
Dragons & Devils DxD

A DxD AU Fanfic about a Dragon who will became a God.

CommaKing · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Dragon Way

After spending some time healing his wounds, Tahmut took to the sky, and made his way to his mother's cave, thinking about his upcoming tor- training sessions with Tanin.

In the midst of these thoughts, a feint scream carried by the wind entered his ears.


Looking down, the only thing visible to Tahmut were the tops of trees and the animals that dwell within them.

Hearing another scream, and this time slightly louder, Tahmut remembered his first lesson with his new teacher and opened his senses, soon feeling something that confused him deeply.

'A Dragon, and… Devils? Why are Devils in mother's territory? They're not supposed to be here. What's going on?'

Narrowing his heterochromic eyes, and with a flap of his wings, Tahmut changed directions, and flew to where he sensed the screams coming from, curious as to why Devils have foolishly entered his mother's domain.

Sitting across from each other, surrounded by piles of gemstones decorated with the bones of humans and supernaturals, two Dragons talk about the future of a certain hatchling.

"I'll take him into my territory." Tanin voiced, accepting a tray of different animal meats given to him by Luna.

"He needs to experience being around other Dragons his age, and not just that, but what it means to be a Dragon in general. I'm not attacking your parenting style, it's just that this sheltered upbringing you've given him is not the Dragon way Tiamat." Tanin said on guard, expecting Tiamat to lash out at any moment.

He knows how much she loves her son, and it's for this reason he is so interested in Tahmut. Sure, he's a promising hatchling with great potential, but why is Tiamat so infatuated with him? Her acts over the past decade regarding her son surely do not follow a typical Dragon mother's path. So why? What makes Tahmut so special that the strongest Dragon King is willing to risk everything for his sake?

"Dragon way?" Tiamat narrowed her eyes. "Am I not Dragon enough?" She asked, her voice eerily calm, making Tanin's tail quiver, and Luna freeze in place, the tray of food she was about to give to her lady furiously shaking in her hands.

"Must I remind you of your place Tanin?" Tiamat asked in the same eerily calm voice, however this time, she exuded her Dragon aura solely onto Tanin, causing the dark purple Dragon to resemble Luna as he sat frozen, shaking furiously under a mountain of pressure. But unlike most who would fear the pressure he's under, Tanin was smiling maniacally, something Tiamat noticed.

'I loathe his type.' She thought disdainfully, a certain red Dragon flying through her mind.

"The strongest make the rules, Tanin, and I am the strongest," Tiamat hissed, looking down at Tanin.

"I do with my son what I will. Dragon way? Haa~ The Dragon way is whatever I make it. But for arguments sake, you bring up some fair points. His only interactions are with myself and Luna. He does see animals, but that's only when we hunt them. Other than that, there's no one. Perhaps he does live quite a sheltered life; but so what? Who cares if Tahmut doesn't grow up in typical Dragon fashion? I am his mother. I am Dragon enough for my son." Tiamat said proudly, turning her back to the shaking Tanin, and reigning in her aura.

Stretching his limbs finally free from the pressure, and still with his maniacal smile, Tanin opened his mouth to speak, but closed it soon after, his expression turning serious. Looking outside of the cave in a seemingly random direction, Tanin narrowed his eyes and spoke:

"When did Devils get so bold? To enter into a King's territory, and attempt to harm its inhabitants? Have their long lives stunted brain growth? This is good though. I'll be able to see my student in action against real foes. Yes, good indeed." He finished, his sharp teeth glinting for all to see.

"Yes, I too am curious as to why they're here. Let us go Tanin. Let us see my son in his first real battle." Tiamat said, her voice a myriad of emotions as she passed by Tanin, and exited the cave.

'Be safe, my son.'

"Well, I must apologize for not believing your words Ucail. To think you actually found a Dragon, and one as rare as this, my friend, I truly do apologize." A man with shoulder length purple hair, and leathery bat-like wings said in an apologetic tone, his face however holding a sinister smile.

"HAHAHA. See, didn't I tell you Konak? So what if the strongest Dragon King lives here? She's not omnipresent, and I'm sure only taking one Dragon from her territory won't incur her wrath." The short-brown haired Ucail replied to his partner Konak, pride brimming from his voice.

Both Devils were wearing black metal chest plates with matching spiked spaulders and leg guards, carrying a long sword strapped to their waist, and a black, full-faced helmet under their arms.

"You're right, but she's still a Dragon King, and I'm certain she already knows we're here. Before she sends one of her minions, or even if for some reason she got bored and came herself to investigate, we need to hurry up. Remember, nobody knows we're here, and we need to keep it that way." Konak said to Ucail, his greedy eyes not once leaving the Dragon sleeping feet in front the duo.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Let's go." Ucail said, already approaching the sleeping Dragon, a devilish smile on his face as he begins to conjure up his power in his hands.

Curled on the ground with its arrow-tipped tail by its mouth, the Dragon in question was snake-like in appearance, having no legs, with red and green feather-like scales covering its body, running along its long neck, bird-like wings, and a large snake head.

'This should be far enough.' Ucail thought, raising his hand, wisps of cold energy coming from it. Just as he was about to thrust his hand forward in an attempt to freeze and capture the sleeping Dragon, the wind began to whip, and the sound of flapping wings could be heard from overhead. Looking up, Ucail went wide-eyed and quickly jumped back from his spot, narrowly avoiding being crushed my a massive shadow.


Dust and debris exploded from where Ucail previously stood, and standing in the middle of it was the silhouette of a winged creature that, to the two Devils, looked extremely similar to a Dragon in appearance.

"What was that?!" Konak shouted over the sound of falling debris, a foreboding feeling entering his body.

"I don't know, but it had wings! Fuck! I think it's a Dragon!" Ucail shouted worriedly from beside his comrade, both already with their helmets on, and swords out in a defensive stance.


"YOU THINK?!" Konak rhetorically shouted, his hands trembling on the hilt of his sword, and his heart racing as he waited for the dust to settle.


Extending his wings, Tahmut cleared the dust, and upon setting his narrowed eyes on the two Devils, his Dragon aura exploded, and he spoke only one word:


Although the two Devils were shaking like leaves, they both were determined to get what they came for, and plus:

'It's a young Dragon, and although it's strong, it's inexperienced. We can capture two Dragons at the same time! We'll be rich!' They both thought simultaneously.

Ucail turned to Konak, and Konak to Ucail. With a nod of their heads, both Devils let one hand from the hilt of their sword, and conjured their individual powers.

"Remember, we must capture, not kill, capture. So make sure your power is only enough to incapacitate them. I don't want to attract- INCOMING!" Ucail shouted to Konak, cutting short his instruction, and rolling out of the way just in time to witness the tree behind the two sizzle and erode, before snapping in two.

'Poison?!' Ucail thought in angst, as he turned to his partner.

"Konak we need to- KONAK!"

Running over to Konak, Ucail saw his comrade's legs, and lower torso were no longer a part of his body. In fact, his entire lower body was a pool of viscous fluid, and his pale face carried a shocked and pained countenance.

Putting two fingers under his friend's neck, hoping for the best, Ucail felt the worst, he felt nothing. Gently resting his deceased comrade's head on the ground, Ucail slowly stood, and his aura rapidly rose. Staring daggers into Tahmut's heterochromic eyes, Ucail spoke, his voice deep and demonic:

"YOU... YOU FUCKING BASTARD! FORGET CAPTURING YOU! DIE!" Ucail screamed in rage, sending a flurry of ice attacks at the unmoving and unfazed Tahmut.