
Chapter 9

I went back to my chamber. Alex wasn't there. I don't know where he is. Whatever, who cares? I find a sample of Lord Chris's sign. So, I can copy it. I took a pen from the desk and place it on the sample. Then started to saying the magic spell.

"AIS DAIS RAKA COPS" I said my spell and the pen glowed up. I understood that my magic did work. I took the pen again and going to sign a document. But I stopped. I got a doubt. So I took a white paper from the table and sign it first for check it. I signed it and relieved. The magic worked. I started to sign all the documents. And I succeed to finish it in an hour. I finished all the works and looked out from the window. I saw Raya was taking flowers from the garden in a basket. I saw Alex too. He was behind the tree. I think he was seeing Raya. Does he have any crush on her? I think so. She didn't notice him. I think Alex wanted to meet with her. But he couldn't prepare himself. He was going to talk to her. I was exited to see that moments. He opened his lips and going to call her name. But suddenly, my body entered.

"A~lex...." His voice I mean my voice made him jumped. He turned back and got surprised.

"You!? What are you doing here at this time?" He asked him angrily and shockingly.

"I'm bored . So I came out of the room. You know that the room is too small. I'm not staying there anymore." He said.

"Are you mad? What do you think about yourself? You have no permission to change your room or leave your room. Why did you leave your room without permission?" Alex said.

"Didn't you hear me? Don't you have ears? I said I'm bored. The room is a trash you know? I am in a trash. But you are here and thinking how to propose that girl." He said and Alex became nervous.

"Wha... What are you talking about? Just go to your room, otherwise I will kill you. Understand?" Alex said madly.

"Yah Yah, I'm going. You also forgot me, huh?" My body said before leaving. I could understand that Alex became confused at his words. Alex looked back at the garden. But Raya already left the place. I became bored. My body just ruined the beautiful moment. Oof! I went back to my room. I wanted to read an interesting book. I was searching for a book on the table. Suddenly, I found a beautiful diary. I think it is Lord Chris's secret diary. Maybe I should not open it. But I was curious about it. I took it and I was going open it. But.....

"Why don't you understand? I won't let you go in. Now leave, otherwise I will capture you too."

"Please let me meet with the Lord. Please I beg you."

"You won't understand. Huh?"

I heard some shouts from the outside. Maybe the shout was coming from the Palace's gate. Since I am a fairy, I could hear them clearly. Because a fairy can hear far and wide. I went to the Palace's get to know what is on there. I saw my guards were hitting an old man.

"What is going on here?" I asked them politely.

"Lord Chris, please forgive us for making so much noise. Actually this old man wants to meet with you. But we said him that he can't go in. But he didn't hear us. So we - - -" The Palace guard couldn't finish their word.

"How dare you? I will punish you hard." I said angrily.

"We knew Lord Chris, you will punish him hard. Let us take this old man to the jail." The guard said.

"I didn't mean that. That words were for you two rude guards. How could you hit that man. Can't you see he is too old and weak. He could die for you. You hit him because he wanted to meet me? How rude you are?" I said to them and the old man stood up from the ground.

" You can tell me what is wrong. " I said to the old man. His eyes became full of tears.

" My Lord, your guard captured my innocent daughter for no reason. I want my daughter back. That's why I am here." He said and cried.

"Don't cry. Your daughter will be free." I said.

"Really, Thank you My Lord. Thank you very much." My words made him relieved. He tried to stop his tears.

"Why did you capture his daughter?" I asked the guards.

"Lo... Lord Chris, a...actually the girl was a bread seller. We took a bread from her and she wanted the money from us. That's why we captured her." They said.

"What!? You captured her for no reason?" I said surprisingly.

"We are royal guards and she wanted money from us. Didn't she make a crime?" The guard asked.

"If you are a guard so what? You also have to pay money for the bread. Now make the girl free immediately." I said made them scared.

"We will make her free. But don't punish us. We won't do such a thing again." They begged.

"If you say so then OK. This time I won't punish you. But if you do this again, I won't forgive you." I said and left the place. I was walking through the corridor. Suddenly, Alex blocked my way.

"Alex! What's wrong? Why did you block my way?" I asked him.

"Who are you?" He asked me, made me jump. Why did he asked me such a question? What do I do now? What should I answer him?

"Why aren't you answering? Tell me who are you?" He said again. I scared at his words. He seems to be angry.

"What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense. Let me go." I said nervously.

"I saw you at the Palace gate. You helped a poor old man to get back her daughter. The real Chris is not that honest. He never helped anyone. He never can do this. You are not the real Chris. Tell me who are you?" His every words made me shocked. I don't know what to say. Should I tell him the truth?

To be continued.....