
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Sorting out the trophies pt5

Katase's house, a week after the Rating Game.

"If you're in such a sorry state, who's in charge of the devils and fallen angels now?" Tatsumi inquired, lounging in the room of Kuoh Academy's kendo club vice president, also known as the resurrected Hellel, the former leader of the fallen angels.

"Hellel," Muruyama replied with a nod towards her sister seated at the table, "was taken down by Father before the clash between Draig and Albion. I perished in one of the battles between the Three Factions' armies. However, before my demise, I managed to inflict a fatal wound on that maniac, which, combined with his pride, should have killed him."

"In the end," Katase concluded, "Father, Lucy, and I, the leaders of the Three Factions, all ended up dead."

"Do you think there's a chance your dad is still alive since you've been reincarnated?" Tatsumi asked, opening a box of sweet rolls.

"Unlikely," Muruyama responded, licking cream off her finger. "Daddy went after someone he couldn't handle. He discovered some ancient, dark entity. I don't know what happened between them, but Daddy was seriously injured. My strike just finished off what the dark entity had started. Hellel would have done it better than me, though. She was the strongest spear-wielder in the Heavenly Host, even entrusted with the True Longinus for a time."

"And that's coming from the best swordswoman to ever wield Gram and Clarent," Katase said, raising her drink and smirking. "Well, at least my spear didn't end up corrupted."

Tatsumi mulled over this information, eyeing the girls' drinks.

'Interesting. So, it seems the reincarnation of Stendarr and Meridia unearthed something powerful enough to penetrate his holy aura. Stendarr must have accused Sithis of all the problems in the world, prompting Sithis to retaliate. Stendarr ibn Meridia was nearly annihilated, but Auni-El protected her child. Sithis's mention of Auni-El's seals still doesn't make sense, though. Something's off here.' Tatsumi mused, glancing at the girls' drinks.

"What are you planning to do once you recover?" he asked.

Katase exchanged glances with Muruyama.

"Uh... we haven't thought about that." Katase admitted.

"Genius," Tatsumi sighed, turning to Muruyama. "Let's forget about that for now. Tell me about the Sacred Gears."

"Why? Are you trying to train your perverted brother?" Muruyama teased.

"Coming from the embodiment of the seven deadly sins," Tatsumi shot back.

"She's not the embodiment of the seven; she fell supposedly because of her pride. In reality, Lucy was banished from Heaven for wiping out the original devils in the Underworld." Katase corrected him.

"Who were the original devils?" Intrigued, Tatsumi asked.

"Well, Daddy didn't create the Underworld and its inhabitants." Muruyama began her story. "They were always there—red and blue-skinned horned creatures who fed on human flesh. Daddy demanded we care for humans, but he turned a blind eye to these monsters who thought nothing of slaughtering and devouring entire cities."

Katase picked up the story, "In short, Lucy's patience ran out. She asked Father for permission to go to the Underworld and eliminate the threat, but he told her not to interfere. So, Lucy rallied her loyal angels, whom she called the Legion, and went to Hell."

"It wasn't an easy task, but we managed to defeat most of the primordial devils," Muruyama continued. "However, my rebellion led to my banishment from Heaven, along with those who followed me. Without a home or Heaven's light, we had no choice but to stay in Hell. Gradually, we took control of the underworld. Then I heard news of Hellel's fall. Not her banishment like mine, but her actual fall. You see, angels are supposed to have pure and clear minds, but Hellel had a rather unique sense of humor, and it seems it got the best of her."

"I just placed a whoopee cushion on Father's chair, enhanced it with a loudness spell, and who knew he would sit on it during the Heavenly Council meeting?" Katase adjusted her hair strand, recalling, "But the expressions on Michael's and Azazel's faces were priceless. And if you think about it, the entire cadre fell because of trifles. Azazel was caught spying on female angels changing clothes by some guard named Raynal. Shemhazai and Kokabiel shared knowledge with humans they weren't ready for. Baraqiel even had his first orgasm when a Greek priestess tried to exorcise him, mistaking him for a devil. But overall, after Father's fiasco with Trihexa, something inside the angels seemed to have snapped."

"Trihexa? Ah, so that's what he called that dark entity," Muruyama mused, lost in thought for a moment.

"This is all very interesting, Katase, but if you talk too much, Muruyama will eat all the roulette." Tatsumi interrupted their reminiscing, "And then your breasts will never grow."

"My breasts are perfectly fine! And Lucy isn't up to the level of Tsubaki Shinra's udders either!" protested Katase, defending herself.

"Hey, hey, calm down. Her breasts are fine. Gremory, on the other hand, now she has udders." Tatsumi replied.

"Katase, are you going to eat that?" Muruyama inquired, pointing her spoon at Katase's roulette.

"Spoon? Muruyama, you eat them with your hands," Tatsumi sighed, shaking his head. "Only heretics eat them with a spoon. Oh, but, you both are heretics, so okay."