
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Beginning of the Journey pt7

It was evening in Sovngarde, and Alduin had just finished checking how Walburga had been progressing with his Thu'um training method. He was pleased with her progress and now it was time to teach her how to take on partial and full dragon form.

"In you now resides the soul of Dovah, the most powerful being in the universe. It was true before, and it is doubly true now" Alduin explained as he paced back and forth beside the stone on which his new apprentice sat.

"Your body will adapt to your new soul and its power on its own if you do nothing, but those changes will be lengthy and could take more than a century. But as a Dovah, you have an advantage - your voice. Our voice holds tremendous power that allows us to directly influence the primal forces of the universe. But as a Dovah who has devoted her life to studying magic, you already know this" Alduin continued.

"Zu'u mindoraan, Thuri (I understand, my Lord.)" Walburga replied.

"You can already speak simple sentences in Dovahzul. That is good. I will now repeat the words of that worm who mistakenly became my brother, but there is meaning in them. Feel the power of these words: Flesh, Mirror, and Soul. Feel their meaning. And then, infuse all of your strength into them and utter the Words" Alduin instructed.

Alduin stopped and looked at Walburga.

"Flesh. Mirror. Soul."

"Reflect on their meaning."

"Flesh... soul... Flesh is a reflection of the soul."

"You are close to the truth" Alduin confirmed.

"Slen Fiik Sil!" Walburga cried out, and her body lit up. When the glow subsided, her body was clad in armor that resembled Daedric armor, with bright orange runes inscribed on its surface in the language of the Dovah.

"Remember this Shout, Walburga. It will allow you to access half of the power you had before. Unlike the Thu'um of the Dovahkiin, Mul Qah Diiv, or Dragonrend, it not only enhances your physical abilities and makes your Thu'um stronger. This Shout is perfect for battles against mortals in tight spaces, where our true bodies would only hinder us. This is one of the secrets of the Dovahkiin's victories over us - she could use cover, something we did not do due to our pride. How do you feel?" Alduin asked.

"Almost like before, but I miss my wings" Walburga replied.

"This is the advantage and disadvantage of this form" said Alduin.

"Now, look into your soul and feel it. Feel all the power that is locked within you, and then you will find the right words to soar into the heavens of Keizaal."

Alduin watched as Walburga sank into meditation. Half an hour after starting, he saw her yellow eyes widen in surprise.

"I always knew that despite the weakness of your Thu'um and body, compared to your Legendary brethren, Dovah-mages were considered some of the most dangerous Dovah. Your intellect cannot be underestimated" Alduin said with a smile.

"Dii Seik Sil (True meaning of my soul)" Walburga shouted, and a stream of power swirled around her.

A few seconds later, instead of a woman clad in black armor, a bright red dragon with massive black spikes running along its spine stood on the ground.

"It's time to take to the skies again, Kreinzulfen" Alduin shouted, addressing the dragon and soaring into the sky.

When Alduin was satisfied that the resurrected Dovah was confidently flying, he opened a portal to the mortal world, through which the two dragons left Sovngarde.

Returning to the mortal world, Alduin instructed his companion to cloak herself to avoid frightening mortals and yelled.

"Zul Fen Aak Hi, Dii Fron! Fahraal Zey, Sizaan Sil Do Ul!"

Hearing a response to his call, he listened closely. A whole Dovah soul was next to him, with one of its pieces outside the mortal world, and its response came from the Deadlands. Another full Dovah soul also responded from somewhere in Oblivion."

After receiving the call from one of the fragments, Alduin and Kreinzulfen arrived at a village in the forest in the south of Spain.

The call was coming from a chapel on the outskirts of the village. Taking on human form, Alduin asked Valburga, who followed his example,

"Do you know the local dialect?"

"Yes, milord."

"Our kin is somewhere in the chapel. He is alone there. Let's hurry."


The two dragons entered the Catholic chapel and looked around.

The chapel was small, but it felt peaceful and calm. The stained glass windows created a mystical atmosphere that reminded Alduin of the environment in Nirn in the early days of his existence.

"Good day. What brings you to the House of the Lord?" A melodious voice was heard. Looking in the direction of the source, the Dovah saw a young girl in a nun's habit.

"Good day, sister. We are looking for our lost brother and hoped to find a clue here" Walburga replied.

"Our Lord helps those who seek to reunite with their family. Pray, and if your intentions are sincere, then our Lord will give you a sign. I will also pray for your success" the nun sang, folding her hands in a prayer gesture. But then she fell to the ground like a wooden statue.

"I don't know what you were talking about, Kreinzulfen, but our time is precious" Alduin said, lifting the paralyzed nun and heading towards the exit of the church.

Once outside, Alduin and Walburga took their dragon form and transported themselves to Sovngarde, where Alduin used the Shout of Soul Restoration on the nun. The burst of power that arose from the restoration of the Dovah soul integrity destroyed the paralysis spell, and the girl opened her eyes.

"Alduin Thuri!" The nun spoke in a hoarse voice, looking at Alduin with yellow dragon eyes, which her previously blue eyes had turned into. The silver hair of the former nun was disheveled and presented a cute spectacle.

"Drem Yol Lok, Krahnahkriin (Greetings, Krahnahkriin). Rest. You need to rest while Kreinzulfen explains the new realities to you."

After leaving Dovah in Sovngarde and instructing Walburga to recruit new members, Alduin journeyed to Oblivion's void, also known as the Waters of Oblivion, in pursuit of the only intact soul that responded to his call. As he flew through the void, he spotted an aura that seemed familiar to him.

Eventually, he encountered a massive red dragon that looked like a steroid-pumped Odahviing, whose gaze would have impressed any seasoned drug addict.

"Brother?" the red dragon roared.

"What a surprise, Odahviing." Alduin responded gruffly.

"Who are you!?" Odahviing asked.

"Have you lost your mind after all these years? Although, Lorkhan said you went crazy after the Heart of the World reboot" Alduin said.

"You know the Ancient One?" Odahviing asked.

"Ancient One? You're not much younger yourself" Alduin said.

"Are you an Ancient One too?" Odahviing asked.

"Argh, what the hell, Odahviing? Stin Baar Hah!" Alduin shouted in frustration and used the Clear Mind shout. The force of the shout caused Odahviing to flinch and he quickly shrank in size, his gaze became more thoughtful.

"Alduin Thuri!" greeted his elder, Odahviing.

"I see your mind is back where it belongs. That's good. Now tell me, what should I do with you for leading the Dovahkiin to Skuldafn?" Alduin asked.

"She defeated me in battle..." Odahviing started to say.

"By trapping you in a mortal's castle! They caught you! My lieutenant! In a trap! Do you know how shameful that is, Odahviing?" Alduin interrupted.

"I admit you're right, my lord. But the customs of the Dovah are unshakable" Odahviing said.

"And that's precisely why I didn't tear you apart when I saw you. There are very few Dovah left, and those who remain exist as pitiful fragments of their souls or skeletons hidden beneath the earth" Alduin said.

"But didn't all living things die when the Heart of the World stopped?" Odahviing asked.

"They did, but some survived. I don't know why, but I know where to find the answer to that question. However, I'm sure that after Paarthurnax's betrayal, the gods caused a lot of trouble, and to sort it all out, I'll need the help of all Dovah. My goal is to restore my people's power. Are you with me, Odahviing?" Alduin asked.

"Don't you crave the destruction of Nirn, my lord?" Odahviing asked.

"My top priority is to revive our people. And the first step of my plan is to bring all surviving Dovah under my wing. Then, I'll deal with those who slept through my second return. As for the destruction of Nirn, I've seen what it's become, and the mere thought of taking it disgusts me. You'll see it too soon enough. I'll ask you one last time, Odahviing. Are you with me?" Alduin asked.

"I'd follow you anywhere, my lord." Odahviing replied.

"Thu'um for returning to human form is Sil Joor Slen (soul, mortal flesh). Upon returning to Sovngarde, use it to regain human form" Alduin commanded as he opened the portal.