
Drawing cards at Hogwarts

"One more time! This time I must get the animagus spell from Professor McGonagall!" Draw! Cash draw! Who is it? "I am the great astrologer, Trelawney!" [Divination +1] Tears welled up in Tom's eyes. Confronted with the magnificent magical world, Tom felt deeply that Muggle power has a limit, so he decided to shout that phrase: I will not be a Muggle! *I do not own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel or the Harry Potter book. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 65: Quirrell advances (Edited)

"Dawlish, didn't anyone ever tell you when you were at school that Hogwarts was a magical castle and that many times repair spells can't solve the problem?" Professor McGonagall covered her forehead, forcibly hiding it on her face.

Dawlish: "..."

How was he to know? He was absolutely a good student at school, how could he be involved in the destruction of the castle? He never broke it and certainly never tried to repair it. So he didn't know that some of the broken parts of Hogwarts castle couldn't be repaired with a normal repair spell.

"(Reparo)," the spell, oddly enough, was a spell that could be used to repair most broken objects without problems. However, for objects with powerful or complex magic, such as wands, the spell cannot achieve the desired effect. Sometimes it can only repair their physical form, but magical damage cannot be repaired. Unless you are using the elder wand, this powerful wand can repair other wands.

Repair spells can only repair objects, using them on people or animals can cause severe scarring. In addition to the limitations of the object itself, some damage caused by rare and powerful curses cannot be repaired by this spell.

Also, the repair spell is "restore as new", so how do you define "new" for an object? Suppose a stone is broken, a corner is broken, and gold is used to repair it. Then, some time later, accidentally, "pop", it breaks into two pieces. Then comes a magician, with his wand, and cast a repair spell, Will the stone continue to have the gold corner?

Yes! If the gold is lost, it is not a repair spell. Because it is about making the gold disappear and bringing back the piece of the stone, something no ordinary magician can do. So the original state of the stone, determined by the repair spell, is that of gold and jade.

And what was the original state of this hallway at Hogwarts? Will it be repaired to its original form of a thousand years ago? O... There are too many possibilities, and ordinary wizards can't repair it at all.

Dawlish was embarrassed and Fudge was even more embarrassed.

In conclusion, they both ended up embarrassed. In the end, Fudge coughed twice and said that the Ministry would surely allocate funds to fix the corridor. Then he asked Professor McGonagall about the budget and changed the subject.

Not that Dumbledore was blackmailing, but it would be very expensive to hire someone from outside the school to fix the castle, and he would have to be an expert in alchemy to do it; of course, Dumbledore didn't tell Fudge that he could do it himself. After all, Dumbledore was also a master alchemist.

Just as Fudge was about to put an end to this awkward quest, Umbridge spoke up again, "They say a Troll snuck into Hogwarts on Halloween and hurt a student, why don't we go ask that student?"

Fudge wanted to reprimand her with a few words, but he was still vaguely reluctant: did I finally come here and end up running here to be embarrassed?

As the old saying goes, we're already here. Anyway, you've already embarrassed yourself for a few minutes!

So he turned to Dumbledore and said, "I promise it'll just be a few questions and then we'll be on our way!". Dumbledore was still as calm as ever, and didn't say much as he headed straight for the Ravenclaw Common Room.

They found Tom, who had just finished his breakfast and was on his way to the Common Room.

As soon as he saw Tom, Fudge gave him a very friendly smile. Fudge was by no means a smart man, but he was also a loser. But they all have a bright side: even poop can fertilize a field! One of Fudge's strengths is that he is very nice and kind. When he's with the young witches, he's always as nice as the fat guy next door. (I didn't get the field reference, if anyone gets it, may I please explain).

This cannot be denied, even if you look at Fudge through polarized glasses.

Fudge spoke to Tom very nicely, and then went on to talk about the events of Halloween, especially how the Troll had been chased away.

Tom blushed, squirmed, and didn't want to talk.

Fudge patted him on the shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile, "Don't worry, son, come on, tell us what happened that day..."

Tom looked extremely embarrassed, took a few deep breaths and finally spoke, "Well, I passed out when I saw the Troll.... When I woke up, Professor Dumbledore and the others were already cleaning up the Troll's blood."

The faces of the three changed abruptly.

Umbridge couldn't contain herself and spoke quickly, "Didn't you say a three-headed dog rescued you?"

Tom lowered his head and didn't dare look at them, "I made it up...I don't know any animals in the magical world either, I only heard the myth of the three headed dog in the muggle world so I took it and used it, I thought it was extra cool."

Fudge's breath caught, at first he thought the boy had conspired with Dumbledore and the others to lie, but then he thought about it: what did a first year wizard know? Where did he get such realistic acting ability?


It really could be that he had been tricked!

Fudge felt a whirlwind of emotions-if the Daily Prophet found out about this, he'd be a laughing stock!

Dumbledore then stroked his beard and said to Fudge, "There was someone poaching unicorns in the Forbidden Forest recently. Hagrid found him yesterday and he got away. He probably sent a fake message to distract us..."

Fudge immediately put on a furious look, "To even dare to hunt unicorns, this is no ordinary wizard, we have to catch him as quickly as possible! Are there any suspects? I'll go back to the Ministry of Magic and issue a wanted notice, We'll send him straight to Azkaban!

Professor McGonagall said thoughtfully, "Professor Quirrell, on the other hand, hasn't been seen since last night..."

Fudge was immediately excited, he wanted to go back to the Ministry and put out a search warrant, but was stopped by Dumbledore, Quirrell was only a strong suspect at the moment, but there was no proof, he had to be found to prove it.

At that moment, Quirrell was entering the third floor corridor. By now, the trapdoor guardian had been moved by Dumbledore. Although Quirrell couldn't understand how the dog seemed to be able to appear anywhere, (the basement, the Forbidden Forest, the third floor corridor), he was definitely gone and would surely not be seen again.

So he made his move, deciding to take the Philosopher's Stone all at once. But what was behind the door surprised him: a destroyed classroom. He wandered around the classroom and discovered the mystery. He took out his wand, tapped on a floor and a trapdoor appeared out of nowhere, opened the trapdoor and jumped out.