
Dragon God of Chaos

HolyCentaur · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chieftain Of the Bloodwolf Tribe

"Hmm.. dad who is this person? Aaaannnddd.... can you please tell me the reason as to why a person such as yourself has to give up his seat?" A young man in around his 20s, with long tied up black hair, an handsome face (not as much as the mc) similar to that of the chieftain said with a smirk looking at the chieftain.

The young man was naturally the son of the chieftain. His name was Theo Adalwolf. He was the second in command of the tribe, the first naturally being his father of course. He wielded considerable power within the tribe.

Zara couldn't take it that her father was mocked at, by his own son at such an important meeting and glared at him.

In between all this, Dior had long gotten up, but stayed like that for some time to observe his surroundings. To his surprise he could see everything around him in a radius of 10 km. He then got up staring at the people around him.

___________Chieftain POV___________

I am chieftain of this tribe of werewolfs who rule the northern parts of the forest. We were natural rulers. Most beasts do not even dare to resist when we decide to hunt them, we could suppress most beasts with just our bloodline superiority.

But today, a strange thing happened. I felt fear. I who fought numerous battles just to claim this position as chieftain of the tribe was afraid.

I sent some of some of the best elite werewolfs of our tribe to check the source of the fear. I soon got news that the werewolfs came in contact with a beast that they didn't dare to fight. I was shocked.

I asked them personally and soon came to know that the beast was actually a DRAGON. It was actually a freaking DRAGON!!!!

Dragons were supposed to be only mythological beings. But here was one right in my village.

I heard that he had gone to area where the meetings were held. I sped in towards the meeting hall.

I didn't want to piss off the dragon, as who knows what the dragon will do? First of all, if one read any mythological tale relating to the dragons, one thing that they would know is that they have immense pride, and arrogance, excluding very few dragons, which in some tales were friendly with others.

But who knew about this dragon? As I reached the hall, I calmed myself down. I slowly opened the door. I was dumbstruck by what I saw.

He was the most handsome person I had ever seen (I'm not gay).

He was sleeping. I didn't want to disturb him. So I sat near him, ignoring the fact that he sat in my seat. I could feel it. If he wanted to he could kill me thousand times over in a second.

Soon my children came, as I sent my message to them so that they can greet him, if possible please him.