
Dragon Fighter

Very many enormous amount of very!! Can he unvery vertical?? Practically animal yell... Us, you, free, us, dragon.

trashenrose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

wolf bjte - 2

Gran opened his eyes and inhaled deeply, the cool air filling his lungs and helping him to clear his head. He sat up and slowly came to realize his new surroundings. He was in the middle of the forest, surrounded by tall trees and vibrant flowers. What had happened back in the cave felt like a distant memory.

He felt a sense of peace and a strange comfort as he sat in the shade of a tree. As he reflected on his experience, he realized that something felt off within himself, as if something important had been lost, or replaced, but he couldn't quite figure out what.

Determined to find a cure, Gran set out in search of ingredients that could help him overcome his tainted heart. As he walked through the lush forests and rolling hills of the land, he gathered herbs and plants and anything else that looked like it could be of use.

After a few weeks of searching, Gran had gathered quite a collection, but he wasn't sure if it was everything he needed. As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder to himself why he needed a cure, and what had happened to him to cause his heart to become tainted in the first place.

After some research and trial and error, Gran discovered a recipe that he felt might help him cure his tainted heart.


- 13 leaves of the flower of healing

- Two drops of the blood of life

- The tears of a star

- The wing of a butterfly with a broken heart

- A dash of courage

- A sprinkle of hope

In search of the 13 leaves of the flower of healing, Gran explored every corner of the land, seeking out those who might know the location of this rare and mysterious plant. He questioned the local villagers, traded with travelers, and even consulted the wisest of the wise.

After much searching and asking around, Gran eventually found the location of the coveted flower. It grew in a hidden grove tucked away in a place known only to a select few. With determination and hope, he made his way to the grove and carefully gathered the leaves he needed for the cure.

As Gran reached for the final leaf and placed it in his basket, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud rustling in the bushes. He quickly turned around to find himself face to face with a fierce wolf that had appeared out of nowhere.

The wolf let out a low growl and started to circle him, getting closer and closer with each step. As Gran stepped back, his mind filled with fear and anxiety. He held up the basket to protect himself, but the wolf continued to close in on him.

Suddenly, the wolf burst forward and lunged at Gran, snapping and growling viciously.

As the wolf sunk its sharp teeth into Gran's arm and tore away a chunk of flesh, a wave of pain and fear swept over him.

Despite his injury, Gran managed to run away from the wolf and put some distance between them. His arm was bleeding profusely and he could feel his strength draining, but he had to push through it and keep going. If he didn't make it in time and get the cure, there was no telling if he'd manage to survive the tainted heart.