
Chapter 8

"Then kill the fairy first." He said. I jumped at his words.

"Never. I can't do this. I am fairy too. They are my families. I can't do anything to my family." I said bravely.

"Then forget about the sign. I won't sign them for you." He said and leave the room immediately.

"What's wrong, Lord Chris?" Suddenly, Alex entered the room.

"No, nothing. Alex I'm feeling so bad. Can I work later?" I asked.

"OK." He said. I went back to my room and sat on the bed.

"It's hard. Really hard. I thought it will be easy. But it's not so easy. How can I fix all of this problems. I should meet Raya." I whispered to myself. I went out from the room and started to walk through the long corridor. I went to the downstair and started to walk through the way of the kitchen. I entered the kitchen. But Raya wasn't there. Just my body was cleaning the kitchen.

"What do you want now?" He asked.

"I was finding Raya. Can you tell me where is she?" I asked politely.

"How can I know? You want her, go find her." He replied rudely, made me angry.

"OK fine, as you say. Guards, let her do double works today." I ordered to a vampire.

"OK, Lord Chris. Hey you finish it quickly. You have more works to do." The vampire said.

I went to Raya's room, where I first met her. I entered the room and I saw her sitting there. Seeing me she became shocked. She stood up and bowed her head down.

"Lord Chris, I didn't notice you. Please forgive me." She said. Did she forget about me?"

" Raya it's me, Nene. What is wrong with you? " I said shockingly.

" What? How can you be Nene? " She said made me scare.

" What are saying? Did you forgot what I say you today?" I asked shockingly. She started to laugh at me, made me confuse.

" I am just kidding. I just wanted to see the Dragon King's scared face." She said. I relieved.

" You scared me. OK now tell me, have you found something? " I asked curiously.

" Yeah. I find something in this book. Here, take a look." She took a book from the self and give to me.

" The fairy Curse!? Why this book is named like this?" I looked at the book and asked.

" It is a book about the curses of fairies. Open the book and read page no. 25 " I opened the book and started to read page no. 25, Switch to anyone's body.

Page 25:Switch to anyone's body

One can switch to another's body. If any fairy curses someone. For example, suppose you are a poor bread seller. One day someone pushed you on the way and all of your bread fall on the ground. Then you ask the man to pay the money for the breads. But the man rejects you and insult you. He says that you deliberately pushed him for get money from him. Then he left the place without paying the money. You went back to your owner without any money. So your owner punished you hard. If you become angry on the man who pushed you but left without paying any money and If you curse him for understanding your condition, then he will switch to your body and you will switch to his. This problem can be solved if he understands and respect your work.

Reading this, I remembered that night I was in my body. I wanted Lord Chris to understand my condition. I looked at Raya. She looked at me.

"Can you remember anything? Did you curse him?" She asked me.

"Actually, I did it by mistake. I didn't mean to curse him." I said.

"But it turns into curse. Now we have nothing to do. You have to be like this until he understands your condition. Let him be like this and enjoy his new life." She said and we started to laugh. Suddenly, I remembered about the sign.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you about a problem." I said.

"And what's that problem?" She asked.

"Actually, today Alex gave me some documents and told me to sign them all. But I don't know what Lord Chris's sign is like. I called him and told him to help me. But he rejected me. Now what can I do?" I said.

"Hmmm! It's not that difficult. You are a fairy. I know you switched to a dragon's body. But you know all the spells. So you can use the copy spell." She said and I remembered about that spell.

"Oh! You are right. How silly I am!" We talked a little bit more and I left the room. I was walking through the corridor and I saw my body again.

"Hey you, wait there." I said. My voice stopped my body.

"Augh! You again." He said annoyingly.

"Where are you going? Did you finish all your works?" I asked.

"Of course I finished them. And now I am going to get the shower." He said and smiled, made me jump.

"Going to do what!?" I asked shockingly.

"Didn't you hear me? Oh~~~! I just forgot. It's not my body right? Then I will take a long shower today." He said and made me feel uncomfortable.

"Who is here?" Hearing my voice avampire guard came to me.

"Lord Chris, did you call me?" He asked.

"Listen, she is not allowed to get any shower, understand?" I said.

"OK, My Lord. As you say. Hey you direct go to your room." He said.

"What the heck is this? Are you mad?" My body said shockingly.

"Just do what I said. Otherwise I will chop your head." I said bravely. My body became shocked at my words and left the place angrily. For the first time, I made him angry but he had nothing to do. Now he will understand. I am feeling so good now.

To be continued...