
Drawing cards at Hogwarts

"One more time! This time I must get the animagus spell from Professor McGonagall!" Draw! Cash draw! Who is it? "I am the great astrologer, Trelawney!" [Divination +1] Tears welled up in Tom's eyes. Confronted with the magnificent magical world, Tom felt deeply that Muggle power has a limit, so he decided to shout that phrase: I will not be a Muggle! *I do not own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel or the Harry Potter book. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 44: Isn't the pool UP? (Edited)

The dinner ended in a strong atmosphere of reasoning. Tom dragged his tired body back to the bedroom and, after washing up, lay down on his bed.

Tom waited quietly for zero hour to arrive and fell asleep. When he awoke, the first rays of morning sunshine were hitting his face. He felt he had forgotten to do something, and it took him a while to remember: the UP pool was open today!

Today was the day to draw Dumbledore!

He wasn't sure what kind of encouragement Dumbledore would give him, but it wouldn't hurt to draw him, since he was one of the strongest wizards in the world right now.

So Tom clicked on the system's draw screen and saw the UP group for Dumbledore, which showed a promotional image of Dumbledore raising a hand and apparently mumbling words, with four big words next to it, "Fire and Phoenix," followed by "Open Draw" and "Character Event Draw."

The Event Draw is a bit different from the resident draw in that you need to exchange the magic stone for something called Entangled Fate, which can only be drawn with it. The price of the Entangled Fate also did not go up, it was also 160 magic stones.

Tom had a good idea and traded for 79 pieces of Entangled Fate, including the one he got from the previous mission, it added up to 80, but the reason he didn't trade 90 pieces at once was because he still had some illusions.

"Well, good thing my hair is messed up this morning, so let's draw!". Without further ado, Tom drew.

"On my turn, draw!"


Nine blue, one purple, nine rags, and a wandless spell fragment.


Nine blue and one purple, this time the four star one was Enchantment (Incendio), it was the second time he got it, and the system told him that duplicate skills could be converted directly into 100 experience, experience could be added directly after advancement.

"I have a hunch, it's in the next shot, um-ah..."

Purple + Blue again, but this time a little better, two four stars, a silent spell fragment and a wandless spell fragment.

Numbly, Tom clicked again and again, and soon he had drawn 60 rounds, getting 3 wandless spell fragments, 2 silent spell fragments, 2 fragments of (Apparition) and a duplicate scroll of Enchantment (Incendio).

Tom could only console himself with the fact that 60 rounds yielded 8 four-star items, which was not a bad deal.

So he changed his strategy and drew them round by round, which seemed to have a metaphysical bonus.

So, on round 63-

Gold? Is that gold? Good heavens!

Tom couldn't believe his eyes, he hadn't taken the guarantee this time! He had drawn a five-star character in only 63 rounds, which was perfect.

[I'm the great astrologer, Trelawney!]

Tom couldn't believe his eyes. He thought there might be some kind of nasty error in his system. Wasn't this Dumbledore's draw? How was Professor Trelawney here again?

Looking at his 3 points in Divination, Tom sighed a little, the grade in the brackets after the Divination talent was "Exceptionally Gifted", knowing that the same 3 points in Charms only gave him a grade of Moderately Gifted, while the same talent in Potions required 5 points....

This reflects the fact that most people have no talent for divination, to the extent that a three-point talent would qualify as a Superior Talent. Talent rankings would go from No Talent, to Intermediate Talent, to Superior Talent, to gifted, and above Gifted, probably "Azkaban"? But that seems more like a special title.

But to be honest, it is quite useful, at least the "Intuition" ability that comes with it is quite useful in life. Of course, sometimes there is that saying "good words fail to persuade the damned", and you can't do anything with personal judgment when "Intuition" gives a warning.

Tom neighborhood his disappointment, continued to draw cards. This time, it took 86 solid rounds to draw Dumbledore. At the sight of the golden light, two tears fell from the corners of Tom's eyes: it was so bad, so bad, it was so sad to hear and so sad to see!

How could it be like this, the small warranty was already crooked, but the big warranty had to be made up to 80 rounds! It's a system that is bullying the poor subscribers because it has no competitor and no uninstall button on the interface.

But what else can be done? With all the stones extracted, and no refunds like IOS, Tom could only watch as he lost 23,680 stones and now had less than 30,000 stones in his account.

I had no intention of participating in the draw any further, as I assumed there might be a more suitable character in the pool at the end of the period.

But with 149 rounds in, it paid off, as Tom miraculously drew 7 Wandless Spell fragments and was able to synthesize the 5-star spell [Wandless Spell].

[Wandless Spell: A technique that allows you to cast spells without using a wand. This technique makes it difficult to cast spells and can easily lead to unintended consequences if not done correctly. Only highly skilled mages can master this technique. Therefore, when using a spell, the skill level is reduced by one and the success rate is equal to the skill level. There are currently no wandless spells available]

While Tom currently knows how to cast a wandless spell, he does not yet have a spell that can be used without a wand.... He needs to advance his spells and practice to increase his proficiency.

In addition to this skill, Dumbledore, which Tom drew with a lot of effort, is also the "most powerful wizard", adding 2 points directly to Tom's talent: +2 to the Transfiguration gift, making it 5 points. He also unlocked the alchemy talent, and a gray line appeared in the magic theory section: [Alchemy Level 0 (????)]. It looks like Tom needs to go find a few alchemy books to teach himself and it will unlock.

After all, there is no alchemy course at Hogwarts, and the only way to activate it is to go to the Wizarding World and find an "adventure", of course, if you can get a letter of recommendation from Dumbledore, then the odds of activating the "adventure" are probably good. Now that he didn't have to, Tom could try to learn on his own.

With no classes on Friday morning, Tom planned to spend some time in the library, looking for books on magical animals. He got up, brushed his hair a bit, put on a fresh robe, and went into the Common Room. As for his dirty clothes, he put them in the laundry basket, where the Hogwarts house elves would pick them up and wash them.

Tom met Hermione in the Common Room when he came down for breakfast, still wearing a robe, but a blue top with lapels of a fabric that looked a bit like denim.

"Morning, off to the library?" Tom greeted Hermione, inviting her to join him in the library.

"Yes, I think we should find some books on magical creatures, after all, we were grounded..." When it came to reading, Hermione seemed to have endless things to say.

The two had a quick breakfast in the Great Dining Hall and went to the library.