
Drakkius Drakkion: Adventures Of The Blood Dragons.

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What is Drakkius Drakkion: Adventures Of The Blood Dragons.

Read ‘Drakkius Drakkion: Adventures Of The Blood Dragons.’ Online for Free, written by the author Astrology_Born, This book is a Horror&Thriller Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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In the beginning, Mother Earth created seven clans, and these clans were in watch of protecting humanity and all life itself. The names of the seven clans were Ecos (E-cos), Akos (A-kos), Ren (Ra-yn), Edur (E-dor), Argi ( Ar-guy), Auriel (Ary-el), and Kuro (Cu-ro). The earth shared her power with them, and they were able to do magnificent things. As Eons went by with peace and harmony, an enemy so arose against Mother Earth, and the clan’s name was Akos. Their Clan’s leader KRIOS believed that their clan was stronger than the earth and could become one and no longer serve Mother Earth. He proclaimed his new revelation to the council of Elders, for they mocked him and said he was foolish for if he is to remain as the leader, he must never speak of it again. But Krios resented the council and grew angry and set his plan into motion. He gathered all of the betrayers, demons, and goddesses of the land. He gathered his army; his clan loyally followed him and willfully gave their power to him. For Krios took revenge on the council of Elders first killing them each one by one. Then after he sought to destroy the remaining clans. Destruction, agony, and pain lasted within the war for 100 years. Krios only grew stronger as these years went, for he tainted the ground with Imperials blood. The last remaining Imperials went into hiding to preserve their race. Krios took over all life, for the world became lawless and he reigned king. As begins the dark days of The Last Imperials.

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