
Sneek peak

Dusk woke up feeling pain alaround her neck, "your awake, you shouldn't move around, you didn't react well the that dart" a female voice spoke.

"What! were am I?" Dusk shoot up looking around. She was in a tent and standing right in front of her was a lizard/crocodile woman who had nice clothing, beautiful jewellery and light green scales, looking very confused.

"Carful you didn't react well to that dart it could kill you if you stretch your neck too much, please lay down or rest your head if you want to sit up" she said in a soothing voice.

"What was in that dart for it to hurt so bad!" Dusk cried, so loud that all the voices that was out side went quite.

"Thay're stinging netle darts, the netles makes creatures grow sleepy, but then you didn't" she had a concerned look.

"I passed out didn't I!" Dusk felt threatened but yet calm at the same time.

"That's probably because of the reaction, I had the same reaction to peanuts" she said.

"You're allergic to peanuts?" Dusk asked a little confused.

"What's a.l.l.e.r.i.c?" she sounded as if the word was hard to say, with her accent.

"You have a life threatening reaction to serton things" Dusk explained.

"Oh, they are life threatening?" she looked even more concerned.

"Yes I'm allergic to stinging netles" Dusk explained, seeing the new understanding in her eyes. "I'm Dusk, who are you" she hold back a sigh.

"I'm Artonia the cheefs sister" Artonia smiled at her, "so you're friends with the tribe, I mean you don't seem to want to attack" she tilted her head.

"No I don't want to attack, me and my friend needs to get to the temple of Lakarr" Dusk said not giving it a thought until she saw the curious look form Artonia.

"Why do you 'need' to go?" she asked.

"Firestone sent us" Dusk narrowed her eyes, wondering why she was this curious.

"Firestone sent you!" Artonia shouted soo loud to the point someone burst it. He had a thithery crown, golden necklaces, beautiful clothing, dark green scales and silver bracelets.

"What is all the screaming about?" his voice was deep.

"I just told her I was sent by Firestone" Dusk lifted both of her hands up, like if she was getting arrested.

"You were sent by Firestone" he squinted his eyes and Dusk saw how sharp his claws are.

"Yep, why do you care?" Dusk got a bad impression of, of him.

"Firestone was the one of the last drag tails to turn into an actual dragon, along with her sister Frostfire" he explained.

"Yeah I knew that, wait what's a drag tail?" Dusk lifted her eye brow.

"It's what I am and if we are chosen by Lakarr we turn into a dragon but he hasn't since the twins" he explained again, "who are you?".

"Dusk, you?" she asked.

"Varkar, I'm the chef if the river bank tribe" Varkar lifted his head up looking very proud.

"Oh well can me and my friend just go to the temple already?" Dusk felt herself being very impatient.

"I can't just let any strangers go into our sacred temple" he basically hissed.

"Ok then can I get some water? my throat is dry" Dusk asked.

"Yes of course but I'll have to wait for a sine from Lakarr if you are aloud in, if you are telling the truth then he'll say yes" Varkar walked out and Artonia picked up some cups and walked out.

Dusk was on a bed shrouded by curtens, Dusk opened one of them and saw Dawn passed out sleeping peaceful. Dusk shook her shoulder trying to wake her up but no use, "she won't wake up yet, the darts won't allow it" Artonias kind voice was behind her.

"Thay was quick" Dusk turnd to look at her.

"Yeah the well is right next to the medicine tent" she handed Dusk a cup and put the other next to Dawn's bed on the table.

"So what's your friends name?" Artonia asked.

"Her name is Dawn" Dusk answered.

"Well do you want me to take you to our phychick, she could see what you need" she offered.

"A phychick?" Dusk echoed.

"Yeah, so?" Artonia waited.

"Alright, at least it can give me something to do" Dusk followed her into a hut where there is a waiting room and about 3 others there. They looked at her, first with curiosity then with concern.

Artonia opend the door and after a few seconds she waved for her to come in. It was dark in there but it had thick curtons, soft pillows, a table in the middle were Dusk expected to be a glass ball but only a plate of yellow smoke. An elderly drag tail (well Dusk thinks he is an elderly) was sitting down looking as calm as sheep in a fild. "I hear you wish to find a heal for your neck" he said softly, pointing to the pillows infront of him.

"I guess" Dusk shrugged sitting down.

He waved his hand in the yellow smoke, "I am Haav" he closed his eyes.

"I'm Dusk" she greeted

"Let me see your future, it's show me if there are any lasting scars" he waved his hands in a word way, staring directly into the yellow smoke. He was calm but then the smoke changed into deep red, light blue, stony grey and then black, his exertion turnd form calm into an outraged fear.

"Umm, what was that?" Dusk asked and she heard the concern in her voice.

"You seem to act like you betray Lakarr but all alone you were working with him, but..." he looked at her letting the smoke sit on the table. "You have a life of heart brake, desire, love and fear not only that but a life of power but not wanting to use it, then in the end it's feeled with love or heart brake" he exhaled.

"What does that mean?" Dusk asked frowning.

"It means it could go in one of two ways and the option is in your hands, the time will come when you know" Haev reinsured her.

"So what about my neck?" Dusk wanted to change the subject, Haev nodded.

"Your neck will heal as if nothing even happened" Haev smiled, "don't need any fancy healing just need a little time, I saw it heal within an hour".

"Thank you" Dusk smiled then walked out, 'that power is definitely the jackolope form, but not wanting to use it' Dusk walked into the healing tent but cort her eye on a very small pink pig. It was definitely staring at her, Dusk raised her eye brow, "what?" she shook her head. It squealed at her and jumped on its hingh legs, "you ok, sick or something?" Dusk walked over to it, examining it from out side of the fence.

"Can I help you?" a drag tail asked from behind her.

"This one is acting strange" Dusk pointed to the little pink one.

"That's strange, never seen this one before, I'm Juder by the way" Juder smiled.

"Well there are a lot of them surely you could of missed it" Dusk shrugged.

"No I've been training them from the day they were born, I remember all of them by name" he shook his head.

"What do you farm pigs for?" Dusk asked as she originally thought they were ment for food.

"We train them to scare of tigers and all sorts" Juder explained.

"Don't tigers eat pigs?" Dusk asked.

"Yes but they pull a fight and tigers don't target them if the have the sent of hay" Juder looked proud.

"Oh so how's this one?" Dusk asked.

"Don't know she'll new, but Henge did say that a small one wondered in maby she's wild" Jurder went in the pen and tried to pick her up. She squealed and wiggled Juder kept hold of her though, "she's not happy about that" Dusk observed.

"Yep she is definitely not one if mine, you can pick any of them up and they'll try to give you cuddles" he said putting her back down.

"So she isn't wild others she would of turnd around and bit you" Dusk said.

"True maby she's one of the other tribes, I'll have to tell Varkar about her" he rubbed his head and walked to the large hut in the middle of the town.

"Now I wonder what's your name" Dusk shrugged.

"Well you can call me Sliverpig" she heard Sliverpigs voice when she tried to walk back to the healing tent.