
Dragons Among Heroes

You've probably heard this before. A person dies and is reincarnated in a different world with a system. Well it wasn't just me that died this time. My name is Devin Price and this is my new life in a different world with a system. This is my first venture in writing instead of reading and is mostly for my own self indulgence. If you like it, great! If not there's plenty more so just keep looking. This will be the first story in what will hopefully be a trilogy. I do use system topics that, as far as I know, no one else has or is currently using. I do not own any of the characters or domains except for my OCs. All copyrights belong to their owners. I also don't own the cover image. If the owner wants it removed I will gladly remove it.

ArcticRage · Video Games
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Devin and company split up for the moment as they had to wait for the following day to have a chance at tracking Kilgrave down.

Devin rolled up to his place with a deep sigh before hopping out of the truck. Turning to enter the building when he noticed a candy apple green Porsche sitting in the drive way.

'I can guess who that is.' Devin mentally said as he smirked before turning back to the house. Steeping through the door, Devin could hear voices from the living room. Walking through the entrance found Jennifer Walters talking to Izabela on the couch while Henric watches a cartoon on the tv. Devin assumed that Yana was upstairs in her room. The two women noticed Devin enter with smiles.

"Hello Devin, it's been a while." Jennifer said as she stood and offered her hand. Devin shook it with a smile before responding a in a carefree manner. Jennifer had stopped by not too long ago to drop off some papers and had hit it off rather quickly with Izabela. The two were as thick as thieves now though Devin wasn't so sure that was a blessing or a curse for him yet.

"Yeah it has, though I hope you'll stay for dinner so that we can talk about something other than business." Devin offered soon after dropping the hand shake.

"Sure, sounds wonderful." Jennifer responds before they all take a seat on the couches once more. The adults continued to talk for a while more before Devin and Izabela stood to go make dinner. Jennifer followed behind intending to help.

Devin began pulling food out of the fridge while Izabela removed pots and pans from the cupboard. Devin pulled three wine glasses from the cupboard next to the fridge after removing a bottle of wine from the fridge. Devin poured each a glass before moving back to continue cooking.

Soon dinner was finished and Devin called Henric to go get his sister and wash their hands. Izabela was setting the table while Devin brought out the food. One of the perks of having the Dragoon Spirit of Fire was that Devin didn't have to worry about burning his hands anymore. As Devin was moving to set down one of the dishes Izabela turned and ran into Devin causing her to slip and begin falling. Devin, acting out of instinct, reached out and caught her in one arm while balancing the hot dish in the other. Time seemed to stop as the two stared at one another. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to stare straight into his soul. The moment was broken by the arrival of the siblings. The two broke apart to see a smile on Yana's face while Henric looked confused. Jennifer had a shit eating grin while wiggling her eyebrows at the two.

"Hey sis? What are you doing?" Henric asked with a confused frown.

"Nothing. Just slipped and Devin was nice enough to not let me fall." Izabela explained as she returned to grab the last of dinner while Devin placed the food he had balanced on one hand on the table. Soon after Izabela returned and they group sat down to eat. There was plenty of laughs and discussion in between bites and soon everyone had had their fill. Izabela and Yana volunteered for clean up and Henric headed upstairs to finish some homework for the next day. Devin stood on the back patio staring at the stars and moon. The scene reminding him of one of the more well known scenes from the game he got his powers from. The sound of the patio doors opening alerted him that one of the others had stepped out to join in his observations.

"Beautiful night." the strong yet smooth tone of Jennifer came from behind him.

"That it is, that it is." Devin replied as the lawyer/superhero joined him at the railing.

"I just wanted to thank you for the lovely dinner and time. It's been so long since I've sat down and eaten with anyone. Heck, I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal." Jennifer said as a smile graced her features. Devin knew that she still had her cousin Bruce, but Devin couldn't remember whether or not she had any other family.

"Yeah, before those three I was the same. Parents passed a few years back and being an only child meant I was on my own for quite a while." Devin said. Devin knew that he was technically stretching the truth with some lies thrown in but he couldn't exactly tell her the truth. He HAD lost his parents and he WAS an only child, it's just that there was barely any time between losing everything and him getting to this world.

"I'm sorry." Jennifer said as her smile lessened by a degree.

"It's fine. What about you?" Devin said before he took another sip from his glass.

"My mom passed a long time ago and it was just me and my dad for a long time. He was awesome growing up and when I graduated." Jennifer said with a grin in remembrance.

"Was?" Devin asked cautiously.

"He started getting distant after an accident I had a couple years ago. We haven't talked in quite a while." Jennifer said as she looked down into her own glass with a sad expression replacing her earlier smile.

"But enough of that. What was with that earlier moment with Izabela?" Jennifer asked with that same shit eating grin.

"Nothing." Devin said as he could feel his cheeks heat up slightly.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Jennifer said as she pointed at his face causing his face to heat up even further.

"We are not discussing this." Devin said with finality that caused Jennifer to pout.

"Fine though I guess we should discuss a little bit of business before I go." Jennifer said as she downed her glass and set it on the railing.

"Have you heard from your P.I. friend?" Jennifer asked as she leaned against the railing and crossing her arms under her bust.

"Yeah, unfortunately another case has gotten in the way. I've been helping her and her partner eliminate that problem." Devin says with a slight growl at the mere thought of that slime ball Kilgrave.

"Devin, do I need to brush up on my defense curriculum?" Jennifer asks with concern, unfolding her arms.

"Nah, just frustrated that this case is getting in the way of getting some peace for the kids." Devin said as he turned with a wain smile.

"Okay, if you need some help then feel free to ask." Jennifer offered with a returned smile.

"Of course. Anything on your side of things?" Devin asked in turn.

"A few things though nothing concrete as of right now. I have a few leads that I'll be chasing down in the next couple of days and hopefully they turn up some results we can use." Jennifer says with one hand holding her other arm while she rolled her opposite hand.

"So we're both at an impasse for the moment. Damn." Devin said muttering the curse under his breath. The ensuing minute of silence hung heavy in the air before being broken by a long and deep sigh.

"Well it has been fun, but I should be going." Jennifer said as she stepped away from the railing.

"Yeah, We're hopefully gonna finish that problem off tomorrow and then we'll be back on track." Devin said before draining the last of his glass.

"Keep me in the loop." Jennifer said as she gave Devin a hug goodbye.

"Of course. Stay safe out there. Times are changing." Devin said as he released the hug.

"Oh don't worry. There isn't anybody that can handle this." Jennifer said with another grin before heading inside. Devin only shook his head with a smirk.

'Feel sorry for the poor bastard that decides to mess with her.' Devin thought as he followed back inside.

Greetings True Believers!

Decided to take a moment to slow down and have a more domestic moment with a little romantic slice.

Been obsessed with the new Monster Hunter Stories 2 game as of late. Anyone else? Leave a comment on what your current gaming addiction is at the moment.

Song: Toss a Coin to Your Witcher by Samuel Kim


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