please put in more translators for this great novel so we can get 20 or more chaps per week.


I tried reading this a few years ago before wn translated, and all I remember was I didnt like it. I gave it another try right now and Im not that surprised the translation dropped


Just wanna ask. Can QI please change translators? What the f*ck is with this update stability? And it’s one of the best novels I have ever read. Can we change this lazy one for a better one? And if someone of you say that I should do it or else I should sh*t up. I want to, but try learning Chinese yourself! If you did that then you can tell me to do it myself. P.S Love this novel


Its have bin 3 months after the last update And there is still 900 chapters to go So hurry the **** up with the chapters I really love this novel and many more you cant let us wait like that. Do something


One of the few good novels on Qidian, unfortunately it's not in the top ranking, people prefer to eat **** than to dig for gold. The only thing I can complain about is the release rate if there was a stable release rate ( 7 chapters/ week ), reaching the Top 20 would be a piece of cake. Hope Qidian assigns more translators to this awesome novel :)


As a casual reader of webnovels mainly, interested with cultivation stories, I am pleasantly suprised to find this gem here. I came to this platform to further understand Chinese contemporary literature (or any semblance of it in webnovels) but this novel, first of all, resembles heavily Western novels. After reading the author's notes, I see clearly why. However, the true novelty of this webnovel really lies in the fact that it moves in a different society, governed by different sense of morality and that reflects profoundly in the protagonist's POV. I'm interested in reading more and more of it (as long as there is day light)


The original was deleted by Qidian. The original was deleted by Qidian. The original was deleted by Qidian. The original was deleted by Qidian. The original was deleted by Qidian. The original was deleted by Qidian.


Is the translator dead?! Where are you?! Please update!! Pls! Pls! Pls! *cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough* The story is the best. It has all what I want to read! A mysterious series of scenarios with full of betrayals, tricks, schemes, with cunning and clever characters ready to backstab their comrades without batting an eyelid. A psychopath was thrown to these mess of scenarios empty handed. All he can do was to use his brain and utilize what he has on hand. To be more cunning and clever than others while countering their schemes with his sick schemes. As the story flows, from the already psycho he grows crazier and crazier. Hey translator! Where are you? Don't tell me the Dreadful Radio has contacted you. Come back and continue updating this awesome novel.


More about this book

Zayn_, VirtualFrappeTranslatorCatCyan_Editor