
Start of a New School Year

Present Day Ozpin's POV

I'm sitting in my office a little disappointed that Alduin didn't show up. I do miss him, I haven't seen him in seven years sure we talked when I'd give him missions or when he was in Atlas helping James. But I was really looking forward to seeing him again since he said he might join beacon. Though he is already a huntsman and the youngest one in history at that, I just think it would be good for him to make friends while he is still young.

As I was pondering I see Glynda step out of the elevator. Good I needed to speak to her anyways but what is she here for.

"So Glynda I was just about to call you up to see me to talk to you about the students this year. But I'd now like to know why you're here without my request?".

"Well I was just coming to see if you have heard from Alduin yet? if he is coming when will he be here?".

"No, I haven't seen or heard from him for several years now. I really wanted to see him in action, no doubt he is good but how good is the question. You must really miss him as well then".

She nods in response to my question. I guess I understand why she misses him, he was living with her when he was younger she was good to him and I could tell she loved him a lot he was like a son to her. But I guess I'll have to wait and see if he comes or not. Just as I was about to continue talking I heard something from above me. I look up to see what it was, when I saw what it was I couldn't help but be shocked. But when I did I just smiled and though 'he really likes to make dramatic entrances doesn't he'.


Alduin's POV few minutes earlier

I've been in Ozpin's office all day watching the new students complete their initiation, some of them aren't that bad, team RWBY and team JNPR look like they will be the best teams in their year. I'm glad Ruby joined this year she is as good as my little firecracker and I am looking forward to seeing how strong both Ruby and Yang become. Blake has also gotten stronger and still looks as adorable as ever. 'I would say more but I don't want to give anyway any spoilers right. Well I guess I've been hanging up here long enough now'.

Just as I was about to jump down from my scythe the elevator opened to reveal my adoptive mother Glynda. I really missed her over the last seven years of not seeing her, of course I missed dad as well. In case you're wondering no they aren't together I have just seen them as my parents, seeing as mine are dead now. But anyway, let's see what they are going to talk about.

'Aww mum missed me, and dad wants to see me fight...hmm...well I'd love to spar with him again like I did when I was a kid but that can wait for now, I guess I should reveal myself now'.

As I decide to jump down I notice dad look up to the ceiling I smile and wave at the old man that continues to stare at me like he just saw a ghost. Once I fall to the ground, I take my hood off to reveal blue eyes, chiselled jawline mature face and spikey black and blue hair. Though these aren't my most prominent features on my head, as two large dragon horns coming out of the sides of my head that face forward are my most defining feature. I then look towards Glynda.

"Hey mum it's been a while hasn't it".

She stands there in shock at what she is looking at, so I smile at her and walk forward giving her a hug, which after a short moment she returns the hug to which we just stand there for about a minute before we let go. She then stares at me for a bit then she starts to talk.

"Yes, it has Alduin and you have grown how tall are you now".

"I'm six foot three but I will grow more soon hopefully".

"I'm glad you're home now though I'm not happy that you were gone so long. You also never came to visit me".

"I'm sorry mum I just couldn't come back because if I did I wouldn't have wanted to leave again, so I needed to stay away while I trained".

I hug her again and say. "I really did miss you mum and you too dad".

Ozpin: "I missed you too son. So how has the training been going for you?"

"I'm probably as strong as you are now. Oh right… I can tell you have a maiden under this school.

Glynda: "Wait how could you tell?"

Alduin: "Well the aura that flows from her is huge. I have now learnt the technique to sense aura meaning I can feel hers from way up here."

Glynda's eyes were wide open shocked at the fact you can sense the maiden that they have tried so hard to hide. Now to give her a bigger shock.

Alduin: "I have even seen her."

Now they both looked shocked wondering how you managed to see her.

Ozpin: "How did you manage to see her."

Alduin: Oh, like this.

I put back on my hood and mask then activate my suit making me disappear from their view. They start to freak out as it feels like my presence vanished off the face of remnant. Seeing their faces makes me chuckle a little bit.

Alduin: "It's okay I'm still here my outfit was designed to cloak me and my aura, so that I can't be sensed. To answer your question before you even ask dad, I went down when you did this morning. Though at that point I wasn't sure what was down there, but I could feel her power from up here so when you went down there I followed which lead to me figuring it out. I made this cloak while I was at Atlas helping James."

Ozpin: "Glynda it seems our boy has grown into a fine man. Now on to business I would like you to join beacon not just as a student but as a teacher. With you here I believe they will one respect you and two strive to be like you son."

Alduin: "What will I be teaching dad?"

Ozpin: "You will be helping Glynda with Combat class for the first years, I want you to be more of their sparring partner. I think it will be good for them if they spar with a true huntsman and one of their age. Plus, with your unique ever-changing fighting style it will make it difficult for them to adapt to you."

Alduin: "You okay with this mum? I don't want to intrude on your class."

Glynda: "It was I that suggested this as I also think it would be good for them and I get to see how good my son has become."

Alduin: "Actually I want to do the initiation test tomorrow, so I can show you how good I am and to also to show off to my future girls. Oh, can you make sure that you put a lure in the forest because I want to kill a fuck ton of Grimm tomorrow."

Ozpin: "Hehe I see so you just want a chance to show off then."

Alduin: "Yeah pretty much, just thought that if I added some other excuses it would seem like I actually wanted to teach them something. You should broadcast my initiation as there are a few people that I want show that I'm here."

Ozpin: "Okay then Alduin meet me at the cliff at 10 in the morning. Well here is a key for the room I set up for now go on and get some sleep."

I nod as I grab the key and turn towards the elevator to go to my room. Once I get there I could hear people in the other room arguing. I realize it's Weiss and Yang having an argument about Ruby being their leader. But I decide to ignore them for now and go to sleep. 'It was good seeing Oz and Glynda again I really did miss them.'

Nine am Ruby POV

My team and I were on our way to class when we hear Ozpin speak over the speakers.

Ozpin: "Today's schedule has changed as we have a new student that came late yesterday so I plan to have him run the initiation test at 10 am today, we will be broadcasting it throughout the four academies you can watch it live on your scroll or you can come to the stadium to watch it on the big screen. You all have the day off, but I suggest that the first years watch this person as a few of you might know who he is. Good day to you all.

Yang: "Did you guys hear that? A new student is here today!"

Weiss: "I don't care who he is, he was late so why should they let him run the initiation test."

Blake: "Maybe there is a reason why he was late, this would explain why he gets to run it today."

Ruby: "Weiss, Blake is right there must be some reason why they are letting him run it. Oh my god! I wonder what type of weapon he uses it probably something really cool."

Yang: "I just hope he is cute."

Weiss: "I still don't care so I'm going back to the room you guys coming."

Blake: "I guess I will go back and read till the broadcast starts."

Ruby: "I'm going to go to the stadium, so I can watch the broadcast on the big screen.

Yang: "I'll come with you little sis."

Ten am. Alduin POV

Here I am cloaked standing on the platform waiting for this show to get on the road. As I wait I hear Ozpin start to talk to the people watching.

Ozpin: "Welcome to the broadcast everyone. Today we have a special show for you today standing on this platform is someone that has become quite famous these last few years, as being the youngest huntsmen in history when he became a huntsman at the age of 10. Yes, here with us today is Reaper.

Same time Blake's POV

As I watch the broadcast I see the man that saved me a year ago appear on the platform, Reaper I can't believe he is here. I've missed him allot ever since he saved me and giving me a home, which made me feel welcome. 'I have to say thank you to him when I get the chance to talk to him next'. Then I see him get launched of the cliff and watch in anticipation.

Alduin POV

As I get launched I scan the area looking for the relics.

"I guess it's over there".

I position myself so that when I land I'll be standing. As I land I feel the ground collapse under my feet from the drop, making a crater 10 meters wide and 2 meters deep at the centre. Once I walk out of the crater I dust myself off and start heading towards my destination.

"I so should have done a superhero landing, but I guess it's too late now."

Yang POV

Ruby: "Wow! Yang did you see that he made a huge crater just from landing, that was just so cool I wonder what his weapon is."

While Ruby continued to talk I started think to myself. 'why does his outfit look so recognisable I don't get it, I guess I'll just continue to watch and see what happens.'

Alduin's POV

So where are these Grimm I wanted Oz to lure to me? I continue to walk towards the relics. After an hour of walking I made it to the temple. But when I get there allot of Grimm show up around the temple. They soon discover my presence turning around to start heading towards me. From what I can see there are around thirty Beowulf plus one Alpha, twenty Ursa six King Taijitu, six Death Stalkers and two nevermore.

"Come on then let's go."

I get in my stance ready for them to make a move first. One of the Ursa charge me, I charge my arm back once it gets close enough I swing my arm delivering a right hook to the top of its head, punching the Ursa into the ground making a small crater where its head landed. Few seconds latter it disappears into a cloud of black smoke signifying that it has died.

"One down"

Five Beowulf's then charge toward me. I axe kick the one closest to me then use the momentum of the kick to flip forward and axe kicking the second one into the ground. The others then stop and look at each other and then at their pack. All twenty-seven decide to charge at me while the Alpha stays back.

"I guess it's time to use my weapon this will be fun".

I pull out my weapon and it transforms into a nine-foot long blue and black double ended scythe, that has four blades, two at each end. As the group draws near I start spinning my scythe like one would a bow staff as well as flipping in the air a few times, slicing any Grimm that got within range of the blades. After about a minute of that all the Beowulf's were dead, the alpha backed up a bit then the Ursa and the king taijitu charged me and met the same fate as the Beowulf's.

"Well this is easy. But it's a good show for the audience I guess."

The death stalkers start to move forward I then charge forward at such a speed I create a sonic boom.

I slice the first death stalker in half, then one of the death stalkers tried to use its tail to kill me. I grab it with one hand I start swinging it around the toss it up into the air hitting one of the Nevermore's I then throw my scythe at the Nevermore and the death stalker slicing both in half. The last four death stalkers charge all at me once. Getting bored of them doing the same thing over and over, I decide to end this quickly by shooting out purple lighting at them killing them instantly.

I turn to leave when I notice the alpha Beowulf looking at the ground, I move from my position suddenly appearing in front of it. I watch it cower in front of me, so I put my hand out in front of it.

"Would you like to be my pet?"

It looks at my hand for a moment and moves forward. I start petting it then look at the Nevermore currently flying in the air, it then looks at me then slowly flies down and lands in front of me with its head down. I walk to it and start petting its head as well.

"You guys can tell I'm not like the others, can't you?"

They nod their heads in response to my question.

"Okay then you can follow me and be part of my family but do not attack people unless I say too or… I will kill you".

They nod again, I then walk towards the relics and pick the golden king piece. I hop on the Nevermore and tell it to fly back to beacon, as we take off I look down to see the alpha running behind us. Once I get back to beacon I give Oz the chess piece.

Ozpin: "Well there you have it everyone. Reaper has just past the test with amazing skill and power as of now he will be a classmate of yours so treat him well as I know he will treat you well.

Ozpin then turns to me with a smile on his face. While Glynda walks to me cautiously looking at the Nevermore and the Alpha standing behind me.

Ozpin: "So, Alduin what about these Grimm?"

Alduin: "They are now loyal to me. They can tell I'm not human and don't wish to attack me. I am their new master. I just need to name them.

The Beowulf then walks to me and nuzzles the side of my face. I pet it as it does so then I came up with a name.

Alduin: I think I'll call you Luna.

Glynda: "Why Luna? how can you tell it's a female?"

Alduin: Do you think a male would act this cute? No, and if it was a male it would still be a little aggressive. And why Luna... well that's because she is like a puppy and Luna is a beautiful name for a girl dog.

Ozpin: "Those are valid points you just made then. What about the giant Nevermore behind you?"

Alduin: "Hmm… Tiffany, I think I'll call her Tiffany."

I walk up to her and start patting her. As I do Ozpin chuckles a bit as he drinks his coffee.

Ozpin: "Okay then so why Tiffany?"

Alduin: "Well that's mostly for my amusement. Just imagine it, I call Tiffany over, so I can introduce her people they would think it's a dog or something but its fucking Nevermore. Their faces are going to be amazing."

I start to laugh hard just thinking about it. I walk back to them still laughing. I then turn to look at my new pets.

Alduin: Luna, Tiffany go wait outside the window of my room till I get back just follow my scent to find my room. That shouldn't be too hard for you two right.

They nod as Oz, Glynda and I head to his office.

Same time Yang POV

I stood their wide eyed and zoned out after seeing that weapon. I can't believe it, after almost ten years he is here. I need to see him and talk to him. I missed him so damn much that idiot, why didn't he come back?

Sure, we got mail from him, but never a visit. I then hear Ruby freaking out about something.

Yang: "Ruby calm down, what's wrong?"

Ruby: "That was so awesome he was like... Boom! Then they were like ROAR! Then he sliced a Nevermore in half with his awesome scythe. That's one of the coolest weapons I've ever seen."

Yang: "Wait Ruby you don't remember that weapon."

Ruby: "No why would I? I've never met Reaper before."

Yang: "I guess you were just too young to remember it. Come on then let's go."

We then headed to our dorm room. Once we got there we heard professor Ozpin talk to us over the speakers.

Ozpin: "Can miss Xiao Long and miss Belladonna please report to my office asap."

I look at Blake with a confused look on my face.

Yang: "Blake, do you have any idea what he could want?"

Blake: "No I don't, but I guess we should go then."

So, Blake and I then head towards Ozpin's office. We didn't really talk on the way there. Once we stepped out of the elevator we see Ozpin sitting at his desk drinking coffee while Glynda stands beside him. We continue to walk to his desk as he starts talking.

Ozpin: "Hello ladies, did you enjoy the show today?"

Both: "Hello professor Ozpin. Yes, professor we did

Ozpin: "Good because that's actually why I called you two here. I know you two personally know who our new student is, he is very excited to see you both again. Alduin you can show yourself now."

I then get taped on the shoulder which scares the crap out of me. I turn around and punch the thing behind me, sending it flying into the wall near the elevator.

Alduin: "Ow... love you to Yang. First thing you do to me in ten years is punch me into a damn wall. Although that was one hell of a punch."

He gets out of the wall and walks over to us. I notice Blake laugh a bit at his attitude to what I did to him.

Yang: "Well don't just sneak up on people like that. You scared the aura out of me."

Alduin: "Yes that I did but you punched me into a wall, my little firecracker. Still the same old you, punch first ask questions later. And now look at you I can see why they call you the blond bombshell you are beautiful.

I blush hard as my face turns as red as Ruby's cape. He walks up to me grabs one of my hands and kisses it gently, making me blush even harder. He then pulls me into a hug which I return. When he pulls away he walks towards Blake who is already blushing and starts talking to her.

Alduin: "And you my iddy biddy little kitty how have you been this past year."

He says while kisses her hand as well making me feel a little bit jealous of her.

Blake: "I've been good Reaper. Thank you for saving me back then, also for getting Ozpin to let me stay here till I joined beacon."

Alduin: "Awe… you are being all shy and adorable, you have gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw you too. I have truly missed both of you and I'm sorry Yang for never coming back even to just stay for a night but if I did I wouldn't have wanted to leave."

Yang: "I'll forgive you this time because I get to see you allot now since you're now a student here."

Ozpin: "Speaking of which I think it's time to tell them your story now Alduin. You can take your cloak off now, so they can see what you look like."

Hey there guys. i'm sorry that this took so long to get uploaded but i am doing a business course so i have to do that first and secondly while i edit these chapters I'm also adding things to the story. when i started this chapter was 3245 words long but now it's 3698 so i ended adding 400+ words to the story for you guy. but thanks for the support guy i really appreciate it.

Azuredemoncreators' thoughts