
Dragon God of Chaos

HolyCentaur · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The Wolf Town, Bloodwolf

'When the one with the metallic hued hair and ocean blue eyes descends, the world will be in his palms, if treated nicely you can lead a life comparable to kings, but if angered, will die a death which none don't dare even describe' it was a old saying passed down by the elders of wolf village.

Nobody naturally cared about it, as it was just a saying. A saying always remains a saying, which seldom come true. But that was only until today.


As they slowly neared the village, Dior looked around the village, which was like any other ordinary village on Earth (Like of the middle ages). But what piqued his curiosity were the buildings the material with which the buildings were built.

Every building was like a replica of the other, excluding the huge ass mansion in the middle of town. It was quite obviously the house of the head of the town.

As he continued walking towards the mansion, all the wolfs bowed down to him. Some looked shocked, some surprised, some had eyes shining in reverence. He was confused, but soon, got used to it.

He entered the mansion and sat at the most luxurious looking seat, without asking anybody.

Everybody was stunned at his arrogance.

He sat and was going through the system and opened his inventory, as there was still time before the head came to greet him.

<Ding! Does the host want to claim the rewards right now>


'Yes' Dior spoke mentally. (Yes he could operate the system in the mind, otherwise the others would have taken him as a mad person for chatting with the air).

<Ding! Host has begun to absorb all the rewards, and will be put in a sleeping mode>

'Nooooooooooo…' was the last the last thing he could think of before dozing back to sleep.


———-Zara POV———

I am Zara Adalwulf. I am the daughter of chieftain of the Bloodwolf tribe. We were werewolfs. We had always been the overlords of the northern part of the forest.

But today we felt a instinctive fear, as if telling us that we would be hunted to last one if we do not leave this place immediately. Chaos struck around the village. We managed to calm it down after a couple of hours, but there was still tension among the people, until suddenly a messenger came to my place.

He told me that father had called all his children to the mansion, to come immediately.

I was tensed up, what was so important that he called all his children so suddenly? what had the power of threatening the existence of the tribe?

Various thoughts were coursing through my head as raced to the mansion in my werewolf form. As I reached the room where the important meetings were held, I saw my father seating where normal people sat, and some other person sat in my fathers place.

I wanted to shout, but my father raised his hand signalling me to stop. I looked at him again. My heart skipped a beat, He was very handsome. He could make my heart skip a beat even when the most handsome person in the wolf community couldn't make me put them in my eyes. As I slowly sat down opposite my father, near him, my siblings slowly came.