
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

How to ruin someone else's wedding - A cruel Game pt2

"Wait a second... Why didn't they announce this guy's elimination?" Morgana said worriedly, already suspecting the answer.

As Morgana's words left her lips, a fiery storm created by Riser was suddenly torn apart by a blizzard that seemed to originate from within. The snowstorm rapidly expanded, engulfing the girls until they found themselves at the storm's center. There stood a young man, lazily regarding them with a look of pity.

"And this is all the descendants of the 'legendary beast' Phoenix can muster?" Alduin said mockingly, making air quotes with his fingers. "What a load of rubbish. The game's over."

Morgana's eyes narrowed, the tension building in her muscles as she assessed the formidable opponent before her. She could sense the raw power emanating from him, and it was clear that they needed to strike quickly before he could recover from the last attack. With his signature axes now gone, she felt a fleeting surge of confidence. Without uttering a word, she lunged at him, her sword slicing through the air.

To her dismay, Alduin's arm shot forward, summoning a long, charcoal-black katana wreathed in purple flames. As Morgana tried to land a decisive blow, he effortlessly parried her strike and counterattacked with a swing, sending her flying through the air like a ragdoll.

"Immortality, huh?" Alduin said as he turned to Ravel. "If you're as immortal as you claim, why is your precious flame dying out?"

Shaken by her opponent's words, Ravel looked at her wings, which were indeed becoming increasingly dim. As her flame faded, the young daughter of the Phenex clan felt her strength slipping away. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, a white light enveloped her and she vanished.

"Riser-sama's bishop is out." Grayfia announced.

"Our little bird got cold" Alduin remarked casually.

"Where did you get that sword?" Morgana asked, her eyes fixed on the black katana in Alduin's hand.

"Mephala's gift. Don't you recognize it, Dovahkiin?" he asked, stopping mana flow to the snowstorm spell.

"It's hard not to. Who are you, and how do you know that name?" Morgana demanded, raising her sword and preparing to attack.

"Don't recognize me? Oh, that's rich. Just like I'll be when we win this little game. Still, I expected you to grow a little, and yet, you're still the same smooth brain as always." Alduin replied, taunting her.

"And where are your hills, 'Nibeney Valley'?" he added with a smirk.

"Don't you dare call me that!" Morgan retorted, lunging at him. As he blocked her strike, for a moment, his eyes turned blood-red, but at that moment she already knew who she fighting with.

"It's you! Alduin!" she exclaimed.

"Wuld Nah Kest" he shouted, using the Whirlwind Sprint Shout to launch his body forward like a battering ram, knocking over not only Morgan but also the trees behind her. "Fus."

"Didn't know the Thu'um could be used like that? Of course not, you're not Dovah! I even offered you to become one of us! But no, you fell for Paarthurnax's lies! At least you came to your senses eventually" Alduin hissed, casting aside the wood debris with another shout, gripping Morgana's arm to keep her from being swept away by the Thu'um's whirlwind.

"And I regret listening to that old fart!" Morgana roared, attempting to strike Alduin with her sword.

The blow was stopped by the edge of the Ebony Blade, but the girl jumped and pushed off Alduin's chest with her feet, freeing her hand. Performing a mid-air somersault, Morgana raised her sword above her head.

"Clarent!" she shouted. Several blades near her sword's hilt moved aside, fanning out, and the blade glowed blood-red, surrounded by a dense, crimson aura that brought a predatory smile to Alduin's face.

"Blood of Arthur!" Morgana screamed, swinging her sword, unleashing a stream of blood-red energy toward Alduin.

"Feim Zii Gron!" Alduin yelled, turning his body into an ethereal cloud.

The blood-red energy from Morgana's sword passed through Alduin, causing him no harm, leaving a deep trench behind.

"Wuld Nah Kest!" As Morgana's feet touched the ground, she heard the words of the Whirlwind Sprint shout, and Alduin flew toward her, striking her chest with his knee. She was sent flying into a tree grove, her back slamming into one of the trees.

"Just like old times, huh?" Alduin asked, watching Morgana emerge from the grove. "And I didn't mishear you, did I? You truly regret your past choice?"

"You heard me right" Morgana confirmed, coughing and leaning on her sword, planted in the ground.

"Aand?" Alduin stretched the word, attempting to stylishly twirl the Ebony Blade like a Jedi from Star Wars. However, his plan failed as the sword slipped from his grasp and flew several feet away. "You didn't see that."

"Yeah, swords is not your thing" Morgana chuckled. "Can you..?" she asked, tapping her chest with her palm.

"Of course" Alduin nodded. "Let's finish this charade."

Morgana assumed a defensive stance, but Alduin was one step ahead, casting a double Ice Storm spell at her feet. The fierce whirlwind of snow and ice obscured the view, preventing any spectators from witnessing the unfolding action.

"Sovngarde awaits. We'll talk there later. Kren Sken Zaam (break the chains of slavery)" Alduin muttered. He pierced Morgana's chest, extracting a bright orange knight chess piece. Tossing the bloodied piece to the ground, he shook Morgana's limp body off his hand and cast healing and paralysis spells on her. Then, with a wicked grin, he opened a portal to Sovngarde and treated the Dragonborn's body the same way as the Chinese girl's—flinging it through the portal.

"Riser-sama's knight is dead" Grayfia announced. "Rias-sama's knight and bishop are out of the game."

"Why Asia, you bastards?!" Alduin yelled as he emerged from a brightly glowing cloud of frozen air. "Who's going to redeem my brother now?!"

Landing about thirty feet from the edge of his snowstorms, he canceled spells and dashed towards the battle between the two Dremora, his footsteps leaving deep imprints in the snow.

"Rias, Rias, perhaps it's time to stop?" Riser challenged, his tone laced with mockery. "Your pawn has done well, reaching the Balance Breaker in just two weeks is a phenomenal achievement. But it won't be enough."

"She won't be yours! Rias-senpai's virginity is mine!" Issei shouted, his voice filled with determination as he shielded Rias with his body.

"Bold" Tatsumi's voice came from behind Riser, dripping with sarcasm.

"You!" Riser snarled, his eyes narrowing.

"I've heard that many times before. Come up with something new" Tatsumi replied, smirking. "Issei, catch!" Grabbing Riser by the collar, Tatsumi threw him towards Issei, yelling after the soaring Phenex "Krizaan Vuldak Kiindah! (Opposite Change Birth)."

A wave of power reached Riser simultaneously with Issei's fist. Phenex was sent hurtling forward, crashing into the tower wall with a deafening noise and raising a cloud of dust.

"I'll kill you all!" A female voice screamed from the dust cloud, her tone a mix of rage and disbelief. A half-naked blonde with fiery wings emerged, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Um, Riser?" Rias asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"More like Rosaline now" Tatsumi replied with a sly smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"What? How dare you!" The blonde screamed, her voice cracking. Upon seeing her opponents' shocked faces, she glanced down at herself, her expression shifting to one of horror. "What? How?!"

Frantically sticking her hand down her pants, the blonde's eyes widened before she fainted, her body crumpling to the ground.

Meanwhile, Tatsumi walked over to his brother and patted him on the shoulder.

"You're lucky the spell didn't hit you or Gremory-senpai" he said with a knowing grin. "Gender change is irreversible, so there won't be a wedding in any case."

"Riser Phenex-sama is out. The winner is Rias Gremory-sama" Grayfia declared.