
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

How to ruin someone else's wedding - A cruel Game

Occult Club, right before Rating Game.

From Sovngarde, Alduin returned satisfied. He had obtained a weapon for himself, but he had refrained from bringing it to Nirn before its time. Looking at the glances exchanged between Issei and Rias, he smirked, and judging by Akeno's smile, he was not the only one who knew what had happened at night before.

"Are you ready, Rias-sama?" asked Grayfia, who entered the room of the Occult Club along with Sona and Tsubaki.

"Yes, Grayfia."

"Good luck, Rias. And try to bring my secretary back in one piece" Sona said.

"Sona, I'm more concerned about Riser than Hyodo-kun" Rias replied.

"That sounded like I'm some kind of maniac" Alduin protested.

"After what you did when that guy visited us, who else could you be?" Issei asked.

"Rias, is there something I don't know?" Sona asked.

"Sona, we'll talk about it after the game, okay?"

"I smashed the peacock's jingle bells" Alduin answered.

Sona stood up from her chair and fixed a stern gaze on Rias and Tatsumi.

"I expect some explanations after the match is finished" she said. With a meaningful glance at Alduin, she turned and walked toward the club room exit with Tsubaki.

"Rias, Tatsumi, good luck." Sona called back over her shoulder as she left.

"Rias-sama, the Game will start in twenty minutes" the maid said before leaving the room.

For the remaining time, the Occult Club and Alduin discussed their game strategy. The playing field would be the model of the Kuoh Academy, giving Rias an advantage.

Akeno would set up some traps, and Kiba would wait for them in ambush.

Issei and Asia would remain at the base, while Koneko would cover Akeno.

Alduin, on the other hand, decided to go head-on, clearing the way for Issei.


"Ladies and gentlemen, today the Rating Game between Raiser Phenex of the Phenex Clan and Rias Gremory of the Gremory Clan begins. I, Sirzechs Lucifer's Queen, Grayfia, will be the judge in this game. The pawns of each side cannot use promotion until they reach the enemy's base. Rias Gremory's base is the Occult Club room. Riser Phenex's base is the student council room."

"Yahoo! Gremory-senpai, can I massacre everyone in the student council room?" Alduin asked with a grin. "Often when working with waste paper, I have such thoughts, and here's my chance!"

"Not now. Your task is to capture the gym. After that, Akeno will destroy it."

"The gym will do too, and I can destroy it myself. Akeno-senpai should save her energy."

"Alright." replied Rias.

"The Rating Game begins!"


As soon as the battle began, Alduin rushed to the gym where the fragment of Dovah soul was headed, accompanied by three dremora.

"May their journey through the cycle of souls be peaceful" whispered Alduin as he burst into the gym.

A Chinese woman with Dovah soul, a small girl with a pole, and two high school twin sisters were already waiting for him.

"Oh, that arrogant bastard. And he's alone too" Mira sneered. "Ile and Nel, take care of him" ordered Xuelan.

"Suck it!" replied Alduin as he charged towards the female devils with chainsaws.

"Tiid Klo Ul!" shouted Alduin, freezing time. With one leap, he appeared in front of the Xuelan leaving twins behind him and pierced her chest where he felt the Evil Piece. Returning time to its usual flow, he opened the hand behind the Chinese woman, and an orange rook fell out.

Before the rook could hit the ground, flames started to dance in Alduin's bloody hand.

"Xuelan!" screamed the twin sisters, but Alduin had already cast the Wall of Flames, creating a full circle of raging fire around him.

"Tiid Klo Ul!" Alduin slowed down time once again.

As soon as the fire spell created a powerful flash of light, making it impossible to see what was happening in the gym, Alduin opened a portal to Sovngarde and pulled his hand out of the woman's chest. After healing her wounds and casting a powerful paralysis spell on her, he threw the future Dovah body through the portal.

As the Xuelan's body landed on the grass in Sovngarde, Alduin closed the portal and restored the normal flow of time.

There was one more thing he needed to do, however.

"Fire Storm!" shouted Alduin, as he waved his hand and caused a sudden, violent explosion in the gym, obliterating everything in its path.


"Rias-sama's Rook is out" Grayfia announced. At that very second, there was a terrible explosion that engulfed three of Riser Phenex's pawns in a mad whirlwind of flame.

"Riser-sama's Rook is killed, three of Riser-sama's Pawns are out of the game" Grayfia announced in a trembling voice.


Near the main school building, two fierce competitors faced off against each other.

Girl in a purple cloak with long purple hair greeted her rival.

"Priestess of Thunder!" the girl licked her lips.

"The Bomb Queen!" Akeno greeted her.

"Two against one, isn't that unfair?" Smirked the Riser's queen, Yubelluna, and attacked Koneko. Before she could react, Koneko was consumed by the explosion.

"Rias-sama's Rook is out" announced Grayfia.

"Eaten" Yubelluna smiled.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar shook the entire school grounds. Flames erupted from the nearby gym, as a massive fire tornado engulfed the entire building.

"Riser-sama's Rook is killed, three of Riser-sama's pawns are out of the game" Grayfia announced in a trembling voice.

"Arara, Hyodo-kun, it looks like you decided not to hold back" Akeno said.

"Three pawns of Riser-sama are out" Grayfia announced.

"And now Kiba joins the fray. Now it's my turn" said Akeno, licking her lips.

The two queens began exchanging their most powerful spells. Fireballs flew through the air, lightning struck, and the two maneuvered in the air, not giving their opponent a chance to hit them.

Meanwhile, Kiba returned to base and escorted Issei to regroup with Tatsumi. When Issei saw his satisfied younger brother, he couldn't hold back his anger.

"Why did you have to kill that Rook!?" Issei yelled.

"Everyone believes what they hear or see, but they forget that true miracles still exist in this world." Tatsumi replied innocently.

"You!" fumed Issei, looking at his brother's carefree expression. After all, he had just killed a gorgeous woman with a perfect figure. And even though her chest may have been smaller than Rias's, it was still the perfect size to hold onto.

"We'll discuss my actions later. We have more important matters at hand" said Tatsumi and strode off towards the woods. "I'm curious if those lolis survived my spell."

"Riser-sama's Queen has been eliminated" declared the game judge.

"Guys, Akeno is retreating to recover. You should try to escort Issei to the enemy base so he can use promotion. And Tatsumi, please, no more deaths" Rias voice rang out.

"I haven't even started yet" Tatsumi said with a bored expression, but he was forced to stop there.

On the clearing, seven girls awaited them. Two had swords, one was a blonde in a European dress, another was in a kimono, there were the two twins with fox ears, and a short-haired girl with a mask covering half her face.

"You guys are brave, jumping into the fray like that." said the armored girl with the headband, drawing her sword from its sheath. "I'm Karlamina, Riser-sama's Knight, and I challenge you to a duel! Who dares to face me?"

As Kiba tried to step forward, Tatsumi put a hand on his shoulder and stepped forward.

"Kiba, when I start, run to the enemy base" he said calmly.

"You're not too overconfident, are you?" asked the blonde girl with pigtails.

"Nope. I mean, I took out four of your brothel girls with ease" grinned Tatsumi, as streams of violet energy swirled around his hands.

"So it was you who killed Xuelan?!" exclaimed the blonde girl, who Alduin recognized as the reincarnation of the Dragonborn.

"Who else?" replied Alduin, looking at the blonde girl as if she were crazy.

"Want me to show you a little magic trick?" he asked, before spreading his arms wide.

The streams of energy in his hands ignited, and with a light humming sound, two enormous axes made of translucent blue flames appeared in his hands. The axes had two blades, one much smaller than the other, and were too big and heavy-looking to be wielded with just one hand. But that didn't seem to bother Tatsumi.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Alduin asked, noting the recognition in the Dragonborn's eyes.

"You know what I like about them?" he continued, crossing the axes in front of him. "You don't need a lot of brains to swing them!"

With that, Alduin moved forward, taking full advantage of his dragon body, which, even in its mortal form, still retained all the strength of its true form.

Finding himself right in the middle of the twin girls with fox ears, he quickly spread his arms wide. With an unpleasant crunch, the blades entered the girls' bodies, inflicting terrible wounds in their abdominal cavity and knocking them out of the match.

Karlamina reacted first and rushed to Alduin, her sword glinting in the light of burning building. She was fast, her movements were graceful and precise.

As she tried to pierce him with a sword Tatsumi raised one of his axes to meet her attack. Sparks flew as the two weapons collided.

He met her head-on, parrying and blocking her blows with ease as he moved around her in a blur of motion.

"And for all their simplicity" Alduin said, blocking the swordswoman's strike as she attempted to hit him from behind. "they're extremely deadly" he finished, turning around and kicking her in the chest, crushing her armor and breaking her ribs.

Karlamina, Alduin remembered her name, flashed white and disappeared from the battlefield.

"Isabella, Morgana, take him on, we'll cover" commanded the blonde girl with two pigtails, spreading her wings and taking to the air. The brunette in the kimono followed suit.

Dovahkiin's reincarnation, whom they called Morgana, reluctantly unsheathed her sword and took a stance, letting Isabella, the girl with the mask covering half of her face, go ahead of her.

"Krif krin (Fight bravely)" Alduin shouted as Isabella charged forward.

He deftly blocked her strike with his left axe, the sound of metal on metal ringing through the clearing, while using his right axe to come down in a powerful sweep. Isabella leapt back, narrowly dodging the blow. Her mask shattered, pieces of it falling to the ground as she did so.

"Careful, you don't want to lose your face" said Tatsumi, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Isabella gritted her teeth as she lunged at him once again.

"You think you're so strong, but I won't lose!" she cried, channeling all her anger and energy into her fist.

"Isabella, fall back!" Morgana called, rushing forward to take her place, but it was too late.

Alduin met the girl, consumed by rage, with an axe blow to the head. She couldn't dodge in time, and her body disappeared in a flash of white light, leaving nothing but pieces of her mask behind.

As he struck the Riser's rook, Alduin simultaneously hurled an axe at the kimono-clad girl. She managed to dodge, but not without suffering a gaping wound on her right shoulder. Blood gushed from the wound, and Mihae's arm hung useless at her side.

Panicking from sudden injury and pain, Mihae struggled to regain her bearings.

"Argh! Get it together, Mihae!" growled Morgana as she launched herself at Alduin.

Morgana attempted to attack Alduin, swinging her sword at him. He deflected the blow with one of his axes before unleashing a burst of lightning with his other hand, sending her flying back several feet.

Mihae managed to collect herself just in time to see the approaching fireball released by the Alduin after he blocked Morgana.

The fiery blast hit Mihae square in the chest, leaving a fuming wound and sending her flying several feet through the air. Blood gushed from the wound as she crashed onto the ground with a thud, her breath knocked out of her.

She lay there for a moment, writhing in agony, before disappearing in a white flash.

"Two Pawns, a Rook, a Bishop and a Knight of Riser-sama is out" Grayfia announced.

"And here I was, wondering when you would wake up" Alduin said with a smile, as he blocked a fireball with his axe before turning to face the figure still hovering in the air.

Swatting away the next fireball like a fly, he smirked sadistically at his opponent and tossed his axe to the side. It dissipated into thin air before hitting the ground, much like its sister weapon he had hurled at the enemy earlier.

"Fire, huh?" he addressed the hovering girl. "Useless."

"Regardless, victory will be my brother's" Ravel proudly proclaimed. "You see, the Phenex Clan is known not only for our immortality..."

"Rias-sama's Queen eliminated" Grayfia announced.

"...but also for our ability to control fire" Ravel finished, satisfied as a huge fireball slammed into the unsuspecting boy, engulfing him in a raging firestorm.

"He turned out to be a strong figure, but now he's done for. Ravel, give Tears to Morgana and head to the roof" Riser Phenex ordered, as he descended on his fiery wings.

"Rias decided to buy some time for her pawn, who stumbled upon your traps. I won't make her wait, and you'll deal with the pawn and the knight."

"Understood, Nii-sama" Ravel responded as her brother departed. "Let's go, Morgana"

'Hold on. Something doesn't feel right...' Morgana muttered to herself. She turned her gaze away from Ravel, who was approaching her with a vial of Phoenix Tears in hand, and looked towards the blazing tornado, where someone she had a feeling she knew stood before.

"Morgana! Are you hurt?" Ravel asked with concern.

She didn't reply, her attention fixed on the the fire tornado. She felt like she knew him from somewhere, but she couldn't quite place it. He couldn't be..

"Morgana?" Ravel repeated, waving a hand in front of her face.

She snapped out of her trance and turned to Ravel.

"It's nothing." She said, getting up and grimacing in pain as she took the vial of Phoenix Tears from Ravel's hands.

"I just have this weird feeling like I know..." And then it dawned on her. "Wait a second... Why didn't they announce this guy's elimination?"