
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Beginning of the Journey pt10

"Issei! What the hell is this?" Alduin yelled, kicking his brother's door down and brandishing a small blue dragon by the skin of its neck, waking his brother up with a classic strike to the chest.

"Argh! Tatsumi? Oh, that's Rassei, Asia's familiar" answered the sleepy Issei.

"If that's Asia's familiar, then why the hell is it not with her? How did this blue monstrosity end up in my room and eat my sweet roll?" Alduin seethed, shaking the dragon in front of Issei's face, who promptly zapped him with a bolt of lightning.

"Issei-san, what's going on?" asked Asia's groggy voice from the hallway.

"Asia-san, do you even feed your dragon?" Alduin asked, releasing the dragon, who flew straight to its owner and glared at Alduin with hurt eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tatsumi-san. Rassei only became my familiar yesterday evening..."

"And you didn't have time to feed him. Fine, forget it. By the way, why is he zapping Issei with lightning bolts?" Alduin questioned.

"Well... We've been told that Rassei is a mystical dragon and they don't like people with dirty thoughts" Asia explained hesitantly.


"My brain..." muttered Alduin, banging his head against the nearest wall. "A mystical dragon... doesn't like dirty thoughts... Midgarstrun will be shocked...although...Asia, why don't we let Rassai stay with Issei?"

"And why would we do that?" Issei asked, sensing trouble.

"Well, either you'll cure your horniness or you'll die. And if not, you'll eventually develop immunity to lightning. The latter seems more likely to me."

"You're cruel, Tatsumi-san" Asia said with a wry smile.

With his mood still somber after dealing with the thief who had stolen his prized Tamriel dish. He had breakfast with a heavy heart and set off for school with Issei and Asia. Along the way, he grew even more bored and started to sing Nordic songs, the same ones that the red-haired thorn used to sing in taverns.

"...scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams" Alduin finished the song with a satisfied growl and looked back at the two Dremora behind him, who were whispering to each other.

"Early morning concert, Tatsumi-san?" asked Momo Hanakai, who was on duty with Tomoe Meguru at the school gates.

"Huh? We've here already? Didn't even notice" Tatsumi remarked, looking around. "Good morning, Momo-senpai."

"The president wants to see you" said Momo, observing Tatsumi's reaction.

"Let her want. I'm here to study, not to run to student council."

"You haven't even been here lately" sneered Issei as he walked by.

"But at least I can talk to girls normally, unlike you who clings to the nun. God forbid!" Tatsumi retorted to his brother, smirking as Issei grabbed his head in frustration.

"Anyway, I only passed on the message to you" said Momo.

"And i received it" nodded Tatsumi, heading towards the entrance of the school building.

During the long break, Alduin found Saji and demanded that he join the student council. After receiving a throw over the knee in response, he calmed down and had to find another place to rest. After thinking for a moment, he realised that Issei's class was the perfect place to avoid being found, so he made his way there.

"Hey, where's Issei?" Alduin asked the nearest girl when he didn't find his brother in class.

"He's probably spying on the kendo club again" replied the girl, whom he recognized as Aika Kiryuu, the unofficial fourth pervert of Kuoh Academy, famously known as the "Perverted Glasses".

"I think even if I warn Katase, nothing will change" muttered Alduin, pulling out his phone and sending a message to the vice-captain of the kendo club and, as he recently discovered, his fellow clan member.

"Are you setting up your brother?" Aika asked as she observed Tatsumi.

"More like trying to reform him. Well, since he's not here, there's nothing for me to do either" he replied, trying to avoid the assessing gaze of Issei's class representative. There were many legends surrounding her gaze, and he decided not to tempt fate if any of them turned out to be true.

In the latter half of the day, first-year students were anticipating their first exams.

It was the first time since arriving at the senior high school that Alduin approached such an activity with seriousness. In his middle school years, he realized that if he was going to take control of mortals, he needed to learn all the ways of working with papers.

In his youth, mortals didn't have such an obsession over the paperwork, but now they even carried them around by necessity. After the tests, he had to attend a student council meeting, which Momo reminded him of during the break.

After finishing the tests, he sat and invented a legend about how he skipped school. He couldn't possibly tell Dremoras that yesterday he almost single-handedly destroyed one of the citadels of the Deadlands and took away valuable loot that rightfully belonged to him, as one of the last two relatives of the creator of the Elder Scroll.

"Oh, Hyodo-kun, come in, kaicho is already waiting" Tomoe Meguri, a member of the student council, who was apparently responsible for positive vibes, opened the door for him.

"Hello, everyone. Kaicho, I brought something as an apology for yesterday's absence" Alduin said, showing the box in which the legend of the Old World - sweet rolls - lay.

Thanks to them, he managed to lure Dovahkiin into several dangerous ruins, from which no mortal had emerged before. But looking at how she came out of the ruins, dancing and humming songs about 'Ragnar The Red', with cream smeared all over her face, one could conclude that either these rolls affected her so much, or she was really not as simple as she seemed at first glance.

"Tomoe, make us some tea, please. And you, Tatsumi-kun, sit down" replied Sona, pointing to the chair next to the chess table.

"Kaicho?" asked Alduin, handing the rolls to Momo and sitting in the chair.

"I suggest playing by the same rules" Sona suggested, turning the chessboard with white pieces to herself.

"Wow" surprisedly raised his eyebrows, Tatsumi said "I thought it was because of my absence."

"I have already guessed how you would answer my question about the reasons for your behavior. You will say that only clubs participate in the sports festival, and you are not a member of any club," Sona said, moving her pawn forward.

"Exactly" Alduin said confidently.

"That's why I paid you a visit yesterday, and was very surprised by your absence. As was Shiho-san. And as a punishment for your antisocial behavior, she asked me to load you with work" continued Sona, pushing her pawn forward.

"Hypnosis?" asked Tatsumi with a threat in his voice, answering with his pawn's move.

"No, I just pointed out your antisocial behavior. Tsubaki, did you see the application form for Hyodo Tatsumi's admission to the student council?"

"Yes, it was signed by a responsible person and endorsed by the director and you," replied Tsubaki.

"Signed by who?" Alduin was a bit taken aback.

"I didn't sign anything!" exclaimed Alduin, squeezing the form in his hands.

"Not you. Here. Take a look" Sona handed Alduin the application form for admission to the student council, filled out and signed by his mother. And the date on the form was yesterday.

"What the hell!" exclaimed Alduin, clenching the form in his hands.

"Your move, Tatsumi-san" Sona smiled at him, thanking her bishop for the brought tea and roll. "Thank you, Momo."

"Thank you, Momo-san, but I'll pass on the roulette" Tatsumi said, smiling at the girl as he accepted the cup.

Alduin suddenly remembered his mother's triumphant gaze and his father's regretful one, which they had thrown at him that morning.

"So, you two teamed up, did you? And for how much did they sell me for?" he asked bitterly.

"Shiho-san believes that if you start taking on responsible tasks, it could improve your character. After all, hard labour turned an ape into a man.." said Sona, but she couldn't finish her sentence.


Everyone turned to face Alduin as the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the room. It turned out to be a piece of paper that had broken, and its fragments lay scattered on the floor, which was already strange because the paper was supposed to be made of regular paper.

"Sona, who did you compare me to just now?" Alduin asked, his aura becoming more and more terrifying, causing a chill to run down everyone's spine.

"Tatsumi, it's just a saying" Sona quickly explained, trying to maintain her composure.

"And please, don't break the chess set. It has nothing to do with this" she added, moving her bishop.

"A saying, huh? We already established that your hobby club is not my thing, so why the hell do you need me?" Alduin demanded, his gaze fixed on Sona.

"Your brother has become a devil, and because of that, you may be in danger, especially considering your strength as a mortal. By being part of the student council, we can protect you," Sona explained.

"Ask the Gremory-cow what happens to those who think they can handle me. I can defend myself and my family just fine. But why the sudden interest in me?" Alduin asked, his tone lightening as he veered off from the serious conversation.

"We lost to Gremory in the competition for the right to search for familiars" Sonja sighed, responding to Alduin's question.

"How so?" Alduin asked.

"To start with, I will explain what a familiar is. A familiar is..."

"I know what a familiar is. How does your loss relate to that blue chicken that settled in my house?" Alduin asked. But seeing Sonja's questioning look, he explained "Asia Argento, have you heard of her?"

"The new student from Rias' peerage?" Sonja asked.

"Probably. She has a familiar - a mystical dragon that left me without breakfast today."

"Are you comparing dragon to a chicken? Bold move!" Tomoe Meguri interjected.

"If that's a dragon, I will become the student council secretary" Alduin chuckled.

"You already are, instead of Saji-kun" Tsubasa Yura pointed out.

"Why did you belittle him like that?"

"He became the deputy treasurer, Tatsumi. Starting tomorrow, you will take on the duties of the student council secretary, Tatsumi." Kaicho informed him.

"Actually, my statement is now void due to its destruction" Alduin said, incinerating the fragments of paper that had thawed from the frost.

"That was a copy."

"Kaicho, that replica is outdated. Come up with something new" Alduin replied.

"That doesn't change the fact that you're now officially a member of the student council" Kaicho said.

"Hmm. Since you insist" Alduin smirked, thinking to himself 'now I can officially cause chaos, and then she'll remove me from this position.'

"Hyodo-san, where did you get this delicacy?" Tomoe's voice rang out.

"In Sovngarde" Alduin replied mechanically, turning towards the girl with cream on her face, "and yes, Sona, we're at a stalemate again."

"Indeed" Sona replied.

"Am I free to go?" Alduin asked.

"Yes, you can go" Sona replied, looking at the chessboard and returning the pieces to the position they were in five moves ago."