
Possible friendship

"What?" Dusk looked back and saw that the pig is now sitting and thangs showed.

"I said I'm Sliverpig, don't scream I just want to talk" Sliverpig said. Dusk looked around and saw that no-one is outside.

"What do you wish to talk about?" Dusk was genuinely interested, 'after all the phychick said it will look like I'm going against Lakarr but I'm not' she thought.

"We seem to be a lot alike I wish to be friends" Sliverpig bowed her head.

"Really?" Dusk squinted her eyes.

"Yes of course, I mean why not I'm a lycin you're gona be a lycin and I can tell that you're not gona want it and I didn't plan to have it" Sliverpigs eyes looked as if she was smiling.

"Right so why exactly?" Dusk waited the truth out of that decision.

"Come on things have been lonely and you seem to be the only person who is most like me" Sliverpig looked a little desperate, or that's just the pig face.

"So you've been lonely, but don't vampires just make a thrall?" Dusk asked.

"No we make thralls to helps fight enemies but a bonus is that they'll be immortal" Sliverpig had a serious tone.

"Right I'm not interested" Dusk joked.

"So how about you get the jackolope soul then we can go running, get to know each other and bond" Sliverpig offered.

"I'll keep it in mind" Dusk said walking back to the tent.

When Dusk walked in she saw Dawn on her phone with music playing, "morning" Dusk said.

"Dusk! what happened to your neck?" Dawn pointed to the rash on her neck.

"They used stinging netle darts" Dusk explained.

"Oof you're allergic to them" Dawn made a face.

"Yep, that water is yours" Dusk pointed to the cup on the side, she then took hers. As she swallowed she screamed out in pain, "you ok?!" Dawn asked concerned.

"Yep it's just the rash" Dusk responded, 'I shouldn't tell her about Sliverpig' she thought.

"Ok but if you need an epi pen, I have one" Dawn pulled out one.

"Why do you have that exactly?" Dusk looked at her.

"We're in a jungle, we are definitely gona run into some stining netles" Dawn explained. Dusk took the epi pen and used it.

"Thank you" she thanked Dawn for thinking ahead.

They spent the rest of the day waiting, after Dusk told her about the drag tails. Dusk had her phone with there show on, "so the drag tails brought us here to make sure we're not enemies" Dawn nodded.

"Yep, but now we have to wait for a sine from Lakarr so we can go in the temple" Dusk felt impatient at this point.

"Well it is there religion" Dawn said.

"Yeah but we were sent by Firestone, surely that would be anuff" Dusk pouted.

"Just wait, honestly you need to learn some patients" Dawn hufft. 'Yep I could use some days away from this' Dusk sighed.

"Wake me up when Artonia comes in" Dusk left her phone with Dawn and closed her curtains. She found it easy to sleep, when she woke up it was to Dawn shaking her shoulder. "What?" Dusk moned.

"Artonia is here" Dawn said.

"Oh yeah" Dusk stood up and realised that her neck was no longer covered in a rash.

"Dusk, we got that sing from Lakarr, Varkar wants to see you" Artonia gestured for them to follow.

"That was quicker then I thought" Dawn said to Dusk.

"How long did you think it would take?" Artonia asked.

"Days" Dawn shrugged, Artonia just gave her a curious look and led them to the front of the temple. On the way there she saw that Sliverpig was not in the pig pen anymore, instead she was watching from the bushes.

'Well I did promise' Dusk thought and then just entered the temple. Varkar was standing infront of the door, "well come on then I'll show around and the sine said that you'll know what you're looking for" he said.

"Well let's go then" Dawn said excitedly.

"Well then allow me" Varkar open the door and showed them around. There was the main room were a statue of a dragon who looks different from Firestone stood, "who's that?" Dusk pointed to the statue.

"That's Lakarr, the very first dragon from Jamobala and Marlablico" Varkar said.

"He looks different from Firestone" Dawn said.

"Yes the legends said he had a different body then the once he gifted" Varkar looked up at the statue. Lakarr had frills, a horn that rest on the end of his nose, he stands on his hine legs and his thangs were different. Dusk wondered why he was different, to her he looked like a completely different species. "So I won't waste too much of your time, to the left is the quiet rooms, where drag tails can sit peacefully, there are also the hot springs and resting rooms. To the right are Lakarrs treasures that we gard, meeting halls and a room that Lakarr enchanted so we can offer him anything. The tunnel in the middle is Lakarrs Hall of enchanted items" Varkar informed.

"He could enchant things?" Dusk asked, 'since when could things be enchanted?'.

"Yes I think he wants you to go down that tunnel" Varkar pointed to the tunnel behind the statue, it was tall enough, and wide enough for at least 5 of those statues to be standard side by side and still have enough room. "Thank you Varkar" Dawn smiled and tugged on Dusks sleeve. They walked down the tunnel and saw that there was not as many as Dusk originally thought, there were about 30 to 40 things in there and all of them were labelled. Dusk noticed that one glass cabinet was empty, she read the label "Lakarrs scroll to create a prophesy", 'well an't that interesting' Dusk thought moving on.

There were things like, "Lakarrs coller to calm any raging dragon" and "Lakarrs necklace to grant extra energy to those in need" Dusk saw that most of them were to help out dragons, and dragons only. But there were a few that read, "Lakarrs crown to grant drag tails dragonhood" and "Lakarrs hood to hide those in the shadows". "Hey I'll give you a chocolate bar if you can guess what this crown does" Dusk joked and pointed at the crown.

"Hummm let me guess let drag tails turn into dragons" Dawn said sycasticly.

"Yep here's your chocolate" Dusk handed her a chocolate bar.

"Come on let's see what's in that box" Dawn pointed to a large box, it was metal and large enough to hold 3 to 4 cars. Dusk read the lable, "Lakarrs pen for jackolope spirits, do not open as these will fuse with you and you will become bound to Lakarrs service".

"Yep I new this was a bad idea" Dusk turnd to Dawn.

"Maby, but we have a prophesy to forfill any way Lakarr seems like a nice guy" Dawn was already turning the look, Dusk couldn't stop her, deep down she didn't want to.

Once it was opened they heard a screechey rao, then all of a sudden two car sized faded rabbits with dear anglers dashed into them. They were nocked to the ground and Dusk felt powerful, fast, agile and full of energy. Dusk tried to stand up but her vision turnd blurry and she collapsed.