
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Flag!

"Haha! I did have a hunch you were hiding something but I didn't expect to confirm it this fast!" Dina paused for a moment before continuing, "I will get straight to it, The army wants to use whatever power you have! With storage, you can work as a spy or smuggler for them, having a second ability will just increase your range of action and value!"

"How did you know?" Simon questioned.

"Didn't you know? When you showed me your storage ability, your eyes were glowing faint blue indicating the use of blue mana. But during our first encounter and also in the training sessions your eyes were red indicating the use of red mana! At the start, I just thought my eyes were deceiving me but I guess I was right!"

Dina smirked as she has caught something big.

"I didn't..."

"Using two abilities from the same type of mana is possible as the Esper can do that, but using two different types of mana is unheard of!" Dina explained.

This has sparked a new list of problems for him. It meant he can't use his power carelessly, Otherwise, he will be caught!

Simon didn't intend to fully join the military, his main was finding what happened in his village! As long as that isn't resolved he won't let himself be tied!

"Don't worry, The military wants to win people! Forcing them will just mean they will betray us later! I will keep your secret until you want it revealed!" Dina assured him.

"How can I trust you? Your just a sergeant, can you really go against the army?" Simon asked, doubting what Dina had said.

"Since I know you have two abilities I will tell you this, a sergeant is just a rank I'm working with at the time!"

"What do you mean?"

"Figure it yourself, What was that girl's name again? I will deal with her!" Dina changed the subject, Simon noticed that but chose to not prey further.

"Mary Volta." Simon reminded her, "Ok, I will deal with this quickly, you go about your day!" Dina said as she closed the call.

Still anxious about what might happen, Simon joined Hary as they went to the training ground.

This was morning training that is done before the students could grab breakfast, It was harsh at the start but they will soon get used to it. The sun has just risen, the morning dew was still fresh and cold.

The students were ordered to stand in a formation awaiting orders, a teacher seemed to inspect them to see if anyone didn't wear his uniform properly, this was apparently only done in the first few days as it was a trick used by the teacher to give student more time to fully wake up!

As the teacher was inspecting them, some students were sneaking into the formation from behind, it was those who didn't make it in time.

"Good, we will stop the inspection here today!" The teacher as he has already wasted close to 15 min, 'I have given them a quarter of an hour, if they didn't make it in time it's on them!' the teacher thought as he looked at the dorm door, Simon looked there as well, following the teacher's eyes.

"Now, we have separated you into groups..." The teacher started explaining what is morning training and how they are going to do it.

Simon just kept yawning and he eventually got yelled at, 'My day keep getting worse and worse!'

The first was light jogging, It was a fairly simple training and a thing that all the students who managed to run 10 in under an hour should be able to handle.

Followed by some warm-up and obstacle race that had them jump and crawl everywhere.

Simon couldn't help but noticed some were using abilities as well!

Having an ability means you only know one spell, but you have it maxed out.

Being able to use magic means you know multiple spells, you're a person who studies the fundamentals of magic and take it to the limit.

Simon imagined them as warriors and mages in games, each having supernatural power but not to the same extent!

After the training, the student heard one awful order but no one complained as the majority seemed to understand what was meant by it.

"You bunker was attacked as you were sleeping, All the supplies were destroyed and you have to move to another bunker to resupply! We still have an hour before breakfast is ready until you reach the canteen!

This was a scenario that might happen in a real war, as soldiers no one dared to complain and they all started to run, the teacher followed them on a jeep.

To people using abilities, this was easy they haven't really exhausted themselves, the ones who were struggling were ordinary people! Hary as a one was hardly able to breathe, without food he can't seem to have energy. exhaustion can be seen in his dried-up face.

After a few minutes, the student reached an area where the flags were flapping.

"The flag of our beloved country, It has been abandoned on the battlefield!" The voice came from the jeep, it was the teacher in charge.

"Bring me the flag and you will be given a ride until the end!"

This has sparked a new flame in the first-year student, they could skip this whole thing? Of course, it wasn't that easy, the poles were long and smooth, climbing them was nearly impossible. The teacher intended for this to just be a lesson for the student, Not wasting energy on a hope that is clearly impossible to get!

Those with abilities totally ignored the flags and kept heading toward the canteen, who needs a ride when you can just fly? glide? or have people carrying you already?

Seeing how many people were swarming on the poles, Simon thought it was possible for him to climb it using his immense grip strength but that will make him stand out so ignored them and just kept on running!

Seeing Simon's action a teacher smirked, 'At least we have one with a decent mind!'

The teachers waited but no one managed to get the flags, they eventually all left, and the teacher was about to follow them.

"Wait, there is still one!" A teacher shouted, she saw the vague figure of a student running in the distance. It was Hary.

Almost walking with his young out, sweating as if he was in a sauna. Hary was pushing ahead toward the poles and looked as if he was about to collapse at any moment.

The world was spinning around him, being out of breath, he felt sick. His knees were heavy and his mouth dry. each time he breathed he felt as if he smelled his own blood. Hary's body was about to give up and collapse.

He feels under the pole, with almost dead eyes he inspected it.

It was a long rod that was bolted down to a metal plate on the ground, there didn't seem to be a rope to raise the flag with! The flag being clean was what bugged Hary the most.

'They must have hanged it this morning!' Hary thought as he stared at the bolts at the pole base.

The teachers were wondering if they should call help before they noticed Hary taking off his belt!

"What is he going to do?"

Using his belt's prong, Hary loosened the bolts, after a few seconds the pole have fallen to the ground with a loud crashing noise.

Hardly able to walk, he grabbed the flag! Slowly walking to the jeep, he opened the door without even looking at the teacher, Hary collapsed the moment he sat inside.

The one to reach the canteen first that day was Hary, the teacher that was driving got hyped up as he saw Hary drop the pole. The moment Hary got into the jeep the teacher screamed, "I'm going to get this boy the first place!" Driving as fast as he could

This story is still going because the readers support it with power stones. As am still a student and work a part-time job, I hardly have time to write...Seeing that support makes me want to push further!

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