
Chapter 21

After being reincarnated William had realised it very soon that there was something fundamentally wrong with him. Why? Because he had fallen in love with his own mother. His mind told him that it was wrong to like his own mother but his heart didn't agree at all. He had been thinking every day about how to confess his love to her and not get rejected, but he still hadn't found a good solution.

But meeting Louise, Kirche, Tabitha, and Henrietta, made him realise that he was even more broken than he had initially thought. He loved them all from the bottom of his heart. That wouldn't be much of a problem but we should realize that how difficult it was to truly love even a single person wholeheartedly.

After some introspection, William came to a realization that because of the very intimate relationship with loneliness in his past life he was continuously seeking trustworthy companions and human warmth. He was trying to surround himself so tightly so that the coldness of loneliness couldn't ever come near him again.

Although it wouldn't be a problem right now but it would become a real shit storm real fast if he didn't control his urges for a humongous harem. He had decided that he would talk to Claudia and others about it in a couple of years, maybe they would have something to help him. That was the only way he could think of.

Still, he was still very thankful to someone out there who let him go to a world where polygamy was normal. If not, he wouldn't know how to keep all of the girls and himself happy as he didn't want to choose one over the other.

While thinking about stupidly serious stuff like this he was waiting for all his companions to arrive so that he could go back to Claudia. They didn't take long and everyone had come by the time three hours expired.

"Okay guys, are you prepared?" William asked everyone present in an upbeat manner.

"Yeah(Yes, Hurry!, Nod)." Four completely different responses greeted William at the same time.

'Saphira, I want to use the summon responder token to go back.'

(*Ding* William I will give you a short warning. After you back, the time passage of both worlds will synchronize due to the presence of a marker and the Dragon farm. Are you sure you want to go back?)

'I mean its a shame that I'm completely wasting more than 4 years of precious time but I want Claudia's hug ASAP!'

(*Ding* I know Will. That is why I didn't warn you before. Right now it was more like a formality. Quickly hold everyone's hand, I will start the reverse summoning procedure soon.)

William swiftly grabbed each girl's palm in his palms and they vanished without a sound from their current world. All of them quickly appeared in his lavish bedroom in a flash. For them, even a moment in time hadn't even passed, but only God knows how much they spent travelling between the void connecting both worlds.

All of the girls were curiously looking around the fairly large bedroom. All of the furniture present in the room had been handcrafted by famous artisans. The contrast due to the use of hickory and redwood made the room appear even more charming. A beautiful chandelier with gold linings was softly lighting up every corner of the room.

But before they could regain their bearings and question William about this new place, Sophia appeared with her usual pop.

"Oh! It is just young master and some girls, and here I was thinking what kind of stupid thing had the gall to intrude in this house. By the way, young master you are still too young to bring girls to the house. I will need to inform mistress about this immediately."

William gave a wry smile and said, "Sophia, can you please not make my every action seem perverted or weird? They are my new friends, though you are right about Henrietta and Kirche. Oh, and we are all very hungry so I will have to trouble you to whip up something nice for us. Also, If my mother is awake, could you ask her to come to the dining room."

As everyone walked out of the bedroom the quartet was again surprised by the lavish style of what seemed to be a very huge mansion. They had all assumed that William was a peasant because he had never used magic in front of them, and the carefree manner in which he interacted with them was completely opposite of how a noble child behaved. The misunderstanding was also bolstered by the fact that he was very vocal about his hate for some of the nobles. And he had also never stopped anyone from referring to him as a peasant too.

Louise gave him a quick jab to grab his attention and fiercely whispered, "I thought that you were a peasant. What's all this?"

William was very confused about this completely out of the blue question but after looking at the quartet's stunned but curious expression he realised what they were getting at. He gave a shrug and replied, "My mother's pretty rich. She has a very huge company. Its a nation-wide store with a few international branches in the planning stage. Well, my mother is also a magician and she belongs to a pure-blood wizard family, so she is an aristocrat in a sense too."

It seemed like Sophia had heard their discussion and without even turning back she said in a curt manner, "I would refrain from calling young master a peasant in front of the mistress. She loves young master very much and she wouldn't take kindly to someone insulting him."

"Ah, don't be so stiff Sophia. They are my friends, they didn't mean it in a bad way."

This prompted four different degrees of nods.

"You know that its true young master. You should be well aware of how she will react when she sees four beautiful and young girls coming to spend the night. It will make matters worse if she hears them saying bad things about you."

"She isn't that ba-..on a second thought, things MIGHT get out of hands. My mother is really overprotective about some weird things." William paused for a bit to think about it, gave a shrug and continued, "I will be able to handle it. She would be a little angry about the unannounced visit but nothing more."

"What are you talking about darling? It seems so suspicious." Kirche's smoky voice sounded near William's ear.

"Nothing much. Even I don't completely understand my mother. You will automatically know it after you meet her."

They quickly arrived at their destination and everyone took a seat. Seeing that all of his friends except Tabitha were tense he said, "Don't worry. My mother acts like a good noble most of the time so you guys won't have any problem talking with her. Though she can be a little scary sometimes but-"

"Ara ara, William haven't I taught you not to talk bad about someone behind their back?"

"Mother I knew you were there, so I started talking about your bad habits."

Claudia couldn't help but puff her cheeks in anger at such an obvious disregard of her authority as a mother. She sat at the 'head of the house' position on the dining table and started muttering with just enough loudness so that no one could hear it. Unfortunately, William completely missed the glassy looks of a budding yandere in her eyes.

"My little baby has entered into the rebellious phase so early. He is not even a teenager yet. First talks about killing people. Now, he is bringing girls and talking back to me. If this goes on anymore I will not be able to stop him from going the wrong path. No, this can't continue anymore. I must do something. Yes, I will tie him up and lock him in my bedroom. We can always be together and I can keep an eye on him. Not only that, no other dirty bitch will be able to steal him from me. Yes, this seems-"

"Mother, mother"

"Ah yes, William did you need anything?"

"I just introduced my friends to you, mother. Could you also introduce yourself so that we can continue with the dinner."

Claudia gave a warm and soft smile and said, "I was just thinking about ways to make their experience better. It seems like I missed the introductions. Sorry girls. As you know, I'm William's mother. You can call me Claudia or Miss Walker, whichever you prefer."

Henrietta stood up and gave her a bow and said, "Hello, Miss Walker. I'm Henrietta and I'm a friend of William."

Next Louise tried to introduce herself but Kirche snatched her position.

"Hello, Miss Walker! I'm darling's very close friend. I hope we can get to know each other better."

Claudia gave a short and sweet laugh and said, "Thanks for taking care of my son. He doesn't really talk to people much and I was a little worried about his future. But with your presence, I'm a little relieved."

'Bitch I will never let you have my baby. It was so good that he never talks to others much, I could slowly make him mine. But no. Somehow four beautiful girls popped out of nowhere. Seems like I need to speed up my plans.'

Seeing Claudia's reaction Henrietta couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Kirche, as she wasn't confident enough to reveal her relationship with William. She wanted to take things slow, make Claudia like her and then ask for William's hand in marriage. It was a perfect plan, Alas! no one knew the inner workings of Claudia's mind.

Louise wanted to introduce herself again but before she could fix her robe and start her perfect intro, Tabitha started her introduction.

"Tabitha. Friends with William."

Louise was trying very hard to conceal her irritation at this point but her negativity was leaking a little bit. When everyone focused their attention on her she gave a short cough and said, "I'm William's master. I summoned him to my world and contracted him as my familiar."

As soon as Claudia heard the words 'master' it felt like a nuclear explosion had happened within her mind, and William gave his forehead a good slap - he should have warned her not to say that she is his master.

Soon the room's temperature started and Claudia's magic was on the verge of going berserk. She looked at William.

"Son, is this girl bullying you? Tell mommy, mommy will take care of it. No need to be afraid. Tell me what she has done to you and mommy will decide a good punishment for her."

William regretted becoming so strong - it was really hard to make yourself faint by hitting a wall when you faced some serious shity situation.

(AN: Still ill but feeling a little better. Thought that I might type something for you guys.)