
Dragon Fighter

Very many enormous amount of very!! Can he unvery vertical?? Practically animal yell... Us, you, free, us, dragon.

trashenrose · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Dpa return - 4

Gran took a few cautious steps towards the movement. As he got closer, he could make out a figure kneeling next to a small pool of water. It was Dpa!

Gran was overjoyed to see him, and quickly ran towards Dpa. As he neared the figure, he noticed a faint glimmer in the water, and suddenly he realized what it was - the drops of life that he had been searching for.

Gran was so relieved that his quest had led him to a positive ending. He kneeled down by the pool of water and reached out his wounded hand.

As Gran reached his hand towards the drops of life, Dpa looked at him and his expression changed. He no longer looked like the peaceful and patient boy he once was, but now he looked cold and hateful.

Gran looked at Dpa with confusion, not understanding what had provoked such a change in his demeanor. Dpa continued to stare at him with a hostile look in his eyes, and Gran felt a growing sense of unease as the tension built.

"Come on, Dpa. Help me," Gran begged, "I need the drops of life to make the cure."

In a surprising twist, Dpa handed the drops of life to Gran with a smile on his face. It appeared that he had been playing a game of wits with Gran, and now that Gran had passed his test, it seemed that Dpa would help him after all.

Gran took a moment to appreciate the small bottle containing the drops of life. He knew that with these, he would finally be able to cure his tainted heart. With his goal now in sight, Gran felt a surge of hope and determination coursing through his veins.

As Dpa turned and walked away, he uttered his final words to Gran, hinting at their inevitable reunion and the next ingredient needed for the cure.

Gran took a moment to reflect on the events that had just unfolded before him. He couldn't believe that he had found the drops of life and that with this, he only needed one more ingredient to make the cure. He knew that he would find his way and that with Dpa's help, he would be one step closer to ridding himself of the tainted heart.

With the vital drops of life in hand, Gran felt energized and excited at the prospect of being one step closer to curing his tainted heart. The next ingredient on his list was the tears of the star, so he set out in search of the mysterious liquid.

As he searched, Gran felt a mixture of anticipation and nervousness wash over him. He knew that the star's tears could be anywhere, but he knew that he would find it and that as soon as he did, the cure would soon be within his grasp.

As Gran walked through the forest, he noticed a strange glimmer in the distance and decided to investigate. As he drew closer, the glimmer became clearer and revealed itself to be a set of rainbow stairs leading upwards.

Gran was filled with curiosity, and he couldn't resist the urge to know where the stairs led. With a sense of adventure and hope, he started to climb the stairs and followed the dazzling lights.

As Gran stepped onto the top of the stairs, he looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow arching over him. As he gazed at the vibrant colors and took in the scenery, a sense of peace and calm washed over him.

But suddenly, as he stood there and admired the rainbow's presence, he noticed that it was beginning to fade. The once vibrant colors of the rainbow had started to vanish into the sky, and Gran was filled with a sense of urgency. He knew that he needed to collect the star's tears as quickly as possible before the rainbow had disappeared completely.