
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

How to ruin someone else's wedding - A cruel Game pt3

Observation Room.

"Unfortunately, there won't be a wedding, Lord Phenex" said the red-haired man.

"It seems so, Lord Gremory. But now I have two daughters, and both are lovely. I hope Riser will be more restrained now. And the name Rosalin really suits her" Lord Phenex replied.

"I wonder where Rias found such powerful piece. Battle axes, a Japanese katana, spells of unprecedented strength... And who would have thought that Riser's knight possessed the second most powerful demonic sword?" said another red-haired man, dressed in ceremonial armor.

"Such a shame Morgana met her end. Also, that single piece determined the fate of the entire game. What was that guy's name again?" inquired Lord Phenex, gesturing toward Tatsumi.

"Hyodo Tatsumi. The younger brother of Rias-sama's pawn" Grayfia replied.

"I hope your newest daughter won't act impulsively, trying to avenge her fallen pieces" the armored man cautioned Lord Phenex.

"If she decides to do something foolish, I'll take appropriate measures. Going against a piece with such power is the height of madness" replied Lord Phenex.

"Grayfia, let's go. I want to congratulate my sister."

"As you wish, Sirzechs-sama."


Occult Club, an hour after winning the Rating Game.

"So, Gremory-senpai, I've fulfilled my part of the deal. How many days do you need to fulfill yours?"

"Give me three days. Grayfia is aware of our contract. Thank you for helping, Hyodo-kun."

"Nothing personal - just business. And yes, Issei!"


"You have to answer for your words" smirked Alduin, while Rias and Issei blushed, looking at each other. "Once I move out, you can move into my room or bring guests there."

"Hyodo-kun, may I ask you something?" asked Akeno.


"Why did you transform Riser Phenex into, as you put it, Rosalin?"

"Just felt like it."

"Really? Just like that?"

"Yes. I actually thought Issei wouldn't hit him, and Riser would fly face-first into Issei's face. Then there would be an accidental kiss, forbidden love between former enemies, and a happy ending with lots of little chickens. But this jerk had to whack him in the face. Not cool" said Alduin, laughing after seeing the expressions on his brother and Rias's faces.

"Never! That will never happen! He's mine!" Rias protested vehemently.

"Me! With him?" Issei fumed.

"Now with her. By the way, how many did I knock out?" Alduin asked, causing Rias' expression to darken.

"Two rooks, one knight, and three pawns from the gym. One of his bishops suffered severe burns, while the other knight and two other pawns sustained serious injuries, but they'll recover."

"So, I hit the jackpot with frags."

"I never thought you'd be so brutal in battle" Akeno commented, licking her lips. "It's so... exciting."

"Moreover, Riser-sama is yet to regain consciousness" Grayfia's voice came from the doorway.

"Rias-tan, congratulations on your first victory in the Rating Game!" exclaimed the red-haired man in armor who entered after the maid.


"And these, I assume, are your new pieces? Nice to meet you, Asia-chan, Sekiryuutei-kun, and Mysterious Stranger-kun. I am Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias-tan's older brother."

"Nice to meet you and all, but I'm not her piece" Alduin replied. "And why don't you have the Gremory last name if you're her brother? Did you get married and change your surname?"

"Hyodo-kun! Lucifer is not a surname, it's a title!" Rias exclaimed, defending her brother.

"A title, huh," Alduin mused, recalling another Lucifer, or rather, one. "Well, I'm not aware of your customs and such. Anyway, I'm leaving. Don't forget your part of the deal, Gremory-senpai. You won't be married to a Phenex now anyway. Although... if you devils allow same-sex marriage... Nah, I don't think your 'purebred' society would allow such heresy."

"Hmm, I'll continue. According to the agreement, Rias-chan's engagement to Riser-kun is annulled. Tomorrow there will be a celebratory banquet in honor of Rias' first victory. Your presence is mandatory" Sirzechs said with a smile.

"Everyone?" asked Alduin, heading for the door.

"Yes, including you, Mr. Hyodo Tatsumi. After all, you played a decisive role in my younger sister's triumph" he praised.

"If there's no getting away, then I'll have to relax and enjoy myself. I'll be there. Issei, let me know what, where, and when" Alduin said as he left the Occult Club room.


Five minutes after Alduin's departure.

"Rias, what deal are you talking about?" Sirzechs asked, glancing from Rias to Grayfia and back.

"I couldn't make Hyodo-kun my piece, but he offered a temporary contract. The contract is magical, so I'll have to fulfill it anyway. And I will be able to live with Issei" Rias muttered the last sentence very quietly.

"So that's why you needed that money. Although, I must admit, he was worth it. To defeat the Phenex servants in battle and also ensure that you would not marry him under any circumstances... the healers say that even the aura has changed. Riser Phenex has truly become a woman, though his father didn't seem to mind. This Hyodo Tatsumi is quite an interesting figure, keep an eye on him. And Hyodo Issei." Sirzechs said.

"Yes, Sirzechs-sama?" Issei responded.

"Now, you can call me Sirzechs. I am pleased that my sister has found such a defender as you" Sirzechs complimented.

"I am happy to help, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama" Issei replied.

"Onii-sama!" indignantly exclaimed a blushing Rias. Then, remembering something, she spoke calmly, "Sona has already claimed her rights to Hyodo-kun. But she said that she failed to reincarnate him."

"He has caught the attention of the Phenex clan, and they will try to get in touch with him soon. I will help you fulfill your part of the contract, so that you can maintain the positive relations with him. Valuable personnel like him should not be squandered" Sirzechs Lucifer said before leaving.